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From the first days of the new school year, the guys are interested in the question - when will the long-awaited autumn holidays 2019-2020 be at school, because this is not just the end date of the first academic quarter, but the beginning of an interesting and filled with vivid emotions period of long-awaited rest.
Quite often, parents are faced with the fact that in different educational institutions of Russia located in one region and even one settlement, the dates of vacation periods do not coincide. We will explain why this happens, and also explain how to determine the start date of the holidays at your school.
Different training systems
In all schools of Russia in the 2019-2020 academic year, children sit at their desks on September 2, but this does not mean that their autumn holidays will also begin on the same day. Today, there are two radically different systems for the distribution of study and vacation time:
- semester (classical), which includes 4 quarters, between which are 4 vacation periods;
- trimester (new), dividing the year into 3 training modules for which 6 vacation periods are defined: winter, summer, 2 autumn and 2 spring.
Important! First graders, regardless of the system under which the educational institution operates, must have an additional period of rest in the month of February.
Thus, the schedule according to which children will go on autumn holidays at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year will depend on which system the educational institution chooses for itself. As a rule, choosing a school, parents are interested in this issue. But, for someone, it is quite possible that it will become a pleasant (or not very pleasant) surprise.
Autumn holidays with the semester system
As a rule, in a school that studies according to the system of academic semesters, autumn holidays fall in the last week of October, this will not be an exception in the 2019-2020 school year either.
The official vacation period is considered to be the week from 10/26/19 to 11/02/19, but in practice, in schools working on a five-day day, you can safely add to the 7 days of rest the weekends preceding the holidays (October 26 and 27 and National Unity Day, falling on 2019 on Monday November 4), which immediately gives 10 days of rest in a row.
The second quarter for students in such schools will begin on Tuesday November 5, 2019.
Autumn holidays with the trimester system
Educational institutions, based on the system of study trimesters, will rest twice in the fall and spring. The first fall holidays of the 2019-2020 school year for such schools will begin earlier (in the second week of October) and will be located between the two blocks of study time related to the first trimester.
The second fall vacation for such educational institutions is provided for the third of November. Thus, for children whose schools study in trimesters, the following dates will be important:
1st autumn break | 07.10.19 – 13.10.19 |
2nd autumn vacation | 18.11.19 – 24.11.19 |
Possible changes in vacation schedules
The dates given in the article are average for schools in Russia, you can find out exactly when the autumn holidays 2019-2020 will be announced at your school by contacting the representative of the administration, or by contacting the child's class teacher.
What could be the reason for the shift in the dates of the autumn holidays and is the school administration entitled to postpone the period of children's rest? This question worries many parents, because most often families plan to have a vacation in advance and cancel the trip due to the fact that shortly before the long-awaited vacation new dates were announced, nobody wants to.
Indeed, there are situations that can serve as a significant reason for the shift of the vacation period. These may include:
- force majeure circumstances, which caused the cancellation of lessons during the educational process;
- quarantine, due to which the training material is not deducted;
- climatic features of the region (holidays can be postponed for a week, so that children would be at home on the coldest days before the start of central heating).
Important! According to current standards, the administration of the educational institution cannot postpone the vacation for more than 2 weeks. Also, the rest period must necessarily begin on Monday.
Should I go to school on vacation?
Often, parents are faced with the fact that children are forced to attend school and extracurricular activities planned for the holidays. The question arises - can a child give up such "leisure"?
According to the law of the Russian Federation “On education” (article No. 34), all students have the right to planned holidays. The document stipulates that children can attend events organized in schools and after-school educational institutions at their own request. This means that no one can force you or your child to go to school during the holidays, be it the autumn holidays, the dates of which were given above or other periods of rest that fall in 2020.
Lawyers focus on the fact that this rule applies to the so-called "summer practice", which is considered mandatory in many schools in Russia.
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