The books of the anniversary of 2020 are a great storehouse of foreign and domestic literature. This includes novels, novels, and short stories. In most cases, these are works of the 20-21 century, which were distinguished by the depth of the plot, historical reliability and relevance of the problems raised.
Foreign literature
Literary works of the period of only 20 and the first half of the 21 century are distinguished by an interesting style and picturesque descriptions. The authors of the books sought to show readers not only their writing skills and ability to convey the atmosphere, but also to qualitatively reveal the images of the characters. The list of books of anniversaries of 2020 includes the following works:
- In 2020, the honorable 120th anniversary is celebrated by the famous fairy tale “The Amazing Wizard of Oz”, written by the American writer Lymen Frank Baum. She talks about a little girl from Kansas, Dorothy and her doggie Toto, whose house was moved by a hurricane to the magical land of the Munchkins. The house accidentally falls on the Evil Witch of the East - the ruler of the Manchiks, and kills her. Dorothy meets the Good Sorceress of the North and gives her silver shoes an evil sorceress and advises her to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, where the wizard of Oz lives. According to the sorceress, he can help the girl return home. On the way, the main characters meet friends and reveal the features of their characters.
- In 1900, the novel Crusaders (in some editions of The Swordsmen) was published by Henryk Sienkiewicz, a well-known Polish writer. The duration of the events in the work covers the period from 1399 (the death of Queen Jadwiga) to 1410 (Battle of Grunwald). According to some sources, Senkevich wrote a novel with the goal of undermining the authority of the Prussian authorities promoting Germanization and showing Poland during its rise. The book will convey to the reader tragic love, political litigation, high human aspirations and a thirst for power that defames the person.
- The list of books of anniversaries in 2020 also includes a novel by the French writer Octave Mirbo, "The Maid's Diary." He was also a well-known playwright and journalist at that time. The novel includes a description of the life of an ordinary maid, including candid recordings. Literary work was repeatedly filmed by Soviet and foreign film studios.
- In 1905, the novel by the famous French writer Jules Verne, Lighthouse at the End of the World, was released. Jules Verne wrote the presented work together with his son Michel Verne. “Lighthouse at the End of the World” is part of the series of novels “Extraordinary Travels” and tells about the events on the Island of the States, which is part of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago.
- 70 years of honor are celebrated in 2020 by the work “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, written by Clive Staples Lewis, an Irish writer, poet, teacher, scholar, and theologian. The book is written in the fantasy genre and is included in the 100 best works by the version of Time magazine, written in English. Currently, the book is known for its stories about the magical land of Narnia, where the main characters get through a wardrobe and go through many adventures.
- In the middle of the 20th century, fantastic literature was actively developed. So, in 1950, the novel by the famous American writer Ray Douglas Bradbury, Martian Chronicles, was published. The work is a list of stories and essays about the events on Mars, covering the period from 1999 to 2026.
- Its 10th anniversary is celebrated by an interesting piece, Operation Dark Heart, written by Anthony Schaeffer, a former U.S. intelligence officer. Schaeffer's memoirs about his service in Afghanistan, which lasted 5 months, are included in the book.
- In 2015, the historical novel “The Boy on the Top of the Mountain” was published, written by the Irish writer John Boyne, the author of the famous work “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. The novel tells of events from the second half of the 30s and the period of the 40s. The work raises the theme of World War II.
Domestic literature
Domestic authors for the period of 20-21 centuries tried to adapt to the realities of our time and produce worthwhile works. Many of them really deserve the attention of not only ordinary readers, but also literary experts. They have an atmosphere, a unique style, the disclosure of the characters' characters and an interesting storyline (and in many books even a few). The list of domestic books of anniversaries 2020 includes the following works:
- In 1910, the play by the famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky, "Vass Zheleznov," was written. Literary work tells of the owner of a shipping company with a difficult fate. The play is written in the genre of tragedy and reveals the problem of family loss, devices in society and other problems that are relevant even in the modern world.
- An honorable 105th anniversary is celebrated by the book “The Master from San Francisco” written by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, a famous Russian writer, poet and Nobel Prize winner in literature. The story is written in the form of a parable, telling about the insignificance of a person’s desire and gaining wealth, a high position in society and power in the face of imminent death.
- In 1925, the famous science fiction novel “The Head of Professor Dowell” was written. The work has a genre of science fiction, its author is science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev. The novel highlights the technique of revitalizing the human head through mysterious medical experiments. Along with fantastic information, literary work reveals the characteristic features of a person: ambition, desire for power and justice.
- Its 50th anniversary is celebrated by the tale of Alexander Melentievich Volkov “Yellow Fog”. This is the 5th book in a series of works about the Magic Land. The first book of the series is a free retelling of The Wizard of Oz, but the writer's subsequent literary works have little to do with this universe. The presented tale tells the story of the enchanting giantess Arachne, immersed before the events in a lethargic dream for many of her atrocities. Wanting to seize power, she spreads a poisonous yellow fog throughout the entire Fairyland. The heroes of early stories were called upon to save the situation.
- In 1990, the famous Russian writer Viktor Pelevin released his first work, “The Recluse and the Six-Toed”. The story was written in the form of a satirical parable and describes the problems of modern society and the state as a whole.

Frame from the play “The Hermit and the Six-Fingered”
- The book “Tales for Idiots” celebrates its 20th anniversary, a collection of short stories written in the satire genre by Russian writer Boris Akunin. The literary work contains descriptions of the problems of life in modern society, movie stars, pop stars and television. The event takes place in an alternate reality, where there was no social upheaval of the 20th century, modern technologies are present, the Jews unleashed the world war and defeated it, and the Russians became a nation of the oppressed.
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