Health Day 2020

Health Day 2020

Health Day in 2020 will traditionally be devoted to the treatment and prevention of dangerous diseases, other topics related to medicine, and a healthy lifestyle. This social holiday, which is held at the international level, is of great importance for people, regardless of social status, country of residence, financial income and other factors.

This is a large-scale project whose main goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle (HLS). Since every year the number of people who adhere to healthy lifestyles increases, it can be assumed that the work done is bearing fruit. It often takes months to prepare events for World Health Day.

When will be celebrated

Most social holidays have a fixed date. The similar tendency is explained quite simply - they are devoted to certain events. The date of the Health Day has also remained unchanged for 69 years.

Important! World Health Day 2020 will be April 7th.

The date was not chosen by chance. It is dedicated to the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO). This event, which occurred in 1948, was important for humanity. In the post-war period, the lack of medicines and medical personnel, unsanitary conditions, hunger and other factors led to the spread of epidemics. The creation of WHO made it possible to approach the solution of important issues at the international level. 197 states joined the organization, including the Soviet Union.

When is Health Day 2020 celebrated?

History of occurrence

The idea of ​​holding a Health Day came to WHO immediately after education. In 1948-1949 it was celebrated on July 22. The date was associated with the adoption of the Charter - the main document regulating the activities of the organization. Since 1950, events began to be held on April 7, the day the WHO was founded.

1995 was a turning point in the development of the holiday. Until that time, all activities were carried out only by the World Organization, but after that the UN Secretary General began to provide support. In addition, it was decided to devote annual Health Day to a specific topic. Over the years, questions have been raised regarding the treatment and prevention of poliomyelitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, infectious diseases, and mental health diseases. The social holiday was also devoted to the environmental situation, medicines, road safety, food products, etc.

Important! The theme of Health Day in 2020 has not yet been announced.

As noted

Over the years the holiday has existed, certain traditions have formed. Knowing what date Health Day will be in 2020, medical organizations and institutions, as well as activists and authorities, are preparing a number of events. Special medical centers are opened annually, the purpose of which is to detect diseases early. In large cities, they usually work at clinics.

Other events are being held:

  1. In hospitals and clinics organize lectures, seminars and conferences for the public and medical staff.
  2. Runs, bike rides and other sporting events.
  3. To attract public attention in the parks, squares and sports grounds, master classes are held in which everyone can participate.
  4. Charity events.
  5. Informing about a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention.

Without fail, various events are held in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions.In order for the future generation to grow up healthy, children are told about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, the dangers of drugs, the importance of proper nutrition and sports. For students, sports are usually held, as well as theater performances dedicated to healthy lifestyle or medical problems.

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