Assessment of the exam and exam in mathematics in 2020

Assessment of the exam and exam in mathematics in 2020

Graduates of grades 9 and 11 have a difficult test ahead of them - final exams and we propose to talk about how the examination work will be assessed at the exam and the exam in mathematics in 2020.

Mathematics is one of the most important subjects of the school curriculum, because when studying algebra and geometry, not only are such skills necessary for each person to perform various calculations acquired, but logical thinking, memory, and spatial perception of objects develop. The presence of knowledge at the level of the profile exam in mathematics is the main condition for many popular areas, including a variety of engineering specialties, economics, as well as computer sciences that are popular today.

OGE 2020

All graduates of grade 9 in the 2019-2020 academic year will have to pass the required math exam. At the same time, the result of the OGE will have a direct impact on the mark of the certificate, and will also be taken into account when forming lists in profile classes or submitting documents to colleges of the corresponding profile.

How is the OGE in mathematics estimated in 2020


On the FIPI website, promising OGE models of 2020 in mathematics are already available and it is possible to say with a high degree of probability which innovations will affect the exam this year, and how they will carry out the assessment.

Of the main changes, it is worth noting:

  • the lack of a clear division into blocks "algebra" and "geometry", although in KIMs, as before, tasks from different fields are presented;
  • reduction of the test part (instead of 20 tasks, now 1 part of the KIM will contain only 17 tests);
  • adding to 2 parts of tasks on the topics of "probability theory" and "number theory".

All changes were made taking into account the GEF program and maintaining continuity between the KIMs of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination.

The following principles will remain unchanged:

  1. 235 minutes are allotted to complete the work;
  2. OGE pass in the walls of their own school;
  3. it is allowed to use reference materials provided with KIM, as well as rulers, a square and templates for representing geometric figures.


The structure of the new OGE in mathematics will be as follows:


Number of tasks

Maximum points










Moreover, the fulfillment of the tasks of the 2nd part is evaluated depending on the complexity:

  • from 18 to 20 - 2 bp .;
  • from 21 to 23 - 3 b ..

Each independent exam paper in mathematics in 2020 will be checked by two independent experts, but if their assessment is significantly different or the opinions of experts do not agree in 2 or more tasks, the work will be directed to the third expert. The final decision in this case is made by the third specialist, who double-checks all the tasks of the 2nd part.

How to check and evaluate in 2020 the OGE in mathematics

The OGE result in mathematics will be translated into an assessment on an appropriate scale, which in 2020 will have the following gradation:






OGE result





Thus, in order to receive a certificate of education for a 9th grade graduate, it is enough to score a minimum of 8 test points.

For admission to the lyceum or profile class, of course, you will have to try and pass the exam much better. Recommended minimum points depending on the chosen profile in 2020 will be as follows:

  • economics - 18;
  • natural sciences - 18;
  • physics, mathematics, computer science - 19.


If, according to the results of the test, the ninth grader scored less than 8 test points at the OGE in mathematics, the result is considered unsatisfactory.

In 2020, the guys, whose first attempt was unsuccessful for any reason, will get a second (and even third) chance. If the reason is not a complete lack of knowledge on the subject, then it will be possible to retake the mathematics almost immediately, on specially designated reserve days. If the student needs more time to prepare or if he cannot come for a retake at the beginning of summer, then another chance will be given to correct the situation in September.

Important! The right to retake is granted only to those graduates who have shown an unsatisfactory result in 1 or 2 subjects. If there are more failures, it will be possible to retake the Unified State Examination only for the next year, having more thoroughly prepared for exams (at school or with tutors).

Minimum scores and retake OGE 2020 in mathematics

USE 2020

While the majority of ninth-graders perceive the OGE as a rehearsal of the most important event in their life, then in the 11th grade the exam in mathematics is an important step that can radically change the vector of further education.

In 2020, graduates can take the Unified State Exam in Mathematics at their request in one of two formats:

  • a basic level of - suitable only as a compulsory education certificate;
  • profile level - for admission to various universities of Russia, indicating mathematics among the required certificates.

Basic and specialized mathematics at the USE 2020

A basic level of

The basic level math exam will include 20 test items covering the main blocks studied as part of the school curriculum:

  • algebra;
  • geometry;
  • equations and inequalities;
  • function
  • beginning of mathematical analysis;
  • combinatorics;
  • statistics;
  • probability theory.

180 minutes are allotted to complete the work, and all tasks in KIM belong to the basic level of complexity.

Assessment of the Unified State Examination 2020 in mathematics of profile and basic levels

The principle according to which the assessment of the unified state examination in basic mathematics will take place in 2020 is as simple as possible - for each completed task 1 test point is awarded. Accordingly, having completed all 20 tasks, the graduate can get 20 test points, which corresponds to a 100-point result of the exam.

Profile level

With mathematics of a profile level, everything is much more complicated, because this exam is usually passed by children who plan to connect their lives with physics, economics, engineering or computer technology, where you can’t do without good thorough knowledge of the subject.

KIM profile level consists of two parts:


Number of tasks

Maximum points










Thus, for completing the 1st (test) part, the graduate can score 25% of the points, and the remaining 75% falls on the 2nd (practical) part, in which there are tasks of increased (9-17) and high difficulty level (18, nineteen).

Like KIM itself, the assessment of the exam in mathematics in 2020 consists of two parts:

  • automated verification of the 1st test part;
  • verification of the 2nd part by independent experts.

Since the tests will be digitized and verified using a special automated system, it is extremely important to fill out the form correctly. Claims for the quality of automatic verification are not considered. It is believed that if the system did not count the answer, by default the examiner is to blame, who has filled out the form incorrectly.

Assessment exam in mathematics

The second part of the work is verified by two independent experts based on clear criteria developed by the FIPI. For each of the tasks, experts are provided with a list of points for which points are awarded. Also, a list of errors is clearly defined, upon detection of which points are not awarded or are partially awarded. The expert does not add anything from himself, therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the assessments of two different reviewers agree.If, when counting, a significant discrepancy is found in the opinions of experts, the work is checked a third time.

When checking work, the graduate is credited with “test scores” (maximum 32), and then the result is transferred to the final certificate score (on a scale from 0 to 100).

Although officially there is no concept of “translating the exam result in mathematics into assessment”, there is an approximate identification scale:






Examination certificate score




65 and more

Thus, to obtain a certificate for an 11th grader it is enough to score 27 points. But graduates who dream of a budget place in one of the country's quoted universities should focus on the 95+ mark.


As in the case of the exam, the exam participants in 2020 will be given the opportunity to retake the exam. This can be done twice: on the reserve day of its session and in September 2020.

There are a number of reasons why a graduate may be retaking:

  • unsatisfactory result;
  • absence for a good reason at the main exam;
  • annulment of the results of all who were in the audience (not through the fault of the graduate);
  • unfinished work (for health reasons or other good reason).

Important! Retake in 2020 will not be able to those who "fail" 2 or more exams, will be caught cheating or removed from the audience for poor behavior.

Who will not be able to retake the exam in mathematics in 2020

If it turns out that the tasks of the profile level are too complicated for the graduate, then at the retake, he can choose the exam in basic mathematics, regardless of what level he passed for the first time. Of course, in this case, he will lose the opportunity to enter the university for the desired specialty, but he will be able to receive a document on education.

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