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A possible reform of the Russian alphabet in 2020 provoked a lot of questions among the population: what specific changes will be carried out, how they will affect the text, writing, pronunciation. Since 2020, the authors of newsletters about changes in the alphabet have cited the words of Minister Vasilyeva, but they have not yet published news about the reform on the website of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, doubts arise about the veracity of this alert.
7 letters minus
The story began with an unknown portal spreading a rumor that Minister Vasilyeva had announced a change in the composition of the alphabet. According to the minister, the project has already been developed by the Ministry’s employees together with the Higher School of Economics and the Irkutsk University of Railway Engineering.
The project on changes in the Russian alphabet will begin to operate in 2020. If the reform is true, then already in 2020, specialists will face such innovations:
- remove the letters "s" and "b" and replace them with "b";
- cancel the letter "ё";
- the letters "x", "c", "h", "w", "u" will be removed.
Instead, the letters "e" will use "e". This is not a global change, because almost everywhere together “e” they write “e”. Until 1942, the alphabet consisted of 32, not 33 letters, because "e" and "e" were considered a variation of one letter. Difficulties arise with consonants. It is not known what sign they will be replaced by, how they will pronounce it. A sample of the mark has been developed, but not yet approved. Many words are left without a clear pronunciation and spelling: thicket, slum, bus, temple.
Another difficulty is the surnames and names in which these letters are present. Will they also change or will they be kept? Will people have to change their diplomas, rights, passports? To do this, you need to develop a law, carry out the necessary procedures for the replacement of documents. This is only a small number of nuances that need to be considered. But such changes will happen only on condition that the rumor of reform is true, not false.
Comparison with other countries
Minister Vasilyeva explains the reasons for the reform of the alphabet. Experiments were conducted, studies of alphabets in different countries of the world, the result was an interesting pattern.
Scientists have identified a relationship between the number of letters in the alphabet of a nation and its success. According to the results of the experiments, it became known that those countries with 26 letters and less in the alphabet are being improved more successfully. In such states, a strong, stable economy, a favorable political environment, they are easier to tolerate global economic crises.
The experience of other states
The alphabets of England, Germany, France have 26 letters. In Italy - 21 letters, although in reality there are 26 as well. The results of the study can be considered correct if we consider only European countries. The listed 4 states are included in the list of the strongest and richest countries in Europe. But in the world list these countries do not occupy leading positions, but Norway is on the 6th place, whose GDP is about 70 thousand dollars. The alphabet of this country has 29 letters, which violates the "veracity" of research.
The most revealing example is the smallest 12-letter alphabet that belongs to the Rotokas tribe on the island of Bougainville. The islanders do not even know about economics, politics, social benefits, which proves the imperfection of the study on the relationship between the number of letters and the success of the people.
Interesting! Experts are of the opinion that the reform of the alphabet is carried out by new authorities who want to separate youth from culture, the language of their ancestors.
According to this principle, similar changes have already been carried out in 1917-1918. The Bolsheviks transformed the rules for writing certain words:
- abolished Ѣ, Ѳ, І, their place was taken by E, F, I;
- ceased to enter “b” after consonants;
- instead of the form of the words He, One, One, One began to use He, One, One.
Thanks to the reforms, the Bolsheviks restricted the young generation's access to books and newspapers published by their ancestors. Children studied according to new textbooks, and it was difficult for them to read according to the old rules.
Doubts of Linguists
University professors, doctors, associate professors of philological and linguistic sciences voice their opinion on the reform of the alphabet in 2020. In their research projects, they consider the alphabet to be the code of the nation. Attempts to make changes to this code inevitably end in ethnic clashes, confrontation between representatives of different generations and chaos. They consider the information about replacing the seven letters as a rumor, a joke that went too far. Experts focus the attention of colleagues and youth on the fact that today's alphabet is perfect at the moment.
But some teachers and students believed in the truthfulness of the words of Vasilyeva, raised a panic. After all, the reform is not only about reducing the number of letters in the alphabet, but also about reducing the lessons of the Russian language in school. For teachers who are already talking about a drop in the level of native speech, this is not good news.
Signs of False Information
Those who still have not doubted that the reforms will be carried out in 2020 should pay attention to the signs of a rally or an informational “duck”. One of the most obvious signs is the developers of innovations.
The first on the list is the Higher School of Economics. Apparently, she plays a major role in the development of the project. This in itself seems implausible, although it is possible to drag such a “participant” by the ears if one assumes what expenses the reform of Russian writing will entail. When you need to publish new primers, textbooks and replace other household items where the alphabet is located.
The second assistant in the development of reform is the Irkutsk University of Railways. It is too far from Moscow, from the central part of the country. The Ministry of Education usually involves geographically closer employees, and those who are near the capital. Such indirect signs also indicate that the rumor of reform is false.
Ministry of Education response
There were few denials of the 2020 reform from ministry employees, but an informational alert appeared. It tells about the introduction of a new letter in the alphabet and the transition only to consonants that characterize the firmness of the nation.
In addition, the information says about the new uniform from:
- bast shoes;
- sundress;
- kosovorotki;
- kokoshnik;
- boots and sheepskin coat in the cold season.
The news was also taken at face value, although a satirical publication published the alert. Message from A.A. Emelyanova was agitated by the population, who did not even understand that this message was just a joke. Some private educational institutions may introduce such a form for students, but this will not be a state “obligation”.
Reform in 2020 may take place, but certainly not in such a global form. So far, the authorities have not officially announced changes that would satisfy the people. This means that the reform of the alphabet is someone's well-planned joke or provocation, with an attempt to find out the mood in society.
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