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New Year's bustle is not only salads, the purchase of tangerines and the search for attire for the celebration. It is also a cozy home evening, saturated with the atmosphere of anticipation of the New Year. To make it even more pleasant, you can make a New Year's wreath, which is hung on the door, announcing its readiness to meet guests. They can also decorate walls or even a festive table.
Today you can buy New Year wreaths, but to do them yourself is a special pleasure. And also - this is a great way to save money, because there are many budget options that do not require huge costs. Today we will produce several versions of various New Year's wreaths in order to prepare for the meeting of 2020 - the year of the Rat.
Historical reference
New Year's wreaths on the door is not an original Russian tradition. Such decoration came from the West: in particular, Americans decorate the entrance to the apartment or house with these products. And as with any New Year attribute, a beautiful legend is also associated with the Christmas wreath.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the theologian Johann Wichner often invited orphans to his home. And a few days before Christmas, the guys constantly bothered him with questions - and when is the holiday? Wijern invented the original design. He made a wreath of fir branches, secured 4 large candles on it, meaning Sunday, and 24 small candles, symbolizing everyday life. Every day he lit a certain candle so that the children counted the remaining ones and understood how much was left before Christmas.
A Christmas wreath in America is called Christmas Wreath. The word "wreath" came from the consonant English "writhe" - twist, twirl.
The fact is that Wijern twisted a wreath so that the lit candle would always be in the same place. Hence the name. Since then, a Christmas wreath has become an adornment of every American home. Over time, they began to not only put it on the table, but also hung it on the door, informing others that this house was ready for the New Year and Christmas.
In American films, you can often see that Christmas wreaths are decorated with bells. It is believed that their ringing scares away evil spirits, and it is also associated with the approaching sleigh of Santa Claus. The round shape of the wreath also symbolizes eternal life.
Natural christmas wreath
A very beautiful and authentic New Year's wreath for the meeting of 2020 can be made from natural spruce branches. Such a product will smell like needles and give the atmosphere of a holiday at the entrance to the apartment (or room - depending on where you hang it).
For such a craft, it is best to use a ready-made frame, which you can buy in the store for creativity. You will also need the following materials and tools:
- soft spruce branches;
- bumps;
- thin jute rope;
- various decor items: wooden figures, Christmas decorations, dried slices of oranges, peanuts in a peel, cinnamon sticks, etc .;
- scissors;
- hot glue.
Getting down. The pictures show the sequence of manufacturing the Christmas wreath 2020.
1. First, insert fir branches into the frame so that they frame it in a circle. Do not forget to wind it with a jute rope, or you can even glue it somewhere with hot glue to keep the structure stronger.
2. We cut off the excess sticking branches to give the wreath a circle shape.
3. Since we are already working with a rope, we can immediately make a loop, for which the New Year’s wreath will be hung from the door.
4. It remains to "plant" decorative elements on the wreath. To do this, apply hot glue to the figure and press it to the product. The order of stacking items you choose for your taste.
Ready New Year's wreath will exude the New Year’s aroma for a long time, if you additionally sprinkle it with mandarin juice. You just squeeze the juice from the mandarin and sprinkle the twigs. The smell of pine and citrus fruits will give the desired combination.
From sweets
An interesting option for a Christmas gift wreath, because the main decorative elements are sweets. It’s not recommended to hang such a product in the children's room, because the kids may not resist the temptation and begin to slowly separate the sweets.
From materials and tools you will need the following:
- thick cardboard (you can take an old box from under household appliances);
- 500 g of sweets in a beautiful shiny package (it is better to buy sweets with a margin);
- foam rubber (piece about 50 * 50 cm);
- acrylic white paint (if cardboard is white - paint is not needed);
- hot glue;
- ordinary glue;
- a little tinsel, rain and other shiny jewelry;
- bandage (the cheapest, non-sterile);
- two plates of different diameters or compasses;
- pen or pencil;
- sponge or brush;
- scissors.
Getting down.
1. From the cardboard we cut a large circle with a diameter of 50 cm.
2. Inside, draw a circle with a diameter of 40 cm and cut it out. It turns out the base ring. You need two of these to make it denser.
3. Glue two rings with ordinary glue.
4. We cover the ring with white acrylic paint with a sponge or brush.
5. Cut a similar ring out of foam.
6. On foam-dried ring we stick foam rubber.
7. From above we wrap the base with a bandage, fixing at the end with glue.
8. We begin to “plant” candy on the ring with hot glue. Ponytails of candy wrappers will become an additional decoration of the New Year's wreath.
9. Glue tinsel around the perimeter.
10. If there is still a brilliant decor, we wind and stick it too.
The wreath is ready! It remains to tie a rope to it. Or you can hang it like that.
Cardboard frame
If you have no time to go shopping for creativity, and you want to make a New Year’s wreath here and now, you can use this simple instruction.
