Can I get married in 2020?

Can I get married in 2020?

For many nations, marrying in a leap year, which will be 2020, is considered an unfortunate undertaking, but this does not stop millions of people around the world from marrying during this period. To decide for yourself whether it is possible to get married in 2020, it is worth considering why he has such an unfavorable reputation. Does it have a rational basis or is it just prejudice that is not confirmed by real facts?

In terms of superstition

A leap year comes once every four years and lasts a day longer than its predecessors. This is a kind of “invention” of mankind, which makes it possible to bring astronomical time into correspondence with the earthly calendar, but many negative signs are associated with it, especially regarding weddings. Even in the time of Russia, it was considered the time of the devil, which comes to bring people misfortune and quarrels. At this time, the matchmakers were given rest, but the girls could match up the guy they liked on their own. It was enough to come to his house and sit waiting on the bench, without talking and asking for nothing. The most desperate could sit for several days, but as soon as the owners of the house started a conversation with her, the girl was considered adopted by the family, regardless of the desire of her son, and he was obliged to marry. Not surprisingly, most of these marriages were, to put it mildly, unhappy. Hence the belief that marriages concluded in a leap year will not bring anything good to spouses and family life will not work out. In addition, there is a popular belief that during this period it is advisable to avoid any undertakings and changes that radically change lives, and even get divorced. But in modern life it is hardly possible to spend 366 days without planning or committing new things.


Those who partially believe in superstition, but are planning to get married in 2020, can be advised to “secure” the future union with the help of other beliefs calling for good luck. For example, during a wedding in a church, the bride and groom need to say: "I am crowning with a crown, not a leap-end." It is believed that this phrase will strengthen the marriage, despite its conclusion in a leap year. Folk signs also recommend:

  • not to arrange noisy celebrations in the bride’s house shortly before the wedding, as they can frighten away happiness;
  • choose the bride’s dress as long as possible for a longer and happier marriage;
  • Do not look back on the way to the place of registration of marriage;
  • put a coin on your shoes;
  • Do not put on the bride a wedding ring over the glove, which promises a future divorce;
  • not to sell the bride’s wedding items (dress, veil, shoes), since family happiness can be sold with them;
  • to cover up the next three anniversaries with a tablecloth, which covered the wedding table of the newlyweds.

Opinion of the church

According to church canons, there is no reason to prohibit a marriage or a wedding ceremony for a leap year. The Bible does not mention any prohibitions on this subject. The main thing always remains sincere feelings between future spouses and their desire to voluntarily fasten their union before God.

Bride in wedding dress

In addition, the church does not encourage popular superstitions, considering them a relic of a pagan past that has nothing to do with true faith. The only restriction for holding a wedding, as in any other year, is only on the eve of large church holidays, fasting days (Great, Summer, Christmas, one-day) and commemoration of the dead, Pancake week, Easter and Trinity weeks.

The opinion of astrologers

From the point of view of astrologers, the date of the wedding really affects the happiness of the spouses, but there is nothing to do with a leap year. It is considered the beginning of a new cycle, so important decisions, like marriage, should be carefully considered. But the determining factor for the strength and duration of the union will most likely be the location of the planets, stars and other astrological characteristics of the date of the marriage. To choose the most favorable days, you can seek individual advice from an astrologer or focus on general recommendations:

  1. According to the lunar calendar, 3, 6, 17 and 27 days are ideal. Adverse will be 9, 12, 19, 20, 23 and 29 days.
  2. By the position of the moon in the zodiac signs. Favorable will be its presence in the signs of Taurus, Libra and Cancer, less successful - Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius, the most unsuitable - in the sign of Aquarius or Scorpio.
  3. By date of birth of the bride and groom. When choosing a month of marriage, it is advisable to give preference to those that follow 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10 after the month of birth.


Against prejudice

Those who still doubt whether it is worth marrying in 2020 can be reminded that there will be a widow and widower for leap years, so a favorable date can be waited for a few more years, but this will not guarantee a strong and long marriage to anyone. It’s better to understand that family life does not depend on the number of days on the calendar or national signs, but on the couple themselves, their way of thinking and ability to work on relationships together.

In addition, an important advantage of a wedding in 2020 can be many free options when choosing a wedding photographer and videographer, the desired date, place of painting and banquet. All this thanks to the numerous superstitious couples who decided for themselves to postpone the date of the wedding to another time.

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