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Competitions are an excellent opportunity for talented teachers to demonstrate their skills, share experiences, and also learn a lot of new and interesting things in the field of education. In addition, they are the motivation for the development of teachers, the invention of new techniques, innovative approaches in teaching the younger generation. Participation in them is prestigious, and prizes can have material rewards. In 2020, Russia will host many competitions of all-Russian and regional scale.
Teacher of the Year of Russia
The most prestigious, interesting, and challenging annual intellectual competition for educators in Russia is Teacher of the Year. Its main goals are the search and encouragement of talented teachers, as well as the overall improvement of the quality of teaching in the country. All the achievements of the laureates are available for study on the official website Therefore, each teacher can remotely attend master classes at any convenient time, listen to lectures or get acquainted with extraordinary methods of conducting lessons from the best teachers from all over Russia.
A teacher who has at least 3 years of experience and who works in general educational (private or public) institutions can compete for the title “Teacher of the Year”. The competition is held in three main stages:
- School. Applicants are selected at the school level. Organizers - school administration. Dates - approximately December 2019.
- Municipal. It is carried out at the city (district or village) level. Organizers - state bodies of local government. Dates - tentatively February 2020.
- Regional. It is carried out at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation. Organizers - state bodies in the field of education of this subject of the Russian Federation.
Organizational and methodological support of the I-III stages is carried out by the organizing committees, which are created by educational institutions and local authorities. They regulate all the procedures, dates and procedure for holding competitions at this level.
The final stage (final) is regulated by the Ministry of Education of Russia. Only one representative from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes it to the finals. The procedure for the final stage is approved by the organizing committee of the All-Russian competition and published on the official website (tentatively, March 2020). The test structure is part-time and can consist of the following elements:
- demonstration of a personal Internet resource (website, blog, page on social networks);
- essay writing (performed in the audience within 5 hours in handwritten format);
- conducting an open lesson;
- organization of extracurricular activities;
- demonstration of the master class;
- creation of an educational project;
- public speaking;
- conversation with the Minister.
For each trial, the jury will award a certain number of points based on the approved criteria. The winner is the participant with the most points. He is awarded an honorary title, and valuable prizes are awarded. The results will be announced in October 2020 in the city of the subject of the Russian Federation of the previous winner.
It is expected that in 2020 the All-Russian contest “#i Teacher” will continue to exist.It was created by the non-profit philanthropic organization Rybakov Fund, together with the association National Society for Technology in Education (NOTO). All teachers and pedagogical workers can take part in it, regardless of their experience. The competition is held in Russia in the format of Internet projects.
The main tasks of #iTeacher are to identify and support teachers who use modern innovative technologies in their work. They can have not only technical, but also methodological, as well as social character. In addition, teachers will have the opportunity to attend various webinars and online master classes to improve their skills and improve projects.
Teachers direct the work to the organizing committee in the following areas:
- “Leader of change”;
- “Teacher of the digital world”;
- “Pedagogical designer”;
- "STREAM-teacher";
- "Teacher Maker."
The organizers reserve the right to change the concept of the main directions and add new ones. Projects will be evaluated by a special commission. According to the results of the competition, the winners will be able to undergo training at the NOTO Certification Academy in Helsinki (Finland).
Applications are submitted on the official website Dates - tentatively, from October to December 2019. Examination of works is carried out within 1-1.5 months. The results are summed up in February 2020.
Contests of the portal “Pedagogical talents of Russia”
The information and educational portal for teachers https: // pedtalant.rf provides the opportunity to participate in various thematic competitions on an ongoing basis. The portal was created to support talented teachers, as well as to improve the quality of education in the country through the publication of innovative and effective methodological developments. Competitions are held in a remote format with information support from the Ministry of Education.
Applications for participation can be sent by all teaching staff, including librarians, psychologists, music directors, etc. The portal has a catalog with a large number of topics, so you can choose the most optimal one for yourself. For example:
- "GEF lessons";
- "My site";
- "My visual aids";
- "My best lesson";
- “My pedagogical experience”, etc.
All contests presented in the catalog are valid and applications for participation in them are accepted at any time in electronic form.
Each work that meets the standards of the portal and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is subject to publication on the resource “Pedagogical Talents of Russia”. Participants receive diplomas and certificates confirming publication in the media. They can be used to compile a portfolio for certification. For registration and forwarding of this certificate, it will be necessary to pay an organizational fee of 200 rubles for the electronic version and 500 for the paper original.
All-Russian competition "Innovative technologies for teaching school subjects"
The organizer of this pedagogical contest is the community “UROK.RF” with the support of LEGO® Education. Its main task is to increase the interest of children in the study of subjects of all directions: physics, mathematics, geography, etc. For this, LEGO proposes to introduce visual aids into the learning process, in particular LEGO® Education educational solutions. Visual materials allow you to visualize theoretical knowledge, develop imagination and critical thinking.
Teachers of any specialty are allowed to participate, including primary classes, social educators and psychologists. The organizing committee will evaluate the unique methodological development of a practical teacher using any LEGO materials. The work should be presented in the format of a lesson abstract with a photo report on its conduct.Only unique, previously unpublished, teaching materials can take part in the competition.
After summing up, the winners will receive valuable prizes from LEGO® Education:
- 1st place: basic educational kit WeDo 2.0;
- 2nd place: a set of "Technology and Physics" c EV3.
Application deadline is September 19, 2019. Registration is carried out on the portal "UROK.RF" https: //urok.rf/contest/836.
Competition "Digital lesson with" Russian textbook "
The company "Russian textbook" offers all teachers of secondary schools to participate in the contest "Digital Lesson". It is conducted in a remote format. The organizers will evaluate the author’s developments of teachers who use electronic versions of textbooks in their work. In the work it is necessary to describe the plan of an interesting lesson using digital educational platforms. When submitting work, special attention must be paid to the uniqueness of the text - it should not contain plagiarism, and cannot be published in other publications.
Applications are accepted until November 15, 2019 on the official Russian Textbook portal at -07-19.
Winners will receive valuable gifts from partners, discounts on taking a distance training course, a free six-month subscription to the web version of Methodist magazine. All participants will receive a certificate confirming publication in the media.
Contest "Preserve Nature"
This is another contest organized by the Russian Textbook. Everyone and teachers of preschool and educational institutions of Russia can participate in it. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the competition will be held in the fall. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2019.
Methodological developments on carrying out events that raise issues of modern environmental problems and that motivate students to take care of nature are taken to participate. They must be unique and not previously published in other publications. The application is executed on the official website of the Russian Textbook company at It should contain a lesson summary in the format of a text document, and a video recording of its conduct (must be published on the YouTube channel).
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