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Love to plan everything in advance - we suggest today to find out what the schedule of official weekends and holidays for 2020 will be in Russia, as well as how many long days the government will give us and on what dates it is best to plan long trips.
Holidays of All-Russian Importance
In 2020, the schedule of holidays that will be celebrated in all regions of Russia will not change. There will be only eight red calendar dates:
Since three of the eight holidays fall on weekends, there will be more non-working days in 2020, which will give the Russians several long-awaited “long days off” at once.
A total of 366 calendar days in the coming year will be 118 days off, and 248 working days, which is 1 more than the outgoing year, due to the leap year 2020. It is worth noting that among 248 working days, 4 days will be shorter by 1 hour:
- April 30;
- May 8;
- June 11th;
- the 3rd of November.
And now let's look at each of the holiday periods of 2020 in more detail.
January holidays
The longest vacation period for the residents of Russia will be the “New Year holidays”, which will last from January 1 to 8 (inclusive). The opportunity to relax will be provided not only to employees of state organizations, but also to employees of private firms, since the law applies to enterprises of all forms of ownership.
In the first week of January, only emergency services and enterprises will work, at which it is technologically impossible to stop the production process. For work in the period from 01/01/20 to 01/08/20, the law requires an increased salary, as for work on holidays.
Thus, the first working day of 2020 will be Thursday, January 9, and the first working week will consist of only 2 days, which will allow Russians to get out of the holidays as easily as possible and tune in to work.
Weekends, which are released due to the imposition of holidays and weekends on January 4 and 5, will be postponed to May holidays (respectively on May 4 and 5, 2020).
February 23
Defender of the Fatherland Day (the main men's day) in 2020 falls on Sunday, which, according to the law, gives us another day off (Monday 24.02.10) and a long three-day period for celebration, an excellent holiday with friends and family, as well as travel.
March 8
In 2020, International Women's Day also falls on Sunday, which replenishes the weekend schedule with another day of rest. Most likely, Monday will be declared non-working Monday 03/09/20, which will delight everyone with a pleasant gift - a succession of 3 consecutive weekends.
May holidays
May is one of the most beloved months for many Russians, because according to tradition, the so-called “May holidays” come with the appearance of the first sustainable warmth. The official schedule of holidays and transfers of the weekend of 2020 in Russia has not yet been approved, because, as a rule, the document is approved in October of the outgoing year. Nevertheless, everyone hopes that, by analogy with 2019, the Government will approve the postponement of the January 2 weekend for May 4 and 5, which will give all residents of the country two large non-working periods at once:
Dates | Celebration | Number of days |
from May 1 to May 5 | on spring and labor day | 5 days |
from May 9 to May 11 | on Victory Day | 3 days |
Russia Day
In June, the Russians expect another important holiday - Day of Russia! By a happy coincidence, in 2020 he fell on Friday and, due to adjoining the weekend, formed a 3-day rest period, which many families can use to travel to the sea or relax in the country.
National Unity Day
The only fall holiday of all-Russian significance will not please the long weekend, because it falls in the middle of the week. However, Wednesday November 4 will break the work week and complete the annual cycle of official federal holidays in Russia.
Regional Holidays
In addition to the all-Russian, many constituent entities of the Russian Federation have their own regional holidays, which somewhat changes the weekend schedule for 2020 and makes adjustments to the production calendar.
Most of the holidays are included in the calendar of Tatarstan, because according to the legislation of the republic, the weekend schedule in 2020 will be replenished immediately with 4 dates:
Celebration | date | Day of the week |
Eid al Adha | 24.05.19 | Sunday |
Kurban Bayram | 31.07.20 | Friday |
Republic Day Tatarstan | 30.08.20 | Sunday |
Constitution Day of the Republic of Tatarstan | 06.11.20 | Friday |
Accordingly, the full schedule of weekends and holidays of Tatarstan for 2020 will look like:
Traditionally, in this region three regional holidays are added to holidays of federal significance:
Celebration | date | Day of the week |
Eid al Adha | 24.05.19 | Sunday |
Kurban Bayram | 31.07.20 | Friday |
Republic Day Bashkortostan | 11.10.20 | Sunday |
Thus, the calendar, which presents the schedule of holidays in 2020 for residents of Bashkiria, will be as follows:
In addition to the main holidays on the peninsula in 2020, the following dates will be declared days off:
Celebration | date | Day of the week |
Day of the reunification of Crimea with Russia | 18.03.20 | Wednesday |
Easter | 19.04.20 | Sunday |
Eid al Adha | 24.05.19 | Sunday |
Trinity | 07.07.20 | Sunday |
Kurban Bayram | 31.07.20 | Friday |
The region united holidays, which are considered all-Russian holidays and dates that are state in Ukraine, and also has its own special date - the Day of the reunification of the Crimea with the Russian Federation.
There are also regional holidays in Tuva, Chechnya, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, the Republic of Sakha and several other subjects of the Russian Federation.
Some holidays (Tsagan Sar, Zul, Shagaa, Uraza-bairam, Kurban-bairam, Radonitsa, etc.) do not have a fixed date, so weekends can vary from year to year.
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