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The school year begins, and for 11th graders there is also intensive preparation for the ЕГЄ 2020 - we suggest discussing when the oral and written exam (dates of the main period) will take place, whether the FIIP plans significant changes, and what the structure of KIMs will be.
Who needs to take English?
We hasten to please the graduates, who have been scared for several years by introducing the obligatory exam in a foreign language - in 2020 English will remain the subject of choice!
No, the Ministry of Education has not abandoned the idea of expanding the list of compulsory subjects, and it is possible that graduates of 2022 will pass English as a compulsory subject for the exam. But, in the 2019-2020 academic year, testing centers will not technically be ready to ensure that all 100% of Russian graduates pass the exam in English. Recall that in 2019 there were about 720,000 11th graders, among whom only 99,000 wished to receive a certificate in English.
At the same time, the average test score for Russia after the reform of 2018 demonstrates growth dynamics.
2017 year | 2018 year | 2019 year |
70,2 | 69,2 | 73,8 |
The table once again confirms that cardinal innovations in the structure of the exam and the wording of the questions reduce the success of the examinees, and the stability of the requirements contributes to better training of graduates.
In 2020, the prospect of passing the exam in the English language should be considered by everyone who plans to apply for such areas as:
- Foreign philology;
- journalism;
- pedagogy;
- international relationships;
- world economy;
- sociology and political science;
- hotel business;
- regional studies.
Note! Some technical universities also provide applicants with a choice of whether to submit a certificate in physics or in English.
Before deciding on what subject to choose as the third USE discipline, it is worth deciding on the desired direction and clarifying on the website of universities that they would like to submit documents, which certificates they accept from applicants for this specialty.
the date of the
In the draft exam calendar 2020 as part of pre-sessionand for the delivery of foreign languages are given the following dates:
Exam | Main date | Reserve Date |
Oral part | 01.04.20 Wednesday | 08.04.20 Wednesday |
Writing part | 30.03.20 Monday | 10.04.20 Friday |
Within main session Graduates will be able to pass foreign languages on such days:
Exam | date | Day of the week |
Oral part | 11.06.20 | Thursday |
Writing part | 15.06.20 | Monday |
Reserve (written part) | 01.07.20 | Wednesday |
Reserve (oral part) | 02.07.20 | Thursday |
Reserve (all items) | 03.07.20 | Friday |
Note! This schedule is relevant for all foreign languages, including English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese.
In the case of an unsatisfactory result or failure to appear on the exam for a good reason (you need documentary evidence), you can retake the exam only on reserve days. Autumn retake for optional items in 2020 is not provided. In September, only those graduates who have shown unsatisfactory results in one of the required subjects will receive the last chance.
Features of the exam in 2020
In 2020, the format and structure of the exam in the English language will not be changed.If minor amendments were made to the KIMs in 2019, then the tickets for 2020 will be completely identical to last year. According to Vasilyeva, the stability of the requirements for the level of training and the absence of changes in the wording of the tasks should help graduates on the way to a high result.
Format and regulations
Unified State Exam 2020 in English will be divided into two parts (oral and written), the primary points for which are ultimately summarized. Speaking and a written exam take place on different days, which confirms the submitted draft test schedule GIA-11 for 2020.
For all examinations in foreign languages in the 2019-2020 academic year, the following standards will remain basic:
- the duration of the oral exam is 15 minutes;
- the duration of the written exam is 3 hours 15 minutes (195 minutes);
- maximum score (oral part) - 20;
- maximum score (written part) - 80;
- minimum mark (for the certificate) - 22.
- among the additional materials are computers with appropriate software, as well as any other equipment that provides high-quality sound recordings.
Important! Depending on the level of difficulty of the tasks, they correspond to the international classification A2 + (basic), B1 (advanced) and B2 (high).
