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Who did not admire the graceful compositions of paper, which often adorn store windows on the eve of winter holidays. But why not make yourself the same window cutters for the New Year, 2020. It turns out budget, but it is incredibly beautiful.
New Year’s windows is generally a separate issue. Elegant and generously decorated, they cheer up not only homeowners, but also passersby who admire the decor from the street. And the holiday, with each such window, becomes even brighter and more magical.
What subjects to choose
Cutting outs (more correct than cutting out) or, as they are called in the Ukrainian manner, “protruding”, are silhouette paper compositions. They are obtained by removing individual fragments, which makes the pattern openwork. Only the contours remain, the inside is removed - “pulled out”, hence the name of the technique.
The process is time consuming, requiring accuracy, attention and experience. Therefore, for window decoration for New Year immediately take on complex compositions with many small elements is not worth it.
Getting started is better with small pictures with a clear, understandable and, most importantly, wide outline. Otherwise, there is a risk of making an awkward movement and cutting the product in the wrong place.
Christmas decorations
One of the easiest window cutters to handle. Balls or other figures with a simple pattern can be made even by younger students, not to mention adults. Despite its simplicity, the openwork decor in the form of Christmas tree decorations looks very impressive.
Usually they make several jewelry in the same style and make up a composition from them. For example, they occupy the top of the glass, complementing the appliqués with a New Year's inscription. Or “hang” on branches, brackets and snow clouds, also cut out of paper.
Patterns of Christmas cutouts "Christmas tree toys":
For many peoples, the sonorous “voice” of this percussion instrument is considered a talisman that drives away evil forces. Why paper images of bells do not have similar properties. They are best glued symmetrically in the upper corners of the window, or added to other Christmas tree decorations.
It is hard to imagine the New Year without this recognized and popular attribute of winter. Snowflakes can be used as a standalone decor or make part of a large multi-figure composition that completely covers window glass. From snowflakes lay out an imitation of curtains, a Christmas tree, mark the symbolic path of Santa Claus, and so on.
There are two ways to make snowflake-holders:
- from a folded paper in the origami technique;
- by stencil (downloaded or drawn by yourself).
The first method is traditional, it has been used by more than one generation of lovers of needlework. A folded sheet allows, having cut out the pattern on only one part of the product, mechanically transfer it to all the others. The snowflake is guaranteed to be symmetrical, does not require much time and effort.
The disadvantage of this method is the inability to create an exclusive interior design.But if you need to quickly cut a large number of "snow" decorations, it is better not to find an option. Children will join such needlework with pleasure. It is important to help them fold the sheet correctly in the early stages.
Algorithm of actions:
- We fold the square of office or any other thin paper diagonally. Then we repeat the same operation with the resulting triangle.
- The new figure needs to be folded, thus outlining the central axis. Then open and wrap the opposite corners so that they form “ears”, as shown in the figure.
- We cut off the protruding elements, and apply some pattern to the remaining segment (you can take it from the Internet).
- We cut the workpiece along the planned lines and open it.
For unique Christmas cutouts on the windows, snowflake stencils are required. In this case, since the paper does not have to be folded, you can take a sheet of whatman paper or designer cardboard. Garlands are made of dense snowflakes and hung on the window in addition to the glued decor, creating a three-dimensional effect.
Angels, fairies
Fabulous creatures will revive any window glass and create a festive mood. For the most part, such pimples have a simple pattern, so they are also recommended for beginners. Complement the tender and cute images of fluttering babies with stars or snowfields.
The main characters of the holiday
Having mastered the technique of puckering, you can proceed to complex multi-figured plots with the participation of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and other fabulous New Year characters. Working with paper is incredibly creative and fun. However, covering the windows with needlework patterns, it should be remembered that excessive decor will reduce the illumination of the room, making it dark.
Not only people, but also domestic plants can suffer from a lack of sunlight. If the windows face north or west, it is better to leave the lower part open. The abundance of decorative elements causes a feeling of chaos and discomfort. So it’s better to stop on time.
Before making a composition using the technique of a punch, it is necessary to draw a sketch and see how harmoniously the ratio of its parts is.
The most massive images should be in the center or at the bottom of the window, and the smaller and lighter ones at the top.
The proportions and laws of perspective should also be observed. For example, Santa Claus flying high in the sky can never be more than the houses and trees over which it moves.
Download templates for window cutters:
The most important characters of the New Year holidays are distinguished not only by location, but also by size. Minor - snowmen, fairy tale characters, animals, usually smaller and not so carefully designed.
Patterns of bright and original clippers that fit the theme of the New Year 2020. Open the gallery Santa Claus and his main assistant - Snow Maiden:
Funny snowmen will happily decorate the windows. They can not be removed until the end of winter.
Christmas tree on glass is a creative solution. A green, or rather a white paper beauty is placed in the center of the window or as if it had grown on a windowsill.
Symbol of 2020 - The rat can also be used for decoration. With the right selection of pictures, the rodent will make an extremely positive, and not repulsive, impression:
Some useful tips
Drawn for windows look at the clearance, they must be very neat. Any deformation of the contour, whether it is an uneven cut, an “agnail” left over or an unintended change in the thickness of the pattern, is immediately evident and spoils the impression of the composition as a whole. Therefore, the hardness of the hand, the accuracy of movements and the sharpness of the instruments are of primary importance.
Beginners are recommended:
- In multicomponent templates with a large number of contours, paint with a pencil the places that need to be cut. The likelihood of violating the integrity of the tympanum will significantly decrease.
- Do not make a large number of identical elements at a time. Better if there will be no more than 10.
- If it is not possible to print New Year’s cutouts, they are enlarged to the desired size directly in the browser, using the “Scale” option, and then a sheet of paper is applied to the monitor and the outline is drawn.
- It is most convenient to glue products on glasses with soapy water. Some craftswomen dip the protrusions directly into the basin with the liquid, but if the contours are too thin, the paper may tear, so this technique is not always suitable.
- If the product has lost its integrity, you can gently glue it directly on the glass. Only torn parts are joined end-to-end, not lapped, otherwise there will be a visible thickening.
To prevent the window from breaking out of the general style of the New Year’s interior, it is advisable to decorate something else with the vytynanka: a Christmas tree, furniture, mirrors, lamps or walls.
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