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The Holy Week of Lent in 2020 falls in the middle of it. This is the time that is dedicated to the worship of the Life-giving Cross and the memories of the suffering of Jesus Christ in the last days of earthly life. The article presents the history of the origin of the Cross-worshiping week, and also considers the main traditions that fall on these days.
When the Holy Week comes
The Cross-worshiping Week is beginning on Sunday, concluding the third week of Lent. However, many believers consider the fourth week of the Lent to be festive, since all worship services and traditions fall on it. It is worth noting that every year the beginning of the Cross-Worshiping Week is on different dates. Therefore, many believers are interested in the question of how many Holy Week begins in 2020.
The Orthodox calendar gives a definite answer to this question - the holiday begins on March 22 and will last for seven days until March 28 inclusive.
The first mention of the Life-Giving Cross dates back to the distant 326 year, when it was first found by the holy Queen Elena. However, later, during the Iran-Byzantine confrontation, his trace was lost. Subsequently, the Holy Cross was discovered only in 631, when, after the end of the war, the emperor brought him to Jerusalem. It was this event that caused the celebration of the Cross-worshiping Week.
Today, Holy Cross week is a traditional holiday of Lent. Its main goal is to worship the heroism of Christ, as well as to give strength to believers in the test of Lent and to abstain from all temptations.
How is the service
The service of the cross-worshiping week of Lent in 2020 will be held in accordance with all traditions. On Saturday evening, the Cross is brought into the temple, which serves as a reminder for all parishioners about the upcoming Holy Week and the Bright Easter holiday. After the introduction, all priests and believers make a triple bow before the Life-giving Cross.
During the week, the main symbol of the holiday is in the center of the church and only on Friday the Holy Cross is brought to the altar before the Liturgy.
How to eat
Lent calls on all believers to refuse to eat animal products, such as meat, dairy and sour-milk products, fish, eggs. In addition, during this period, there is a tradition of baking "crosses", which are cross-shaped cookies.
For each day of Crest week in 2020, there is a specific list of foods that can be consumed.
- Sunday, March 22nd - the diet can consist of hot dishes: cereals and soups, while foods can be seasoned with vegetable oil. A small amount of red wine is allowed.
- Monday, March 23 - cooking salads is permitted, and they should not contain oil. Also on this day, you can include pickled vegetables and lean breads in the diet.
- Tuesday March 24th hot food is allowed: cereals, non-rich soups without meat, baked vegetables or fruits in the oven.
- Wednesday, March 25 - only raw foods are allowed: vegetables and fruits. In this case, you can add nuts and beans to the diet.
- Thursday, March 26 - hot dishes are used without the use of oil.
- Friday March 27th - the period of dry eating, it is allowed to eat lean bread, vegetables and fruits.
- Saturday, March 28 - the use of hot cereals, soups or borsch is recommended, when cooking, you can use vegetable oil. Dumplings with potatoes or cabbage can also be served, while the dough is cooked without the use of eggs.
What can and cannot be done
It is generally accepted that the third week of Lent is the most difficult for believers. At this time, many refuse prolonged abstinence and cease to adhere to the rules established for this period.
The priests say that it is much easier to pass the test of Lent if you attend church services twice a day, that is, morning and evening services.
In addition, it is important to remember to avoid any entertainment or entertainment. During this period, believers are forbidden to attend cinemas, concerts, cafes and other institutions.
Also important events that all believers should attend are Saturday and Sunday services, when a cross is placed in the center of the room in each church.
Thus, we can conclude that the third week of Lent is considered an important holiday for all parishioners. The dates of the beginning and end of the Cross-worship week in 2020 according to the Orthodox calendar fall on March 22-28. During this period, it is important to refrain from visiting entertainment venues, as well as to avoid eating illegal foods.
See video About Holy Week:
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