Materials for crafts will definitely be found at home:
- thick cardboard (you can take an old box from under household appliances);
- Christmas tree tinsel in two colors (better than green shades, but you can take other colors);
- small Christmas balls (although large ones are also suitable);
- Scotch;
- two plates of different diameters or compasses;
- pen or pencil;
- rope or tape;
- scissors.
1. Prepare the base ring, as in the previous example.
2. Glue the balls on the base as shown in the pictures - observing a certain distance between them. Do not spare the scotch tape so that the balls do not hit or break.
3. We wrap tinsel on free space. Balls should not hide: try to pull them out.
4. We wind the second layer of tinsel to block the remaining sections. Cardboard should not be visible at all.
5. At the end we fix the tinsel with tape.
6. Almost done. It remains only to take a beautiful ribbon or rope and securely tie it to the New Year’s wreath.
You can make a lot of such wreaths by choosing tinsel in the color of the design of the room. After the New Year holidays, tinsel is carefully unwound, and the balls are removed. Although someone stores them for a whole year and then takes it out again.
A la scotland
Those who don’t really like pretentiousness and shiny objects can make this original New Year's wreath in the Scottish style with their own hands. Why in scottish? Because the checkered ribbon resembles the ornament of a kilt - a traditional skirt worn by the Scots. Although you can choose a ribbon of any color and pattern.
What you need from materials and tools:
- cardboard ring (as in the previous two workshops);
- Styrofoam;
- beautiful decorative ribbon (a whole skein);
- various decorations: twigs, beads, bow, cones;
- stapler;
- hot glue;
- scissors.
Making such a New Year’s wreath with your own hands is as simple as possible, but it turns out to be very beautiful, albeit modest.
1. From the foam cut out a ring of the same size as the cardboard blank.
2. Glue the foam on the base.
3. Now take the tape. We fix its end with hot glue and begin to wind it around the ring. We wind tightly so that foam is not visible. It can be periodically reinforced with glue for reliability.
4. We decorate the crafts with decor: we fix the branches with a stapler, plant cones and a bow on glue.
Attention! Since this New Year wreath is decorated unevenly, but only on one side, it will not hang evenly on the door.
Therefore, you will need to either make 2 loops, or nail the wreath with nails. Although, if the decorative part of the wreath looks beautiful from below, you can leave everything as it is.
Fluffy wreath
A very cute and cozy New Year's wreath is obtained from fluffy yarn, which is popularly called "grass". For our example, a pale green color was chosen, but you can take saturated green or emerald and get an excellent craft that will not only be nice to look at, but also touch.
To make the wreath even more homely, we will decorate it with hand-made products. These are small toys in the form of hearts, snowmen, etc.
Materials and tools:
- yarn "grass" (one skein will be enough);
- multi-colored fabric (several flaps for the manufacture of mini-toys);
- stuffing for toys (cotton wool or synthetic winterizer);
- polystyrene ring (sold in creative stores);
- paper, pen, scissors;
- beautiful buttons;
- hot glue;
- thread, needle.
It will be a long, but very exciting work, the result of which will be a cool New Year wreath for the celebration of the New Year 2020.
1. Wrap a foam ring with yarn. Press the threads tightly against each other so that there are no gaps.
2. On paper, draw hearts, bows, triangles and other beautiful shapes, transfer them to the fabric and cut them out.
3. Half stitch and stuff mini-toys with padding polyester or cotton.
4. Top buttons can be decorated with beautiful buttons.
5. It remains only to "plant" toys on a wreath. This is best done with hot glue.
The most budget New Year wreath
If you have spent all the money to buy gifts, costumes and treats, but really want to make a New Year's wreath for the Rat's meeting in 2020, you can use a regular newspaper.
How to do it? First, take the materials and tools:
- many old newspapers;
- old New Year cards or colored paper and cardboard;
- PVA glue (not less than a tube);
- hot glue;
- large plate;
- scissors.
1. From the newspaper we turn off the tubes and fix them with glue. It will take 5 to 10 tubes.
2. We take a large plate as a basis and wrap tubules around it, giving them a rounded shape. Glue the ends.
3. To get a more or less dense frame, you need to collapse and glue from 5 to 10 tubes.
4. Now again we coat the frame with glue.
5. While the frame dries, cut out figures from old postcards or draw them yourself.
6. Generously glue the frame with pictures, putting them on hot glue - this is more reliable.
Another option for making a New Year’s wreath from a newspaper is presented below in the photo. It is simpler and faster: you need to crumple the newspaper and roll it into a circle. Wrap with white paper on top, then with a beautiful fabric such as chiffon or organza, and then with tinsel.
Top wreath can be decorated with tinsel and decorative elements (for hot glue).
Doing Christmas wreaths with your own hands, you bring New Year 2020 closer. Bring the whole family to this exciting activity and present especially beautiful crafts to friends and neighbors. Let the doors throughout the staircase be decorated with beautiful holiday wreaths.
Read also:
- DIY applications for the New Year 2020
- How to decorate a room for the New Year 2020
- DIY Ideas for the New Year 2020