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With the development of modern technologies and the growing enthusiasm for children and adolescents, as well as adults, for the virtual world in 2020, the need to visit the library gradually disappears. Therefore, her work plan must meet the needs of her contemporaries. To improve the productivity of work, you should offer the visitor interesting information (including in the form of events), which is not only able to instill or maintain a love for the book, but also be informative and interesting.
New Life Libraries
Over the past few years, the popularity of libraries has been rapidly declining. Modern people rarely attend these educational institutions, especially after graduation. There are several explanations for this phenomenon:
- active development of the Internet, which has become a quick and convenient source of information on almost any topic;
- increasing the availability of print media;
- the increasing use of the electronic version of books, which cost the buyer much cheaper than paper ones, do not occupy a place in the house and can be read using any gadgets in any convenient place;
- general decrease in the number of reading population.
The latter factor is the most difficult to eliminate, since it indicates a decrease in people's interest in raising their own education and developing intellectual abilities. For its development, it is necessary to influence, first of all, the young generation, which should be instilled with a love of reading from school.
In order to interest modern youth, one should not only provide access to relevant literature, but also organize various educational and educational events. Their tasks should include:
- Presentation of new information interesting to the young generation;
- a new look at the "classic" problems;
- Representation of world and domestic cultural heritage;
- discussion of pressing issues important to modern society.
Despite the fact that the Internet is a direct competitor to libraries, it is at such events that you can explain to the young generation all the details of the safe use of the global network. The massive dissemination of false information, which is more resonant, can distort reality and mislead a person, forming an erroneous idea in him. Therefore, it is important to pay attention not to the emotionality of the text, but to analyze the source.
To attract middle-aged people, it is important to improve access to professional literature (about business, psychology, evidence-based medicine, etc.). These may not necessarily be expensive publications, for which there are always not enough funds. Many publishers provide access to their literature through Internet portals where subscription is required. The same goes for periodicals.
School library plan
Most often, a person’s first acquaintance with a library occurs upon admission to school. From this moment it is important to show the child that a book (educational or fiction) is a valuable source of knowledge that draws on the various abilities of our brain (imagination, memory, analysis, etc.). That is, you read - you become smarter.
Note. One of the methods for the prevention of senile dementia (dementia) is constant intellectual activity.Thus, simple reading can be the key to long-term preservation of mental abilities.
When drawing up the work plan of the school information and library center for 2019-2020, it is necessary to take into account the implementation of several main tasks:
- work with the training fund, which includes checking the availability and condition of educational and methodological literature in accordance with the approved curriculum;
- work with the main fund: studying the composition of the fund taking into account the needs of the educational and educational process;
- work with library users.
Work with users can just be used to popularize libraries. The school library plan for 2019-2020 may include activities for students and parents of various subjects.
Memorable Dates
The calendar for the 2019-2020 school year is full of various events. They can be used for discussions, exhibitions and speeches to cover this topic. In addition to the main ones (Knowledge Day, Teachers, etc.), the following interesting events can be distinguished:
- 09.09. - Literacy Day;
- 09/22. - Shnobel Prize;
- 09/30. - Internet Day;
- 10/7. - Day of the smile;
- 10.24. - International Day of School Libraries;
- 10.11. - Day of science;
- 11/18. - Birthday of Santa Claus;
- 11.01. - Day of reserves and national parks of Russia;
- 01/17. - Children's Inventions Day;
- 02.21. - International Mother Language Day;
- 03/21. - World Poetry Day;
- 04/23 - World Book and Copyright Day;
- 05/15. - International day of families.
Presentation of memorable dates may look like an exhibition of children's essays or drawings, presentations or conversations in the library.
Anniversaries of writers
In the 2019-2020 academic year, there are many famous anniversaries who have already gone down in history, leaving their descendants a rich creative heritage.
- 09/13. - 125th anniversary of the English writer J.B. Priestley
- 09/15. - 230 years old to the American writer J.F. Cooper;
- 09/29. - 115th anniversary of the Russian playwright N.A. Ostrovsky;
- 10/15. - 205th anniversary of the Russian poet M.Yu. Lermontov;
- 10/18. - 85 years old would have turned a science fiction and historian Kir Bulychev;
- 11.21. - 325th anniversary of the French philosopher Voltaire;
- 02.01. - The 100th anniversary of science fiction writer Isaac Asimov;
- 01/17. - 160 years to the Russian prose writer and playwright A.P. Chekhov;
- 10.02. - 130 years to the Russian poet Boris Pasternak;
- 04/02. - 180th anniversary of the French writer Emile Zola;
- 05.24. - 115 years to the Soviet novelist M.A. Sholokhov.
Cognitive activities
In libraries, you can organize various kinds of events that are educational, cognitive and educational in nature. You can involve a school psychologist, students, parents, as well as interesting personalities (local poets, artists, travelers, etc.) to create them. It is also advisable to create creative circles that contribute to the development of imagination.
Here are some ideas for varied leisure activities for children and parents:
- a review of the novelties of children's fiction by contemporary authors;
- a review of the best books for creativity (for example, knitting lessons, modeling from plasticine, decoupage, etc.);
- thematic brain ring according to the plot of a work from school literature or the author’s life and creative cycle (as prizes you can use certificates of honor or beautiful postcards);
- reader contest;
- listening to songs to the words of famous poets (also, in a modern interpretation);
- viewing old photos of your hometown with a description of memorable events;
- discussion of cultural places (museums, theaters, etc.) of local importance with a possible prospect of visiting them;
- Report on hiking trips made by local travelers or that can be taken with the whole family or class;
- creative master classes: quilling, creating figures from plaster, researching various artistic techniques, beadwork, creating crafts from threads, painting cups and much more;
- conversations with parents and children on pressing topics: about the period of growing up, personal space, the formation of an independent personality, problems with trust, and about safe behavior.
Information for such events can be found in books or on the Internet. To improve perception it is recommended to use visual reinforcement: pictures, posters, presentations. When conducting educational conversations, training, it is better to use the method when all those present are sitting in a circle. This creates the effect of equalizing the participants, and allows you to carefully watch and listen to each speaker.
Variety and creative approach will help to make the library a popular place where you can spend time reading books and you can meet interesting people.
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