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One of the two required exams for 11th graders in 2020 will be the USE in mathematics, and we propose to discuss how the profile and the base will differ, whether there will be changes in the structure of KIMs, what the date of the meeting will be, and what steps an effective preparation requires.
Important! According to information posted on the official website of the FIPI, in the 2019-2020 academic year, no changes are expected in the KIMs in mathematics (basic and profile).
Base and profile - what to choose?
Mathematics is a mandatory subject of the exam, but the examinee has the right to independently choose the level of the upcoming test:
- base - easier, but not quoted, for admission to engineering specialties, as well as areas of a physical and mathematical profile (including programming);
- profile - harder, but such a diploma is necessary for anyone who plans to connect life with mathematics, physics, economics, IT, and many other specialties.
The choice of the exam level in mathematics is the most important step for all graduates in 2020, and the sooner the decision is made, the more time will be left for preparation, taking into account the peculiarities of examination tickets. Three options are possible:
- only basic;
- only profile;
- both exams (both base and profile).
Which option is better to watch in the video:
We will discuss further significant differences in the regulations, KIMs and the system for assessing basic and specialized mathematics.
the date of the
Within early session The exam in basic and specialized mathematics in 2020 will be taken on such days:
- main day - 03/27/20 (Friday);
- reserve day - 13.04.20 (Monday).
In 2020 for maths on the calendar main period The exam has the following dates:
- June 1, 2020 (Monday) - the main day for passing basic and specialized mathematics;
- June 25, 2020 (Thursday) - reserve (base and profile).
Retake the subject in the event of an unsatisfactory result or failure to appear for good reason, graduates will be able in the month of September.
Important! When applying for the September retake, the examiner can re-select the level, regardless of what exam he took the previous time.
Thus, instead of a profile that did not give in the first time, you can pass a simple exam more simply. In this case, the 11th grader will increase the chances of obtaining a certificate, but will lose the opportunity to enter a number of specialties, where the necessary condition is the availability of a certificate in mathematics of a profile level.
Basic exam
In 2020, many will pass the basic exam in mathematics. First of all, these are graduates planning to apply for specialties in philological and chemical-biological profiles, as well as a wide range of other areas where there is no corresponding requirement in the list of mandatory certificates. Also, the basic exam will be taken by children who have not yet decided on the university and the desired specialty and, wishing to be safe, they will go to take both options.
Important! Please note that the basic and profile exam will take place on the same day, so one of them will have to be taken on a reserve day.
Format and regulations
Since FIPI does not plan to make changes to the format of the exam, 2020, basic mathematics will be based on the same principles as in the previous season, namely:
- duration - 3 hours (180 minutes);
- number of tasks - 20;
- maximum primary point - 20 (corresponds to test 100 points);
- minimum mark of the certificate (for the certificate) - 27;
- You can use the ruler and reference materials available in KIM;
- Performing calculations using a calculator is prohibited.
CMM structure
The basic level examination ticket contains 20 tasks, the answer to which can be a number, number, sequence of numbers. The distribution of the number of questions according to the main 6 thematic blocks in 2020 will be as follows:
Block | Number of tasks |
Algebra | 10 |
Geometry | 4 |
Functions | 1 |
Equations and Inequalities | 3 |
Beginnings of mathematical analysis | 1 |
Combinatorics and probability theory | 1 |
Note! In the USE 2020 demo on basic mathematics, there are different types of tasks that may occur on the exam. But, in a real ticket there will be no such choice.
With the assessment of work on a basic level exam, everything is extremely simple:
1 correct answer = 1 point primary
For all the work, the graduate can receive a total of a maximum of 20 points, which will be interpreted as 100 points in the certificate. It is not difficult to calculate that each of the correctly completed exam ticket tasks adds 5 test points to the graduate.
In 2020, the required minimum for obtaining a certificate will not change and will amount to 27 test points, which is equivalent to 6 correct answers.
Since there are no difficult tasks at the KIM (high and high levels), verification of work is done only digitally and it is important for graduates to correctly enter data in the answer forms so that the automatic system can read and interpret them.
Proficiency Test
Unlike the base, the profile exam will require a graduate to have a good command of theoretical basics and honed skills to solve various problems.
Among the main differences of the profile exam:
- the presence of tasks of different difficulty levels;
- more time to complete the work;
- minimum reference materials in KIM.
