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After large-scale reforms affecting the Unified State Examination in past years, graduates, their parents and teachers can not help but wonder what innovations will be at GIA-11 in 2020 and in what subjects this “new” can significantly affect the exam results.
Although there is still enough time before the Unified State Examination-2020, some of the innovations awaiting graduates are already known today and we suggest that we examine in more detail what information is walking on the network is true, and what are just assumptions.
Third compulsory subject
The main innovation in the USE in 2020 is the possible introduction of a mandatory exam in the history of Russia.
According to statistics, in the 2018-2019 academic year, 103,290 people handed over history as an elective subject, among which only 9.2% of the total number of participants scored a high score (over 80). In this case, the average score of a certificate for history is 55.3.
Vladimir Putin has long focused on the fact that it is impossible to build a future without knowing thoroughly the history of your country. The introduction of the third subject was discussed for a long time, but the prospect took on a very specific shape when the Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, confirmed the introduction of a compulsory history test in 2020 for 11th grade graduates, speaking at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Air Force.
Thus, it is possible that in the 2019-2020 academic year, 11th graders will have to take 4 subjects:
- 3 compulsory (mathematics, Russian language and history);
- 1 optional (the list of disciplines will remain unchanged, and Chinese will be available among foreign languages).
The question of the structure of KIM for a new compulsory subject remains open at the moment, because the new exam should have questions relating to the history of Russia, and 2019 tickets cover a much wider range of topics.
Important! As of the end of August 2019, the FIPI website does not have any information on the introduction of a mandatory exam in history. The promising KIM model is fully consistent with 2019 and covers all the material of the school course, and not just the history of Russia.
Analyzing these facts, we can assume that two main subjects (mathematics and the Russian language) will remain mandatory in 2020, and history, as before, will be one of the subjects of choice.
Foreign language exam
No less than the prospect of passing the story as early as 2020, schoolchildren are scared by the promise of the country's leadership to make English an obligatory subject. In 2020 this, most likely, will not happen, but after two years (in 2022), the fourth mandatory exam is quite possible.
So, in the upcoming season, a foreign language will remain the subject of choice, since there are no new decrees approving such innovations in the USE 2020, and the exam format itself will require the organizers to carry out serious work on the technical equipment of the classrooms. In addition to English, graduates will also be able to pass tests in French, Spanish, German or Chinese.
According to statistics, the situation with the English language in 2019 was better than with history. The subject was handed over 74 272 people. (just over 11%) and 42.7% of the participants showed a result in the range of 81-100 points.The average certificate score is 73.8.
Exams at home school
Over the past years, the main gripe for the exam is a high level of stress that adolescents experience throughout the preparation for exams, as well as at the time of passing the tests. Psychologists have repeatedly emphasized that the result is often influenced by the very need to write work in a foreign institution for the child.
In order to eliminate the main source of stress, members of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture, offer to return final exams back to schools and allow 11-graders to pass the exam on the basis of their educational institution.
But, do not hope that after the approval of this innovation in the USE 2020 there will be an opportunity to write off or use the teacher’s hint. The exam format and classroom requirements will remain unchanged. This means that the actions of the examinees will be strictly monitored through cameras, and subject teachers will not be able to attend the GIA.
Choice for IT Specialties
A draft order has been posted on the federal portal, according to the text of which, already in 2020, applicants entering IT specialties will be able to submit an exam choice in computer science or physics.
Such a decision, obviously, was made with the aim of increasing interest in the exact sciences. In fact, choosing for himself an exam in computer science, a graduate is deprived of the opportunity to enter other technical specialties, where a certificate in physics is a prerequisite for submitting documents. Now the guys who have not yet finally decided on the direction, it will be possible to pass an exam in physics and, if desired, submit documents for both the IT direction and the engineering specialty.
Raising Passing Points
In 2020, the Ministry of Education and Science decided to raise the minimum threshold for passing universities. The innovation will affect everyone who plans to enter a budget or contract (under the undergraduate and specialty program) at one of the 352 universities in Russia controlled by the Ministry of Education and Science.
A complete list of educational institutions of the Russian Federation for which new threshold points will be set is given in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 729 of 09/06/19.
