Children's Book Week 2020

Children's Book Week 2020

In 2020, the Children's Book Week will be held - a fun and exciting holiday for children and their parents. Its goal is to increase literacy, interest in books, development of imagination and imagination. The holiday includes cultural and recreational activities.

When will take place

A children's event is celebrated annually during the spring school holidays. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what date the Children's Book Week in 2020 will take place. Dates change, but most often the holiday falls on the last week of March.

In 2019, the literary week is celebrated from the 25th to the 31st, from Monday to Sunday, next year the dates will change slightly. The school administration independently organizes the holidays, because the celebration may differ depending on the region of Russia.

Boy reads books

history of the holiday

Among all the "literary" events in our country, Children's Book Week was based in a difficult time. The holiday was invented in 1973, during the Great Patriotic War. Only one day was celebrated at that time - March 26 was chosen for these purposes.

The Soviet children's writer Lev Abramovich Kassil became the author of the idea of ​​introducing the “Book Name Day” in order to try to return the children a little joy and carelessness in difficult times of the war. On this day, he initiated meetings of young readers with famous writers and poets. Cassille did not realize that his idea would spread on such a scale. The popular name "Knizhkin holiday" was formed due to the fact that many authors wanted to distract the kids from the horrors of war and give them a holiday with the help of literary works.

The first holiday took place on March 26 in the House of Unions of Moscow - a huge and solemn hall that can receive all admirers of literature. Among the famous authors of the time who met the guys were Samuel Marshak and Agnia Barto. Writers read aloud works, talked with children and answered their questions. Each child at the end of the holiday became the owner of the book. Let it be thin and printed on plain gray paper, the children were delighted.

"Nameday books" were a great success, because the government supported the initiative of Lev Abramovich and established this holiday in the Soviet Union. Two years later, they decided to extend the celebration, and he began to celebrate all spring breaks. Having survived the war and the difficult post-war period, the thematic literary week remains relevant to this day.

Children's Book Day at the library

As noted

Children look forward to literary days for many reasons.

  • The holiday falls on the holidays, there is an opportunity to diversify leisure fun pastime.
  • The younger generation can meet with famous writers and their idols, be inspired to read more and write works on their own.
  • Competitions motivate creativity.
  • Fairy tales and literary works are useful for young listeners, as they contain morality and introduce them to the outside world.

Literary days find a big response in kindergartens. Kids enjoy watching and listening to performances, immersed in the vicissitudes of fabulous works. For the first time they are trying to transform into heroes of fairy tales.

On this day, libraries and bookstores organize literary readings, contests and raffles. The prizes are books.The goal of each such event is to introduce young Russian citizens to the classic or modern heroes of works, instructive stories that young people have begun to forget.

Libraries have a big role in organizing a holiday and provide the necessary atmosphere:

  • Promote and interest students
  • provide an opportunity to develop creative potential for younger students;
  • increase interest in cognition and reading;
  • motivate to read compulsory works that are asked for the holidays;
  • instill a neat attitude of children to books.

Children's Book Day at the library

The book is a source of knowledge, a teacher from the first days of life. At the same time, literary days mark a kind of completion of the library year. At this time, institutions analyze work, take stock and set new goals. Statistics are necessary in order to know what interests modern youth. Children's Book Week remains relevant despite the development of electronic technologies and their enthusiasm for children.

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