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Graduates of 2020 who want to connect their lives with journalism or philology as an exam for choosing the USE will pass the literature, which means that today it’s worth thoroughly studying what changes will occur in the assignments, whether the structure of tickets will be preserved, what date the test is scheduled for and where should the preparation begin.
Should I take the literature?
Indeed, in recent years, not many have passed literature on the exam. In 2019, only 67,500 graduates chose the discipline, and the average certificate score was 63.4, which is higher than the results demonstrated by the graduates of 2018 and 2019.
In 2020, passing the exam in literature is for those guys who plan to submit documents to Russian universities in such areas as:
- philology (including translator);
- journalism (including military);
- creative directions: theater, vocal, choreography, etc .;
- Cinema: actor, director, producer, cameraman, etc.
Of course, for successful admission it’s not enough just to pass the literature. Many universities require specialized mathematics in a bunch, and some require English. Applicants for creative directions should also be ready for an additional test - a creative competition, which is held in person at the university.
the date of the
IN preliminary period 2020, the exam in literature can be passed on such days:
- main day - 03/20/20 (Friday);
- reserve day - 04/10/20 (Friday).
Literature will be one of the first exams main period USE 2020 - the test will take place on May 25 (they plan to make backup days on June 19 and July 3)
Although the main exam will be held at the end of May, it is worthwhile for the student to start the preparation much earlier, because the first test of the USE 2020 will be the writing of the final essay on December 4, 2019. Accordingly, preparing for the December essay, it is possible in parallel with the preparation for the exam in literature.
Important! Re-publishing of literature is possible only within the framework of the reserve of the main (or preliminary) session. For optional items, there is no possibility of a retake in September.
2020 Exam
As Olga Vasilyeva promised, in 2020 the changes will not affect the exam in literature, which will allow students to better prepare for the tests and demonstrate better results.
Format and regulations
In 2020, for the exam in the subject "literature" the following basic norms will remain relevant:
- lead time - 3 hours 55 minutes;
- number of tasks - 17;
- the maximum primary work score is 58 (which is equivalent to 100 bps);
- the minimum certificate score for an education certificate is 32;
- no additional materials.
Note! At the exam in literature, unlike the final essay, there will be no access to the original works, criticism or any other sources of information.
KIM structure
In total, in 2 blocks of the KIM Unified State Exam on Literature in 2020, 17 assignments will be offered to examinations.
Questions of the 1st part will be divided into two complexes:
- complex number 1 - work with a fragment of an epic, lyroepic or dramatic work;
- complex number 2 - work with a fragment of a lyrical work.
Complex | With a short answer | With a detailed answer |
№1 | 7 | 2 |
№2 | 5 | 2 |
Thus, in the first block there will be 16 tasks (12 of them are the basic level and 4 - increased), for the implementation of which experts recommend allocating 2 hours from the time allotted by the USE regulation.
In the test part, graduates may come across questions on all 7 main substantive backlogs of the course "literature":
- Old Russian literature.
- Works of the XVIII century.
- Literature of the 1st half of the 19th century.
- Literature of the period of the 2nd half of the 19th century.
- The period of the late XIX - early XX centuries.
- Literature of the 1st half of the 20th century.
- Literature of the 2nd half of XX - beginning of XXI centuries.
The second part is the only task of a high level of complexity, which includes a full-length detailed essay on one of the 4 topics proposed in the ticket. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the wording of task No. 17 from the demo version of 2020.
In total, in the literature exam in the coming 2020, you can get 58 points.
The gradation of the accrual of primary points in literature at the USE 2020 will be as follows:
Points | Tasks |
1 | № 1-7, 10-14 |
6 | № 8, 15 |
10 | № 9, 16 |
14 | №17 |
At the same time, tasks for which you can get a maximum of 6 points will be evaluated by three criteria:
Assignments No. 9 and No. 16, which can bring a maximum of 10 points to each examiner, will be evaluated according to four criteria:
The first thing that experts check in the answer form No. 2 is the number of words in the essay (including official ones). If the volume of the text is less than 150 words, the task is considered not completed and is estimated at 0 points.
The recommended volume of the essay is more than 200 words.
Next, the essay is evaluated according to 5 criteria:
Also, task No. 17 will be considered not completed if “0” is set by an expert for the first criterion.
The text score of the exam exam in literature can be compared with a school grade, although such a translation is not officially carried out.
Secrets of preparation
So, to achieve the desired result on the exam in literature, preparation for the exam for the 2019-2020 academic year should be based on such foundations as:
- understanding of the basic requirements of the exam in the subject of "literature";
- good knowledge of works from the list of references compiled by FIPI;
- maximum practice to consolidate the skill to correctly and logically express thoughts in an essay.
You are now familiar with the key points of the USE in 2020, it’s time to move on to the development of works, the text of which can be relied on in arguments for an essay on literature. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the full list of recommended literature, which is given in the text of the draft codifier 2020:
Useful at the stage of preparation for the composition will also be:
- cards of writers;
- pictures and diagrams to facilitate memorization;
- template phrases;
- preparation of arguments in different directions;
- templates for finished compositions.
Do not expect to get a high score for an essay close to templates from the Internet. Experts, through whose hands a lot of work goes, already from the first lines see the learned options.
Having worked on the main works, learning how to put together blocks and blanks, as well as supplementing them with your thoughts and arguments based on the read works, you can easily write an essay on any topic.
Important! The topics of literature essays that may be offered to examinees at the Unified State Exam in 2020 are not disclosed in advance.
For more information about how to answer the exam questions in literature, how much answers should be given, and also what important points to pay special attention to when preparing for exams in the 2019-2020 academic year, see the video tutorial series:
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