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The longest and, of course, the most anticipated rest period for students during the 2019-2020 school year will be winter holidays - a time of fairy tales and magic, noisy holidays and fun winter fun.
We suggest finding out when the winter holidays will begin in Russian schools, as well as what features are possible in educational institutions working on different educational systems.
New Year holidays 2020
In search of an answer to the question of how many days to extend and the winter holidays in 2019-2020, we turn to the production calendar, which contains information about weekends and holidays, as well as possible transfers that extend the rest periods.
Important! The official document has not yet been approved, there is only a draft order and an estimated version of the production calendar for 2020. After the adoption of the final version, changes are possible, which we will be the first to tell our readers.
The coming 2020 will give the Russians a long vacation. Traditionally, the government of the Russian Federation will declare a period of operation from January 1 to 8. Further options are possible.
Option number 1
Weekends, which fall on January 4 and 5, automatically move to the next working days - Thursday and Friday, January 9 and 10, forming a series of 12 non-working days.
Option number 2
If the country's leadership decides not to extend the New Year holidays, then rest periods relying on the May holidays will be increased due to the weekend of January 4 and 5. Most likely, January 4, 20 will be postponed to May 4, 20, and January 5, 20, to May 12, 20.
In this case, the weekend calendar for the New Year and Christmas holidays will have the following form.
Now let's look at what the vacation periods will be in Russian schools, when the expected winter holidays of the 2019-2020 academic year will begin and what will be the first working date in January.
Holidays in the semester education system
For educational institutions working on the semester system, the last working day of the second quarter will be December 25, 2019.
If the first working day of 2020 is announced on January 9, the vacation period will be 14 days, and the first working week will include only 2 working days, which will allow you to gently enter the educational process and say goodbye to the holidays.
If the transfer schedule extends the All-Russian winter vacation until January 12, then the guys will rest for 18 days in a row, and the first school day in 2020 will be the day of the celebration of the Old New Year - January 13.
Important! For students of 1st grades, additional February holidays should be organized, which in 2020 will take place immediately after Defender of the Fatherland Day (from February 25, 20 to March 1, 20).
Thus, the kids will receive 9 days off in a row and will rest from February 22 to March 1.
Holidays in the trimester education system
To find out when the winter holidays will take place in a particular school in 2019-2020, you need to find out what system the training is organized there. Vacation periods for educational institutions working on the semester and trimester system end the same way, and in the coming 2020, the first day of study will be either January 9 or 13. But vacation periods can begin with different schedules in different ways. If in schools that work in semesters, children will go on vacation on December 26, 2019, then the last school day for children who study according to the trimester system will be Friday 12/27/19 (for a six-day Saturday, 12/28/19).
Thus, the winter vacation calendar may look like this.
Option number 1
Option number 2
This system does not imply any other additional periods of rest, after having studied just 5 weeks after the New Year, the guys will go on vacation again and will rest 8 days in a row from 02/17/20 to 02/24/20.
Vacations in universities
Higher educational institutions of Russia work on a modular system, which does not provide for autumn and spring breaks. Thus, students have only two periods for rest - winter and summer holidays. But their duration largely depends on the success of the student himself, because a real rest begins only from the moment the last exam is passed and the session is closed.
For all universities in Russia, the production calendar is relevant, in which the period from January 1 to 8 is declared non-working, so regardless of success, students will also have a rest on these days (in 2020, New Year's holidays can be extended until January 12).
Important! Each university makes its own decision on the start and end dates of the session, as well as on the start of the winter holidays, based on an individual work schedule and features of the educational process.
Therefore, in order to find out when a student can theoretically be free for the winter holidays, it’s worth to familiarize yourself with the curriculum of his group (as a rule, information can be found on the student’s website or in his personal account), or contact the university directly with this question (contact the group’s curator or to the department).
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