Oral part
Speaking in 2020, graduates will be the first to take. In the 15 minutes allotted to each exam participant, the test procedure, the examiners will have to demonstrate 4 basic skills:
- expressive reading aloud;
- participation in the dialogue;
- compilation of a monological statement (description, characteristic depicted in the picture);
- compilation of a monologue with elements of reasoning and expression of one’s attitude
Writing part
The structure of the written exam in the English language in 2020 will traditionally consist of 4 blocks:
№ | Block | Number of tasks |
1 | Listening | 9 |
2 | Reading | 9 |
3 | Vocabulary and Grammar | 20 |
4 | Letter | 2 |
FIPI experts recommend that they take 30 minutes to complete the tasks of the 1st and 2nd block, no more than 40 minutes to the vocabulary and grammar, and devote the remaining 80 to the implementation of the two most difficult questions with a detailed answer (from the "letter" module).
Part 1 - listening
Before proceeding with the assignment, the examinees will be asked to listen to the audio recording twice.
Important! Start work by studying the essence of the task and familiarizing yourself with the statements / phrases / questions and answer options that are given in KIM.
And only when you are sure that you understand the task correctly, turn on the audio recording. This will help to focus on important points.
Note! The answers contain extra points.
Part 2 - reading
This block contains various tasks for working with texts.
№ | Essence of the question | Important! |
10 | 7 small texts are given which need to be read and appropriate headings to them. | One heading extra |
11 | Insert missing phrases into the text. | One more phrase |
12-18 | Read the text and find one correct answer out of the 4 proposed in KIM for each of the questions posed. | — |
Part 3 - Vocabulary and Grammar
It is required to convert words into tasks taking into account the content of the test given in KIM, observing the grammatical and lexical norms of the English language.
Part 4 - letter
Perhaps this is the most difficult exam unit in English. Although it contains only 2 questions:
№ | The task | Word count |
39 | A letter to a friend, taking into account the above requirements. | 100-140 |
40 | Composition-reasoning, reflecting the opinion of the examinee to the selected statement. | 200-250 |
In the course of the work, consider such important points:
- In task number 40, you must select one of the 2 proposed statements.
- Works whose volume is less than the number of words indicated in the table are not checked.
- If the essay is larger than the recommended volume, only the part that meets the requirements is checked (140 words for No. 39 and 250 words for No. 40).
The complex of speech skills of graduates is evaluated by experts who have previously completed training.
The distribution of points between the tasks of the block “speaking” (oral part of the exam) has the following form:
Question No. | Job type | Maximum score |
41 (1) | Reading text | 1 |
42 (2) | Conditional Dialogue | 5 |
43 (3) | Monologue Description | 7 |
44 (4) | Monologue reasoning | 7 |
Total | 20 |
During the verification of the written part of the work in English at the USE 2020, experts will be guided by the following table:
№ | Block | Maximum score |
1 | Listening | 20 |
2 | Reading | 20 |
3 | Vocabulary and Grammar | 20 |
4 | Letter | 20 |
Total | 80 |
Important! A foreign language is the only exam in the Unified State Exam 2020, in which primary scores fully coincide with test ones.
Although the official score of the USE certificate is not subject to translation into school grades, an approximate conformance table has been developed for a foreign language:
The effectiveness of preparing for the exam in English depends on such important aspects:
- level of language proficiency;
- systematic studies;
- the presence of self-control.
If you study the subject in depth, have a good command of the theoretical base, have a language practice, and you can always seek the advice of an experienced teacher if you have any difficulty completing a task, prepare yourself. For self-study in English today it is not difficult to find there are a lot of useful Internet resources. But the main guideline for 11th graders, of course, should be an open bank of exam questions posted on the FIPI website.
If you need to be good at English, but you feel that there are gaps in knowledge, and the level of teaching at school leaves much to be desired, think about additional training under the supervision of an experienced tutor. It can be exam courses with training in small groups or individual lessons. What is right for you depends on whether there are significant knowledge gaps, how easily and quickly you perceive information, and also what amount you are willing to spend on achieving your goal.
Important! If you decide to go to a tutor, look for not just a teacher with a diploma in philology, but a teacher with experience in preparing for the exam.
You can check the quality of your training, as well as just practice in completing tasks, at the demos 2012, 2019 and 2018. Please note that in 2018 KIMs there may be insignificant differences in the wording of the questions, but most of the tasks have not changed in recent years.
Another useful source of information that will be indispensable in self-study for the exam in foreign in 2020 is video tutorials. We suggest you look at a couple of such lessons right now.
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