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Residency is one of the most important stages of professional growth for doctors in various fields. Let's see what will be expected of young specialists planning to enter the residency in 2019-2020, as well as what news the reform introduced by the Russian government is preparing for young specialists.
On April 17, 2018, the Ministry of Health approved a new order No. 170Н, according to which order No. 1112Н of 05/11/17 will be amended regarding the rules for admission to residency.
Why reform is needed
Russian Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova has repeatedly focused public attention on such important problems of the industry as:
- lack of specialists in rural areas;
- low qualification of specialized doctors;
- uneven distribution of people wishing to receive a medical education in the branches of medicine.
The new document takes into account all these nuances. The Ministry of Health promises that in 2019-2020, free residency will become more accessible, and the proposed system of accruing additional points will stimulate the flow of personnel in the outpatient clinics and hospitals of small towns and villages.
By allocating a certain number of places (budget and contract) in the residency of each university, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will also be able to effectively regulate the number of specialists in a particular area of medicine, depending on the needs of medical institutions in the country.
Difficulty entering
Since the internship was abolished in 2016, residency has remained the only way for most medical professionals to receive high-quality, highly specialized education. But, taking into account the innovations, far from all comers will get the right to study in residency, and they will have to compete for a place in a good university, and even in a popular direction.
The decision on admission to the residency in 2019 and 2020 will be made, evaluating the test result and the total amount of additional points.
Entrance test
In the near future, the format of the exam will not change. KIM in general medicine will be close in structure to the tasks of the exam (60 tasks of different difficulty levels). For successful admission examiners will need to give at least 70% of the correct answers.
Extra points
Earlier, many young specialists complained that if theoretically each of them has the right to free education, in practice places are provided exclusively for targeted students (doctors who have concluded an agreement with a particular medical institution). In the new edition, the document provides another real opportunity for entering the budget - this is the presence of seniority in rural areas.
How it works? Thanks to the system of additional points in 2019-2020, residency will become a reality for those who fall into the following categories:
Points | To whom are charged |
15 | Holders of red diplomas of medical universities of the Russian Federation. |
20 | Presidential Fellows. |
10 (+5 for each next 3 years) | Work experience from 1 to 3 years as a pharmacist or paramedics (secondary education). |
12 (+5 for each next 2 years) | Work experience of 9 months. up to 2 years of age as a pharmacist or paramedics (higher education). |
10 (in addition to experience points) | For working in the countryside. |
15 (and no more) | For various other achievements, including volunteering. |
It is expected that health workers, for whom the cost of training on the contract will be prohibitive, will earn extra points in villages and small towns, which is so necessary for the local population. Considering how much the residency will cost in the best universities in Russia in 2020, there are definitely anyone who wants it.
Important! Veronika Skvortsova promised that in the near future the number of places for training for budgetary funds will be increased by 2.5 times.
Tripartite Target Agreement
Whatever the promise of the Ministry of Health, and every future doctor knows that, although not the only now, the most realistic way for those wishing to study at the expense of the federal budget is a targeted agreement with one of the medical institutions in Russia.
In fact, everything is extremely simple. The state pays for training in residency, and the future doctor, having received a diploma, agrees to work out a certain number of years in a predetermined position.
The practice of young specialists shows that it is rather difficult to find such a place in city clinics, while in small towns and villages in medical institutions it is always welcome to get a qualified doctor.
Important! You should not hope that having passed the training, you will be able to find ways that will allow you not to work out the prescribed period. In case of violation of the doctor’s contract, a large fine is expected, the amount of which depends on the cost of training.
Those who were able to get a place in a free residency, it’s too early to relax, because after a long period of training, combined with practice, they will face another test. The exam will consist of three stages:
- classic testingwhose purpose is to verify the theoretical knowledge of a young doctor;
- specialty examon which it is necessary to demonstrate deep knowledge in the chosen branch of medicine;
- clinical task, designed to show how the future specialist can work with the patient and whether he developed clinical thinking.
Important! In 2019-2020, they plan to make accreditation mandatory for all branches of medicine.
Opinion of young professionals
The fact that budget places should become more affordable definitely pleases everyone who plans to submit documents for residency in 2019-2020. But at the same time, there are a number of other equally important problems that many young specialists talk about.
Most of the students are outraged by the fact that not all doctors who stick to the students are ready to openly and conscientiously share their experience, revealing to young people the secrets of professionalism and the knowledge accumulated over years. In the absence of monitoring the quality of teaching, it is not uncommon for students of residency, instead of such an important practice in real conditions, to do paper work in departments.
What will be the new residency after the innovations of reform come into force in 2019-2020 is still difficult to judge. Whether the changes will be really effective in the struggle for the quality of education and the fullness of the staff of rural hospitals, time will also show.
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