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In 2020, once again, under the chairmanship of Russia, a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS Association will be held. It was an honor to hold the forum so important for the international arena, the capital of the South Urals. At the request of representatives of the public and regional leadership, the corresponding order was signed in March this year by V.V. Putin.
According to the latest news, the SCO and BRICS summits can be taken away from the city after the election of the governor, so their preparation is in question.
Historical chance
The international summit for Chelyabinsk is an opportunity to arrange a kind of “global reboot” of the city. The successful holding of the SCO and BRICS summits will be the key to the regional economy reaching the world level. Attracting large investment projects gives real chances to make the city prosperous, modern and comfortable.
Residents of the South Ural capital have high hopes for the upcoming international event. The increase in the number of jobs, the improvement of the city, the revitalization of business activity, the development of the construction industry and small business - all this will become part of one big work in preparation for the summit.
Through a competition among architects around the world, the regional government has already selected the best projects for the reconstruction of the city's infrastructure. South Ural officials were not scared by the large amount of work. The city began to solve organizational and legal issues at the beginning of 2015. But the basic financial and labor costs are yet to come. The governor of the Chelyabinsk region with his team of managers is actively involved in the preparatory work and makes considerable efforts to ensure that the SCO and BRICS summit is held at the highest organizational level.

Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky
For information! The initiator of the formation of the BRICS Union of States in 2006 was the Russian Federation. The name consists of the initial letters of the countries included in the association.
Large-scale construction
The most expensive, but at the same time promising object that will be reconstructed in Chelyabinsk by 2020 will be the airport. According to preliminary calculations, a world-class air terminal would cost the local budget more than 5 billion rubles. But the federal authorities took the initiative to finance part of the expensive work. A significant contribution to the airport infrastructure will be made by a private investor. It is planned that the passenger flow after completion of the reconstruction will be at least 2 million people per year.
At full speed, work is underway to equip the embankment of the Miass River. The newly constructed social and business center will be located on both banks of the main city river. According to preliminary information, the center’s area will be about 100 thousand square meters. meters. The height of the building is also amazing - 170 meters will make it unique in terms of architecture and engineering. The project provides conference rooms with the most comfortable conditions for the SCO and BRICS summit participants. By the first quarter of 2020, the construction of a unique structure should be fully completed.
At the initiative of local businessman Nagovitsyn, an additional congress hall will be built.The construction costs are taken over by the Chelyabinsk citizen and promises to erect a building, which in case of which will insure the social and business center. The TANAGAY 2020 Congress Hall will be located in the very center of the city on Truda Street. The appearance of the building is still a secret.
By 2020, it is planned to clean up the roads in the capital of the South Urals and organize the traffic in the most convenient way for the SCO and BRICS summit participants.
Among the grandiose changes, residents of the regional center of the South Urals are waiting for such changes:
- seven new hotels are expected to be built;
- city squares and parks will be repaired;
- all buildings located along the guest route are overhauled;
- A large amount of improvement is planned adjacent to the facilities of the territory.
On a note! The Shanghai Cooperation Organization was established in 2001. The main tasks of the association are the fight against terrorism, strengthening stability and security in the territories belonging to the participating countries.
Financial difficulties
In preparation for the SCO and BRICS summit, more than once in the media appeared information about the possible transfer of the venue of a major international event. Representatives of the federal government voiced cities such as Sochi and Ufa as a substitute. The proposed cities, without requiring financial investments, could worthily conduct world-class events. The reason for the talks was the financial difficulties of the region and the high-profile arrests of officials accused of fraud with budget funds allocated for the forum.
The authorities of Chelyabinsk, not wanting to miss the opportunity to hold the SCO summit and the BRICS, tried to defend the honor of the city. To replace the arrested official, the regional governor Dubrovsky has already appointed Denis Isaev, head of the department of foreign economic relations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Chelyabinsk region.
In October, Dubrovsky addressed financial problems to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. The governor explained the lack of the possibility of holding an international forum in 2020 with a lack of funds in connection with the implementation of the May decrees of the president. Dmitry Medvedev responded to the request and instructed the Minister of Finance to provide financial assistance to Chelyabinsk. Most likely, the decision to postpone the SCO and BRICS summit will not be made.
Forum Legacy
The authorities are now thinking about what the city expects after the SCO and BRICS summit. Costly facilities should continue to operate efficiently and be profitable in the treasury of the region. In the near future, the regional government intends to develop a clear program on the use of the legacy of the international forum.
Last news
After the election of the new acting governor of Chelyabinsk, Alexei Teksler, and the resignation of Boris Dubrovsky, the holding of the summits is questionable, because there were rumors that international events could be held in other regions of the Russian Federation - in Yekaterinburg or Sochi.
While there is no official information on the cessation of preparations for the activities, work continues in the same mode.
Active preparatory work is underway in the village of Khrustalny on the shores of Lake Smolino, where the future presidential village is planned. Also, construction continues at Taganay 2020, there are no changes in the schedule.
The exact information will appear in September 2019, when the official elections of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region will take place.
Construction of the SCO and BRICS Congress Hall 2020 from a height of: video
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