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Curricula that are used in accredited government agencies are created based on federal standards. GEF can be periodically changed or supplemented, as a result of which there are changes in the organization of school activities. At the moment, it is already known what program and schedule children will study in 2019-2020.
Study plan
According to the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, educational organizations have the right to develop their own curricula. This takes into account a number of factors:
- type of institution (gymnasium, lyceum, school);
- training profile (humanitarian, technological, etc.);
- level of study of the subject (basic or advanced);
- student needs;
- the availability of teachers and classrooms, etc.
Each school accepts its own program, however, it must comply with applicable federal standards (GEF) and SanPiN.
The law of the Russian Federation says that the curriculum consists of 3 components: federal, regional and educational component of the organization. If the last 2 components are variable, then the first (federal) is mandatory for all institutions in Russia. Recently, no amendments to the laws have been adopted, so next year there are such mandatory items:
- In the primary grades - “Russian language and literary reading”, “Mathematics and computer science”, “Foreign language”, “Art”, “Technology”, “Physical culture”, “Social studies and natural sciences”. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 01.02.2012 No. 74, fourth-graders additionally study “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”.
- In the 5th-9th grade, such disciplines as “History”, “Geography”, “Biology”, “Music”, “Visual Arts”, “Computer Science and ICT”, “Social Studies (including economics and law),“ Natural Science ”, “Physics”, “Chemistry”, “OBZh”.
- High school students, among other things, study "Astronomy", "Economics", "Law", "World Art Culture". Disciplines can teach at 2 levels: basic and core.
If desired, the student can choose any other additional classes in addition to the established program, without any medical contraindications.
Lesson schedule
Curricula must fulfill the requirements specified in the regulation SanPiN Nothing has changed since last year:
- In the 1st grades, the 2019-2020 academic year will consist of 33 academic weeks. Maximum load - 4 lessons per day (1 time per week there can be 5 lessons, but only due to physical education). Training is conducted without evaluation, homework is not given.
- For grades 2-8, 34 academic weeks are allocated. Children from grade 2 to 4 should have no more than 5 lessons / day, from 5 to 7 - no more than 7, and in the 8th there can be a maximum of 8 lessons / day.
- For 9th and 11th grades 33 weeks are allotted, not counting the examination period. Maximum load - 8 lessons / day.
- For the 10s - 34 (not including the training camp on the basics of military service).
The school year will begin on September 2, 2019. Pupils of grades 1-5 should study exclusively on a 5-day program, and older children can study 6 days / week (except for children with disabilities). The duration of lessons for students in grades 2-11 is 40 minutes. The duration of the big break is 45 minutes.
First graders should be trained only in the first shift. The following lesson duration was adopted for them: from September to December - 35 minutes, from January to May - 40 minutes.In the middle of the day, a dynamic change of at least 40 minutes is provided.
Interim certification at the end of the year in grades 1-4, 5-8 is carried out in the month of April-May. Ninth graders complete the year with mandatory final state certification, and eleventh graders pass the exam.
Educational Standards 2019-2020
In 2019-2020, the training of students in grades 1-4 will be carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standard, approved by the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science 06.10.2009. The educational program of the basic general level is regulated in GEF from 12/17/2010.
At the moment, 10-11 grades are studying in GEF only in schools that participate in the testing of new standards. In this case, the GEF from 05.17.2012 is used. From 2020, high school students in all institutions will move to new standards. Prior to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards, the SES-2004, approved by order No. 1089, as well as the norms of the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and dated March 9, 2004 No. 1312, continue to operate in normal mode.
Children with disabilities, as well as intellectual disabilities, study according to separate standards prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard No. 1598 and No. 1599, respectively. All these documents are freely available on the state portal of the Ministry of Education and Science. The teaching load for teachers for 2019-2020 is established in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1601 of 12.22.14.
Education Committee recommendations for 2019-2020
The main provisions prescribed by the Education Committee on the formation of curricula for 2019-2020:
- To carry out the division of classes into 2 groups during classes in "Foreign Language" (2-9 grade), "Technology" (5-9), in practical classes in "Informatics", "Physics and" Chemistry "in grades 8-9 occupancy of more than 25 people.
- The administration of state institutions should provide students with textbooks that are on the list of recommended ones (order of the MO of 12.28.2018 No. 345) and have passed accreditation, as well as teaching aids approved for use in schools.
- Within the framework of the regional component, schools can include students in the program if it is the state language of one of the republics of the Russian Federation. But “Native language” and “Literary reading in Russian native language” should not be studied on subjects devoted to Russian and literature.
The free choice of the language of education and the studied native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation is carried out according to the applications of the parents (legal representatives) of the child upon admission to training.
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