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Graduates wishing to connect their lives with the IT field will take the exam in computer science in 2020 and today, at the beginning of the school year, we are ready to tell in detail whether the FIPI plans to change what the structure will be in KIMs when the test passes (date), and what preparation should be for the best result.
Should I take it?
In 2020, the exam in computer science is an exam of choice.
According to the data for 2019, about 100,000 graduates chose the subject "Computer Science and ICT" at the exam, which is 1000 more than the number of people who have passed the English language, but 74,000 less than those who wanted to receive a certificate in physics.
Such a high interest from graduates is due to the fact that high scores in computer science (of course, in conjunction with a competitive result in specialized mathematics), allow you to become a student in the following areas:
- software engineering;
- cybersecurity;
- system engineering;
- system analysis;
- computer science and computer engineering;
- Applied Informatics;
- theoretical foundations of computer science;
- space technology.
And this is not a complete list of destinations. You can familiarize yourself with the proposals in more detail on the websites of universities that invite students to information technology departments.
the date of the
For early period The following exam days are defined in the Unified State Exam 2020 calendar:
- the main - 04/03/20 (Friday);
- reserve - 04/08/20 (Wednesday).
For main period Unified State Exam set the following days for the exam in computer science:
- the main one - 05/25/20 (Monday);
- reserve - 06/19/20 and 07/03/20.
When the exam on computer science will take place in the preliminary period of the State Automobile Inspection, it will be known closer to the beginning of November, when the exam will be officially approved.
In September, it is no longer possible to retake computer science, since according to the current USE rules, in the fall, the re-transfer of compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) is allowed.
2020 Exam
The main news for everyone who plans to take the exam in computer science in 2020 is the absence of any changes, both in the structure of the exam and in the content of KIMs. The process of reforming the system of Final State Certification for 11th graders has been successfully completed and KIMy 2020 fully meet modern requirements for the level of training of future applicants.
Format and regulations
The basic norms of the test will remain unchanged:
- duration - 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes);
- total tasks - 27;
- maximum primary point - 35 (equivalent to 100 points in the certificate);
- minimum certificate score - 40;
- there are no additional materials and permitted equipment;
- any calculators are prohibited!
KIM structure
On the exam ticket, 11th graders will meet tasks on all the main topics studied in the school course:
- PC architecture.
- The architecture of computer networks.
- Search and storage of information.
- Information encoding methods.
- Number systems.
- Elements of the theory of algorithms.
- Computer modelling.
- Algorithmization and programming.
In total, at KIM in computer science there will be 27 tasks distributed between the two blocks as follows:
Part | Number of tasks | Response type |
І | 23 | brief |
ІІ | 4 | detailed |
In the documentation posted on the FIPI website, there are recommendations on the time to complete the work.So, it is recommended to take 90 minutes to solve the tasks of the 1st part (12 basic levels and 11 advanced), and the remaining 145 to devote to solving the problems of the 2nd part (high level of complexity).
Please note that among the 23 tasks of the 1st part of the demo version of 2020, there are practically no tasks to choose the correct answer from the proposed ones, but there are quite a few tasks for understanding the code. At the same time, students are given the choice - code fragments are listed in several popular languages at once. In 2020, these will be:
- Algorithmic;
- Pascal;
- Python
- C ++.
Important! In assignments No. 24-27, examiners can also work with the most convenient programming language for them out of the 5 proposed.
It is worth noting that many teachers do not recommend taking Python as the only language for completing the USE assignments, as in different versions the semantics of the language and the very principle of operation of programming environments have significant differences. Even if you prefer Python, you should be sure that in case of force majeure you can complete tasks in one of the other languages of the FIPI list.
Having completed all 27 USE tasks in computer science correctly, in 2020 a graduate will be able to get 35 primary points, which according to the FIPI translation table will be interpreted as a 100-point result.
The primary points for completing the exam paper will be as follows:
Score | Tasks |
1 | № 1-23 |
0-4 | № 24-27 |
High-level tasks will be verified by two independent experts. So, for a correctly written and working program, they can give from 2 to 4 points, taking into account such criteria:
- 2 points - memory is not used efficiently and is not optimized for runtime;
- 3 points - the program runtime significantly depends on the value being processed, or there is no optimization in terms of memory size;
- 4 points - the program works correctly in any incoming data, and is also optimized for memory and time.
Important! The examiner can write more than one program for each of the 4 tasks in the answer form No. 2. In this case, the experts will check all the proposed options and set off the one that will score the most points on the scale described.
Although the results of GIA-11 do not officially translate into a school grade (the score of the certificate in a 100-point system is important), many graduates want to understand what grade their result corresponds to. An approximate correspondence table has been developed for this.
Naturally, the exam in computer science cannot be called simple and easy, therefore, graduates of 2020 who want to delve further into the field of IT will have serious preparation.
The main mistake of many 11th graders who are keen on programming is the increased concentration of attention on the block of algorithmization and code writing, while in KIM questions are presented on many other topics from the school course.
Where to start preparing? Definitely - from the basics and the mathematical foundations of computer science, because without this it would be impossible to start solving problems. What you should know “as a multiplication table” is the powers of two and the ratio of the file sizes.
Yes, the powers of two are large numbers, but remembering them is not at all difficult. You don’t need to remember everything. Most often in tasks there are degrees from 1 to 13, as well as 16, 24 and 32 (the latter is extremely rare). And if you don’t want to remember, just keep in mind that the result doubles at every step - this will help you quickly and easily calculate everything without a calculator.
The ability to operate with powers of two (as well as three and five) will be necessary not only when solving problems of finding the volume of files, but also when solving a number of problems on different number systems.
Number systems are one of the most difficult topics of the computer science course, so it will be necessary to devote a lot of time to it, renewing in memory (or learning):
- methods for translating numbers between different number systems;
- basic arithmetic operations in different systems;
- use of tables of triads and notebooks.
For a detailed analysis of the translation of numbers between number systems, see the video tutorial:
But what about direct programming? Undoubtedly, the ability to build algorithms, understand the logic of the program and, in fact, write code in one of the programming languages is an important factor for achieving a high result on the exam. And here it’s not enough to know the basic operators of the language - you need practice to learn to understand what is required of you in the task, what nuances to pay attention to and what types of data to use.
For practice, two resources will be indispensable:
- open bank of tasks of FIPI;
- Polyakov’s website, which all young programmers know.
If the dry text of a textbook or other specialized publications is difficult to perceive, watch instructional videos with a discussion of tasks and key topics that will be met at the Unified State Examination in 2020:
Read also:
Two questions:
1. Where did the information on the computer form of the exam in computer science in 2020 come from?
2. An order was issued on September 6, 2019_№729 for minimum passing points to educational institutions and there are not 40 points; the minimum point is 42.
Andrei, pay attention to the end of the title of the order, namely for the school year - not 19-20, but 20-21. This is for 2021 graduates.