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The “Innovative Russia 2020” strategy is specially designed taking into account the requirements of the global economy and is very important for the future of the country. Today, Russia is inferior to many countries in technological and innovative indicators, and the strategy contains a set of methods and measures to change this in the very near future. It is worth noting that this is far from the only attempt. A similar practice has existed since 2006, only the dates and contents of the main points change in accordance with the realities and needs of the selected time period.
Complexity and concept
One of the first strategies was developed by specialists in 2006. All the goals, conditions and tasks set forth in this document should have been completed by 2015. The most important thing was to coordinate efforts so that the speed of development was not at the expense of the quality of the research, regardless of the chosen direction.
Consideration should be given to the demands of the government itself, as well as the needs of business communities and structures. In domestic science there are already a lot of competitive inventions that will not be inferior to Western world-class research, but due to the lack of the necessary balance in this area and economic preparedness, it will not work to use them as efficiently as possible.
The strategy of innovative development of Russia until 2020 should help to solve a number of problems, including this one: the right balance between the amount of time spent and efforts in accordance with the result. This will provide an opportunity for the gradual, structural development of Russian technologies and the economy. With its help, long-term and more reliable guidelines are set for financing science, regardless of the complexity of research.
Active support of private domestic developments is planned. The strategy takes into account the current state and scientific and technological progress. It is not only about current achievements, but also long-term forecasts for the future. All conditions and paragraphs of this document must be taken into account when creating social, economic and other programs affecting the development of society.
Prospects for the innovative development of the Russian Federation
The current goals and the desired result were drawn up on the basis of past experience. It also takes into account the development of which specific areas has been supported all these years. In particular, the 2005 and 2006 documents served as a quality foundation for creating a new innovation system; measures were taken to finance and deepen many developments. In many ways, the economy has undergone modernization, taking into account technological progress.
As an example, we can recall that:
- Already now, the state finances one and a half times more various research and development in the scientific and applied sphere.
- The principle of the work of charitable foundations has been reconsidered.
- Organized assistance in the inclusion of industrial enterprises in the use of technological progress.
- The number of studies in higher education has increased significantly.
- A number of actions are being taken to attract world-renowned scientists to the research activities of Russian universities.
One of the most striking evidence that the innovation development plan is not just words is one of the most modern Skolkovo technology centers. The project creates a modern technical university, which should not be inferior to any of the leading universities in the world. The financing system is also being modernized so that private companies have more opportunities to implement their projects. Corresponding tax benefits have been introduced, and a law has already been passed for implementation, thanks to which budget educational institutions will be able to create their own innovative enterprises.
The key problem at the moment is that the demand for innovations in the domestic economy is not high enough and the structure itself is ineffective due to the fact that most of the finished equipment for work will have to be bought abroad, and not rely on our own developments. Right now, the private and public sectors are not ready for innovation, therefore they are inferior to other countries.
Innovation Strategy of Russia in 2020
The innovative path of development of the country is characterized by the following points:
- The number of industrial enterprises using the latest technological progress to increase their work is increasing. Their total number should grow by more than 50%.
- The efficiency of industry is growing, and accordingly, the country's share in high-tech goods and services in the world market is increasing. For example, in the fields of nuclear energy, aircraft or space technology. If you argue in percentage terms, then by the end of the agreed period in each region, indicators should increase by about 10%.
- The export of goods and services from high technology will also be increased by 2%.
- The state will allocate more financial resources for domestic research and development. This applies not only to the public but also to the private sector.
In the future, the innovation sphere will increasingly interact and affect all the others. This applies not only to economic development, but also to the competent use of the provided resources in general. A more selective and tough approach will allow the country to ensure annual growth of economic indicators in all areas. Attention will be paid to the training of personnel. In addition to technology, qualified specialists who are free to navigate in their professional field will become the most reliable foundation for future discoveries and development of the country.
Last news
The innovation agenda was discussed at the SPIEF-2019 (St. Petersburg International Economic Forum), which was held from June 6 to 8, 2019. The main event of the forum was a speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
One of the innovative developments presented at the presentation was the Pythagoras Robot. A virtual reality helmet, VR glasses, etc. were also presented.
Young scientists demonstrate amazing innovative technologies: video
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