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It is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian in 2020 - we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the changes that are described in the specifications, as well as find out what the essay plan should be and what norms must be taken into account when completing exam task No. 27.
2020 CMM structure
The exam exam ticket 2020 in Russian consists of 27 tasks, which are divided into two parts:
Part | Number of tasks | Maximum score | Response type |
І | 26 (from 1 to 26) | 34 | short (tests) |
ІІ | 1 (27 quest) | 24 | detailed (composition) |
210 minutes (3.5 hours) are allotted to complete the work. The use of additional materials and equipment is prohibited.
Having completed all the tasks correctly, the examiner can score a maximum of 58 primary points, which will be interpreted as a 100-point result. At the same time, having completed only the first part of the work, a graduate can score a maximum of 34 points (equivalent to 59 USE points). The composition is estimated at 24 primary points (respectively 41 test points).
This means that at the stage of preparation for passing the USE 2020 it is worth paying attention not only to repeating the theory of the Russian language, but also to practice writing essays as much as possible, drawing up a work plan and thinking through arguments.
Important innovations
Minor changes to KIMs were made last year. In particular, the criteria by which experts evaluate the essay were clarified, and the new standards will be relevant at the exam in Russian in 2020.
In total, FIPI has developed 12 assessment criteria. Only two of them were specified:
- K2 - now the commentary on the problem should include at least 2 examples with explanations that reflect the understanding of the essence of the problem by the examinees;
- K4 - the graduate must express his attitude to the position of the author, justifying it.
We suggest that you learn in more detail how the essay on the Russian language will be evaluated at the USE 2020 and what approximate number of points you can get for fulfilling certain requirements by reading the full list of criteria:
Educator tips
Tutors with extensive experience in preparing for the exam, recommend preparing to write an essay on such a plan:
- To get acquainted with the basic requirements of the Unified State Examination in Russian 2020 and to understand what the correct structure of the essay should be and what problems can be proposed in the exam.
- To work out a plan that will become a support when writing an examination paper on any of the possible topics.
- Recall the work and write in the notebook the basic facts that may be useful when writing an essay.
- Practice in the implementation of task number 27 using ready-made cliches.
Composition structure
The main documents that will help to understand what expects in the exam in the Russian language, and how they will evaluate the tests and essay can be found on the FIPI website. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the codifier, specifications and the demo version of KIMs in the subject.
Task number 27 in 2020 will have the following wording:
Works worthy of a high score should contain factual, conceptual and subtext information. It is important that the composition would include such blocks as:
- Initial stop of the problem.
- Commentary (example-illustration) to the problem raised.
- Description of the position taken by the author of the work.
- Expression of the relationship of the examinee to the position of the author with the rationale.
- A brief conclusion.
If it is difficult for you to imagine what should be written in each of the blocks, take an example of an essay on the Russian language from any collection for the USE in 2020 and work through the existing text. But, you should not rely solely on ready-made options, as experts are well aware of the cliché of publicly available tests. In addition, not all of them really meet the requirements of 2020.
Circle of problems
In 2020, the 27th task of the exam can raise a wide variety of problems, from soldier’s fate to the clogging of the Russian language. In fact, the range of possible topics is incredibly wide, which does not allow you to prepare in advance for the composition at 100%.
Nevertheless, following the recommendations of experienced teachers, you can work out the main directions, select cliches and works that you can rely on, revealing a particular topic, which will greatly simplify the implementation of the 17th assignment for the exam.
Important! In order to determine which topic is addressed in the assignment, you must carefully read the text.
Here is a list of possible problems:
Also watch a video that describes how to correctly identify the problem by analyzing the text:
Composition plan
To simplify the writing of the essay allows a universal plan for writing an essay, which you can rely on, working out almost any of the possible topics of the Unified State Exam 2020 in the Russian language.
As a rule, the most problems for graduates arise when choosing examples, as well as writing comments and explanations to them. Teachers focus on such points:
- There should be two examples.
- They must be interconnected.
- An explanation is needed for each example.
In fact, the examples and explanations are a smooth transition from the formulation of the problem to the discussion of the author’s position, so they should not be taken out of context.
Also watch an online comment writing lesson:
Although it is not recommended to use ready-made essays in the Unified State Examination 2020 in Russian, so-called cliches (template phrases) can be taken as a basis. Stringing them like beads on a thread and diluting them with phrases, taking into account the features of the topic proposed in the assignment, you can get a beautiful and competently written composition that meets the basic requirements.
It is worth considering that for each block there are cliches:
Stop words
It would seem that it is bad in the text, embellished with epithets and artistic turns. It turns out that some phrases that are incorrect from the point of view of the Russian language, and therefore they should be avoided in essays, especially when this is a final exam paper.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of such stop-words and phrases, and also, if necessary, check whether ready-made essays offered on the network to prepare for the Unified State Examination 2020 in the Russian language are guilty of such turns.
The secret to successfully writing an essay in the Unified State Examination in Russian is simple - this is the ability to conduct reasoning, a good base of arguments based on works and competent written speech, which has been developed over the years of training.
We also recommend watching a video in which teachers analyze in detail all the main points that you need to pay attention to when writing an essay:
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