In other universities of the country, as a minimum scarf, they will be guided by last year’s recommendations of Rosobrnadzor.
Thing | Rosobrnadzor | Ministry of Education |
Russian language | 36 | 40 |
Mathematics (Profile) | 27 | 39 |
Physics | 36 | 40 |
Chemistry | 36 | 40 |
Biology | 36 | 42 |
Social science | 42 | 44 |
Story | 32 | 42 |
Computer science | 40 | 42 |
Literature | 32 | 40 |
It is worth looking for more detailed information about the passing scores for the contract and budgetary education on the website of the university of interest, since most often the real passing budget score, which is formed taking into account the Unified State Exam scores of applicants who have submitted documents, is significantly higher than the established threshold.
Additional points for the exam
At the moment, you can get an additional score for the exam by passing the TRP standards. Recently, Elena Drapeko turned to the representative of the Ministry of Culture with a proposal to introduce a similar system of bonus points for graduates of art and music schools who apply for specialties in the art cycle.
If the idea of such an innovation is supported, then graduates of 2020 who have received certificates of graduation from art, ballet and music schools will receive additional chances and bonus points upon admission.
Changes in the KIMs of the Unified State Examination-2020
As expected, cardinal changes in the KIMs of 2020 will not happen. The certificate of planned changes published by the FIPI in August 2019 indicates that KIMs in the following subjects will remain unchanged:
- maths;
- computer science and ICT;
- foreign languages: English, German, French and Spanish (there will be serious changes in Chinese);
- literature;
- chemistry;
- biology.
Minor changes will affect the following disciplines:
Thing | Changes |
Russian language | Clarified the criteria for evaluating the composition (task number 27) |
Story | Changed the conditions for scoring to task number 25. |
Social science | The changes will affect the wording of tasks No. 28 and 29, as well as their assessment system. |
Geography | Assessment criteria for assignments No. 31 and 32 have been clarified. |
Physics | The number of tasks with a detailed answer will increase to 6. For problem No. 25, it will now be necessary to give a detailed answer and it will be evaluated at 2 points. In task No. 24 (astrophysics), the number of correct answers is no longer specified. There may be 2 or 3. |
The most significant innovations will affect the exam in Chinese in 2020. This is the youngest exam in the list of GIA tests that was introduced last year, and according to the results of testing in 2020, the following changes will be made:
Section | Changes |
No. 1 Listening | Only 9 tasks were left in the section. |
The formats of questions No. 1,2,3 were changed. | |
There are 2 dialogs. | |
No. 2 Reading | The number of section tasks has been reduced to 5. |
Added tasks to search for compliance, as well as to search for several correct answers from the proposed ones. | |
№3 Grammar, vocabulary and hieroglyphics | — |
No. 4 Letter | Added the 28th task in which you want to write a response to a stimulus letter. |
Moratorium on changes in the exam
As part of a major reform of the education system, KIMs of the Unified State Examination were reviewed almost every year. Often the changes were so significant that they negatively affected the results.
In 2019, Boris Chernyshov turned to Olga Vasilyeva with a proposal to introduce a moratorium on changes in the Unified State Exam for a period of 5 years, which establishes a ban on introducing changes in KIMy and introducing new examination disciplines.
According to Chernyshov stability in the requirements of the GIA will give a number of advantages. Firstly, it will allow graduates to better prepare for exams, which in turn will allow you to get better results. Secondly, it will remove the prevailing atmosphere of “nervousness” that has developed around the exam. Thirdly, it will enable educators to build a single effective training methodology that focuses on new requirements.
As you can see, there are a lot of ideas, but not all of them are currently based on documents or at least official statements. On the one hand, we hear a statement about the moratorium, on the other hand, we see the facts of introducing new compulsory subjects, on the one hand, the leadership speaks of the need to reduce the burden on students, and on the second, it plans to transfer the exam in digital format by developing individual task packages for each student .
Of course, there is still a lot of time ahead and something of the voiced may well become a reality. Follow our news, and you will be the first to know what changes and innovations will be accepted for the exam in 2020.
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