Grade 5 items in 2019-2020

Grade 5 items in 2019-2020

All exams for the 4th grade have been passed, and your child has successfully completed elementary school - it's time to find out what compulsory subjects the child will study in the 5th grade and what additional courses the school students can offer in the 2019-2020 school year.

Federal Basic Curriculum

All educational institutions of the Russian Federation draw up their work plans, based on an approximate (basic) plan developed by the Ministry of Education and Science. This document clearly spells out the list of subjects and the number of hours allocated for their study in a particular class.

What subjects will children learn in grade 5 in 2019-2020?

A sample curriculum includes:

  1. invariant component (list of disciplines required for study in all schools of the Russian Federation);
  2. variable component (courses that schools may or may not include in the study load, depending on the profile of study);

When planning the load for students in grades 5, the leadership of schools and gymnasiums starts from the data provided in the basic plan for grades V-IX. At the same time, educational institutions of the Russian Federation have the right to distribute the educational load in the framework of the principles of differentiation and variability in modular learning.

In this case, the following ratios must be observed:

  • at least 75% is the federal component;
  • not less than 10% - national-regional component;
  • at least 10% is a component of an educational institution.

Hours set aside for the national-regional and own component of the school can be used to introduce additional hours in specialized disciplines.

According to the norms, the annual academic load in 5th grades should not exceed:

5 day

6 day

Federal component

805 hours

805 hours

Regional component


educational component

175 hours

280 hours

Maximum load

980 hours

1085 hours

Mandatory and optional subjects in grade 5 in 2019-2020

Invariant component (required subjects)

In 2019-2020, for students in grade 5 (regardless of region, language of instruction and other parameters) 11 subjects will be compulsory:


Hours per week





Russian language






Foreign language



Physical Education















Life Safety Basics



Technology (labor)


Robotics instead of labor

The innovation of 2019 will be the replacement of the familiar for many subject “Labor Training” with the “Technology” course. Moreover, already in 2019-2020, fifth graders are offered to study robotics. The Ministry of Education and Science believes that the sooner students begin to get acquainted with modern technologies, the easier they will be given courses related to this area in the future.

Of the main advantages of introducing this subject as a must, it is worth noting:

  • early career guidance for children with a technical mentality;
  • effective development of leadership qualities in children;
  • learning to work with various platforms;
  • development of teamwork skills;
  • powerful motivation to study mathematics and physics.

Robotics instead of works in grade 5

Naturally, to integrate such courses into schooling, an improvement in the material and technical base will be required. So, already this year, many schools in Russia should receive new 3D printers and sets of equipment necessary for conducting practical classes in robotics.

Second foreign language

The letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 08-1214 of 05/17/18 says that a second foreign language should be included in the educational standard. However, in 2018-2019, not all schools were able to put the idea into practice. Among the problems that impede the implementation of the requirement are:

  • lack of qualified teachers;
  • lack of programs and training materials;
  • lack of hours (especially in schools with a 5-day week of instruction);
  • negative attitude towards the introduction of a second foreign language by students and parents;

The question of whether the norm will become mandatory for students in grades 5-9 already in 2019-2020 remains an open question.

Will a second foreign be compulsory in 2019-2020 for grade 5

As a rule, the main language studied today in most educational institutions of the Russian Federation is English. As a second (studied at a basic level), students of Russian schools can offer:

  • Spanish;
  • French;
  • Deutsch;
  • Chinese.

Variable component (optional items)

In practice, the list of subjects that 5th graders will have to get acquainted with in 2019-2020 is much wider, since in the educational plan of any school there are necessarily objects from a variable component. As a rule, in the fifth grader's schedule, 15 academic disciplines are presented.

It is the pedagogical staff and the school administration that decides which disciplines will be studied, starting from the availability of free hours, the profile of the educational institution and, in some cases (but not always), the wishes of the parents.

In 2019-2020, “by choice”, students in grade 5 can be offered the following items (the list can be expanded):




Natural science

1 hour per week



independently or in the course of life safety


Computer Science (ICT)

1-2 hours a week



1 hour per week


Social science

from the 6th grade is obligatory, and in the 5th optional


Natural science

1 hour per week


Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics



(foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia)

1 hour per week


Local history

1 hour per week


Second foreign

must go into mandatory

All 5th grade items in 2019-2020

Also, other lessons may appear in the fifth grader’s timetable, such as rhythm, chess, design, the basics of financial literacy, etc.


You can find out exactly what subjects your child will study in grade 5 by reviewing the information on the school’s official website or by contacting the class teacher or administration with this question.

Among parents, the topic of disagreement with the choice of objects of the invariant component is increasingly being discussed. Someone wants the child to study foreign languages, and someone for early integration into technical sciences. Choosing a school in which the kid will go to grade 1, parents often focus not on the curriculum of the educational institution itself, but on the “good teacher”. If this is your case, then already in the 4th grade it is necessary to find out what the child will study in high school and, if the proposed program does not meet your expectations, think about changing the educational institution.

But, before making a final decision, be sure to find out what the student himself thinks about changing the school.

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