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Ahead is a new school year, the completion of which for all students studying in grade 9, will be final exams (OGE) - we offer to find out how many disciplines will be required in 2020, as well as what new compulsory subjects may appear.
Major changes
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the first stream of students will take exams in the 9th grade, whose training programs from the 1st grade were drawn up in accordance with the new educational standard of the Federal State Educational Standard, which was adopted in 2010. That is why OGE tickets in 2020 for most items will be substantially changed.
Of the expected innovations, it is worth noting:
- practical focus of the OGE;
- minimizing the test part, which checks the student's awareness, and not his knowledge and skills;
- the introduction of meta-subject assignments, for the implementation of which it is necessary to use knowledge in several school subjects.
In order to maintain continuity between the OGE of different years, some tasks from the list of past KIMs will also be present on 2020 tickets. This will allow us to draw a parallel between the indicators of 2019 and 2020 and compare how graduates who studied according to old standards and nine-graders who studied subjects in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard have passed exams for grade 9.
Item innovations
It is difficult to say what changes will occur in the tickets of the United State Examination 2020 in mathematics, Russian and foreign languages. The official website of FIPI presents promising models that can still be finalized during the discussions.
At the moment, it is reliably known that changes will occur in such items:
Thing | New assignments |
Russian language | The division into oral and written parts will be fixed. |
Maths | The test part will decrease, and tasks for combining knowledge from different topics will also appear. |
Foreign languages | The tasks of the oral part will be finalized. |
Story |
Social science |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Informatics and ICT |
Biology |
Geography |
Thus, the exams for all those who study in the 9th grade in the 2019-2020 academic year will be practical in nature, although teachers assure that even in carrying out such tasks, basic knowledge of the theoretical foundations is also indispensable.
Number of exams
Over the past years, the prospect of introducing new compulsory disciplines has been actively discussed. Among the possible innovations are the following items:
- story;
- English language;
- social science;
- geography (occasionally such suggestions were made).
Although in 2015-2018, the statement that English would be compulsory for all ninth graders sounded quite believable, at the beginning of 2019-2020 the implementation of the Unified State Examination in foreign languages, as compulsory, looks very vague. This will require the development of a new grid of tasks and the solution of the problem of the technical equipment of the venues.
Perhaps the English language will enter the mandatory examinations of the OGE closer to 2022, and in 2020 in the 9th grade it will be taken only by students of specialized schools and those who plan to continue their education in specialized classes or lyceums with a philological bias. It is possible that in some regions of the Russian Federation this year will conduct an experimental mandatory OGE in English.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, graduates of 9th grades, as before, will pass 4 subjects (2 compulsory and 2 optional).
But, the number of disciplines handed down at the GIA-9 is constantly being discussed. It is possible that in the near future, instead of 4, the total number of examinations will be increased to 6, of which 2 subjects (mathematics and Russian) will remain compulsory, and 4 more - at the student’s choice.
OGE Schedule 2020
The preliminary calendar was announced in his speech by Sergey Kravtsov. According to the information presented in his presentation, the test schedule for the main session of the OGE 2020 will be as follows:
What will be the distribution of examination days for the preliminary and autumn session will become known in late October or early November 2019, when the FIPI officially approves the GIA 2020 calendar.
Format and Venue
Although every year the exams that students pass after grade 9 are getting closer to the format USE, graduates of 2020 will have small privileges that psychologically help to cope with the first difficult life task on the path to future success:
- OGE schoolchildren will take on the basis of their educational institutions;
- teachers of their school will check the work of graduates;
- although the cabinets threaten to equip cameras, in 2020 they certainly will not appear everywhere.
The rest of the requirements for the United State Examination are as severe as for graduates of 11th grade. It is forbidden to bring any extraneous things to the exam, use technical means (including programmable calculators), as well as any materials other than those provided by the organizers.
Useful materials
Everything that is needed to familiarize yourself with the main changes in assignments in subjects can be found on the FIPI website. In the section “OGE and GUE-9”, trial OGE are collected, as well as codifiers and specifications for all subjects.
Also see what innovations are possible in KIMs for the OGE in 2020 and how the exams in grade 9 will differ for those who study according to the standards of GEF:
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What are six items. Try to pass the old grubs and this is grade 9 !!!
and in grade 11 you’ll come up with 11 subjects ???
old freezers. We will write to Putin
I agree with you
I believe that in the Russian language, due to the fact that they reduced the number of tasks, you need to reduce the passing score.
Then the number of tasks was reduced, therefore they should also reduce the number of points for a rating of 3, at least 2 points, not 14 but 12! You already made this Russian unbearably difficult to surrender!