Format and regulations
So, what is preparing for if in 2020 you plan to take the exam in the subject of “mathematics” for admission to a university and choose a “profile”?
- duration - 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes);
- number of tasks - 19;
- maximum primary point - 32 (corresponds to test 100 points);
- minimum mark of the certificate (for the certificate) - 27;
- you can use the ruler and the 5 basic trigonometric formulas available in KIM;
- any calculators are prohibited.
CMM structure
Although there are 19 tasks in the profile, and 20 in the database, you should not be mistaken about their complexity. So, all questions of the profile exam can be divided into difficulty levels as follows:
Block | Number of tasks | Response type |
І | 8 (a basic level of) | brief |
ІІ | 11 (9 advanced level) (2 high levels) | short and detailed |
Moreover, the distribution of the main blocks of the school curriculum in the profile exam will be somewhat different.
Block | Number of tasks |
Algebra | 4 |
Geometry | 5 |
Functions | 2 |
Equations and Inequalities | 5 |
Beginnings of mathematical analysis | 2 |
Combinatorics and probability theory | 1 |
A differentiated approach will be applied to the assessment of specialized mathematics:
- The first 12 questions will be digitally verified.
- tasks 13 to 19 - two independent experts.
The maximum primary point is 32. At the same time, the table of distribution of points for tasks of different difficulty levels will look like:
Score | Tasks |
1 | № 1-12 |
2 | № 13-15 |
3 | № 16-17 |
4 | № 18-19 |
Important! 32 primary points correspond to a 100 point result of the exam. The minimum threshold that must be overcome to obtain a certificate is 27 test points.
But, teachers recommend graduates to set a personal bar, focusing on passing grades in the universities of interest to them. So, in most regions of Russia, this threshold for technical specialties is in the region of 65-70.For admission to the TOP universities of the capital, it is advisable for an applicant to have not only a certificate with a score of 95 points or more, but also victories in rating math tournaments and olympiads.
The exam in mathematics is an exam, at the mention of which the heart of many graduates of 2020 freezes, and only systematic preparation can save you from fear and self-doubt.
To get 100 points in specialized mathematics is real, but for this it is necessary to make a lot of efforts, not only in the 11th grade, but throughout all the years of schooling (lyceum or gymnasium).
Mathematics is a subject that cannot be learned “from scratch” in a few months, and this is its main difficulty. One seemingly insignificant knowledge gap obtained in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade is capable (in taxes with a snowball lowered from the mountain), turn into a huge snowdrift of misunderstanding. That is why, having missed a topic due to illness or for other reasons, be sure to work it out on your own or with a tutor.
Where to begin?
At the familiarization stage, it is important to understand what exactly awaits you at the USE 2020. The demo version, as well as the specifications and codifiers available on the FIPI website, will help.
Of course, you can start right away with solving the 2020 demo, but it will be much more reasonable to repeat everything that has been learned in school years in blocks, in which an open task bank of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements will help you.
If it is easier and more convenient for you to work with paper versions of problem books - use special editions for self-preparation for the USE in mathematics. In 2020, the reference books of 2019 will also be relevant, since there have been no cardinal changes in the structure of KIMs.
Do I need a tutor?
If we are talking about a profile exam, which requires the highest possible result, an experienced teacher who knows how to find knowledge gaps and build an individual training path is simply irreplaceable. The exception is graduates of specialized classes with in-depth study of mathematics, who own a subject at a high level and have high self-organization.
Educator tips
Experienced tutors who have grown more than one 100-balnik recommend:
- Combine theory and practice.
- Solve as many diverse problems as possible.
- When solving geometric problems, describe the arguments as detailed as possible when constructing a logical chain.
- Take into account all the rules of the image of geometric shapes.
- Do not be afraid to seek help if in the course of preparation there are any difficulties.
Remember that entries made on KIM forms and drafts are not evaluated. This means that you can not waste time on beautiful drawings and neat notes, and you can also cross out and add something while working with a draft. At the same time, everything that is included in the answer forms should be written clearly, in legible handwriting, in compliance with the established standards (we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the filling requirements in advance so as not to waste time during the exam).
Also a good assistant in self-preparation for the exam in 2020 in mathematics will be video analysis of the solution of the demo option and online tutoring lessons.
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