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Lovers ponder whether it is possible to get married in 2020. After all, this year is longer by one day, that is, it is a leap year. Many popular superstitions are connected with him, and some of them claim that such a marriage is doomed to failure. Superstitious people will surely persuade the couple to postpone the wedding, but is it necessary to do this?
To be wedding or not
In 2020, there will be 366 days. Previously, it was believed that a leap year brings misfortunes and troubles. According to an ancient legend, on the “extra” day - February 29, the devil descended to earth. It was believed that the influence of unclean forces throughout the year remains strong, so people faced various difficulties. Although in a leap year there is nothing mystical and supernatural, since it was formed as a result of the work of several scientists who developed a system for calculating time. In the year they proposed, 6 astrological hours did not fit, so for 4 years it was going to be another day.
Reflections on whether to get married in 2020 are caused by human prejudice. Some believe that such a pair has no chance for the future. Few people know that belief is associated with an ancient tradition. The fact is that earlier in the leap year, it was not guys to girls who got married, but vice versa. If the matchmakers from the girl came to the boy, he could not refuse them and had to get married. A marriage with one-sided love was in most cases not happy. Over time, traditions have changed, but superstition remains.
Important! If the newlyweds love each other, there is no need to postpone the wedding. The church does not prohibit marriage in a leap year.
Those who believe in superstition will have to postpone the wedding celebration for at least several years, because then the year of the widow and widower will follow.
Wedding signs
Girls who decide to get married in 2020 can use folk signs. They will help make marriage happy and strong:
- In order for the family life to be long and prosperous, the bride must have a long dress, even with a train.
- In the shoes of the newlyweds you need to put a coin.
- The dress of the future wife should have an even number of buttons.
- It is recommended to use antique or vintage accessories and jewelry that symbolize eternity.
- It is strictly forbidden to give a wedding dress or accessories to friends. Otherwise, you can give family happiness.
- In order for the future family to live in prosperity, on the way to the registry office, the newlyweds are sprinkled with sweets, grain and coins.
Important! Before the celebration, it is forbidden to arrange loud celebrations in the bride's house, so as not to drive away happiness.
Leap Year Wedding Benefits
Couples who do not believe in superstition can appreciate a number of wedding benefits per year with an extra day. The fact is that in leap years, on average, 15% fewer weddings. In this regard, it will be easier to negotiate with a good photographer and presenter, rent the desired restaurant or cafe.
True prejudice is no hindrance. If the newlyweds are positive and willing to live together for a long time, then they will be able to build a strong family. For couples who want to fasten their marriage to God, there are no prohibitions on weddings. The only exceptions are Orthodox posts and some holidays, but these restrictions also apply in non-leap years.
Favorable periods for marriage
To reduce the possible negative impact of a leap year, astrologers recommend a responsible approach to choosing the date of the celebration.It is difficult to answer unequivocally when it is better to get married in 2020, but experts recommend paying attention to the lunar calendar. The most favorable are considered periods of the growing moon. The following are days that are well suited for a wedding in 2020:
- In January, the 26th is best (Sunday). You can also plan a celebration on January 5 or 6.
- In February, 2 (Sunday), 7 (Friday) and 28 (Friday) numbers are considered favorable days.
- In the first month of spring, a wedding can be arranged on March 8 or 29 (Sunday), as well as on March 6 on Friday.
- In April, you can get married on 24 or 3 numbers (Friday). Also, the celebration can be organized on April 2, but this is Thursday.
- In May, the 1st, 4th and 24th days are considered favorable days for marriage.
- Good for marriage in June is suitable on the 5th or 28th. You can also plan a celebration on June 1, but it's Monday.
- In July, it is good to create a family on Friday the 3rd or 31st, or on Sunday the 26th.
- In August, a wedding can be arranged on Sunday the 23rd or 30th. Also suitable is August 3 (Monday).
- In early autumn, it is considered favorable only September 27th.
- October is well suited for a celebration. It’s best to plan it on October 18, 26 or 30.
- If you want to get married in November on Sunday, then plan the marriage on the 22nd or 29th. Also suitable is Friday November 27th.
- In December, the last decade of the month is considered a favorable period. Favorable days - December 20, 21 or 25.
Knowing when it is best to get married in 2020, you can choose a good date for the wedding. You need to listen only to the heart and feelings, and not to superstitions, and then create a strong family is not difficult at any time.
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