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Ahead is December and the first test of the series of exams awaiting 11th graders in 2020 is the final essay, which means it's time to discuss which areas are most relevant, whether arguments are needed for the topics and how to choose them correctly.
Official admission to the exam
Since 2014, the final, or as it is more often called December, composition plays the role of official admission to the main session of GIA-11. The 2019-2020 school year will not be an exception. Graduates from all regions of Russia will seek literary arguments and reflect on important topics of the December essay.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the first test of 11th graders awaits 04.12.19.
In case of failure, the guys will get two more spare attempts in the form of retakes:
- February 5, 2020;
- May 6, 2020.
The date will traditionally be for all regions of the Russian Federation. It is also worth knowing that the exam starts at 10:00 local time (not simultaneously in different regions), but the topics for the regions located in different time zones do not coincide.
The topic of the final essay is always kept secret until the official envelope is unpacked (15 minutes before the start of the test), but FIPI proactively names the directions for the final essay in advance, which allows graduates to select arguments in advance and consider the structure of work.
Of the important aspects of the final essay, it is worth noting:
- 235 minutes are allotted for the work (3 hours 55 minutes);
- for an additional 90 minutes children with disabilities and graduates of correctional institutions have the right;
- minimum size is 250 words;
- optimal volume - 350 words;
- Evaluate the work on the system of "offset / net".
Important! In the case of an unsatisfactory result ("failure"), even after 3 attempts, or if the graduate has not written the final essay before the start of the exam, he will not be allowed to pass the main block of exams.
Assessment criteria
Evaluation of work is based on the following basic criteria:
- Correspondence of the work to a given topic.
- Is the choice of works justified to give examples.
- How correctly are the arguments chosen for the final essay on the topic of 2020.
- Literacy (spelling and punctuation errors).
- The quality and clarity of speech.
Important! The work gets “non-offset" if the essay does not correspond to the topic or the examiner refers to examples that do not correspond to the originally designated topic.
As you can see, the third criterion completely answers the question whether the arguments in the essay that some graduates need at the stage of preparation for the Unified State Examination 2020 are necessary. The justification of the choice of omen and argumentation are important components of the work.
Also note that from 2019 in the essay, the personal attitude of the examinee to the issue under consideration and the position of the author must be present.
Argumentation position
One of the main tasks of the examinees is to select the correct arguments from literary sources for the final essay 2019-2020. As a support, you can use:
- artworks from the school curriculum (domestic and foreign authors);
- journalism;
- works of folklore (except for small genres);
- sources of world literature;
- statements of critics.
Important! In the work it is not enough to mention the names of the works, each argument must be supported by concrete examples.
So, in the 2019-2020 academic year, FIPI offers the following areas:
- War and peace (the direction is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the great work of Leo Tolstoy);
- Hope and despair;
- Good and evil;
- Pride and humility;
- He and she.
For each of the proposed areas of 2020, there is a rather impressive list of works on the pages of which you can find arguments for the December essay. We bring to your attention the most popular works in the distribution of directions:
To open the image in full screen or download the list, click on the picture.
It is worth noting that many positions from the lists for different directions will be repeated. Such works are called "universal." It is from them that the tutors recommend and begin preparing for the final composition.
Universal works
How to prepare for an essay if there are not even directions? At this stage, teachers recommend taking the time to familiarize themselves with the so-called “universal works”, in which you can find arguments for many of the most diverse problems.
So, if you understand that you do not have time to re-read everything from the list above, carefully work out:
Some of the works are quite voluminous, but there are also quite small ones, which will take one evening to develop. We recommend not to be lazy and take apart each, compiling your list of arguments and examples in various directions.
How universal works will be useful when writing the final essay, see this video:
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