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Muslims around the world observe their main religious traditions and plan to celebrate Uraza Bayram in 2020, the beginning and end of which are associated with the end of the longest and most rigorous month of Ramadan. During this time, all believers fast, thus become closer to Allah, receive spiritual and life experience, strengthen their spirit through difficult abstinence from delicious food.
The history of the holiday
In the Islamic calendar, the Feast of Talk or Uraza is especially revered, they try to visit all relatives, set a rich table, help people in need, show mercy and all other positive qualities. The Turks call the celebration in a different way - Ramadan-Bairam or Sheker-Bairam. For the first time in Islamic countries, they began to celebrate the end of Ramadan during the life of the Prophet Muhammad, from 624. The appearance of tradition is described in the ancient Islamic traditions of Hadith. The Prophet Muhammad decided to cancel the annual games and celebrations and replace them with 2 main celebrations - the Day of Sacrifice (Kurban Bayram) and the Day of Talk (Uraza Bayram).
In Russia, all Muslims will celebrate Uraza-Bayram in 2020, but only residents of the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, Bashkortostan, and Tatarstan will receive a day off. In other Russian regions, Talk Day is not included in the list of official holiday days, although local authorities may change the situation just before the celebration.
When Uraza Bayram is Celebrated
In 2020, the beginning of the festival of Uraza falls on May 24, and the end - on May 26. Islamic camps have a lunar calendar. The celebration begins on the first day of the 10th month of Chavval, following the month of Ramadan, during which all believers adhere to strict fasting, prove their strong faith by refusing earthly goods and cleansing the body. By tradition, the festival lasts 3 days. According to the Gregorian calendar, this is May 24, 25, 26.
How is Talk Day
After determining the start date of the holiday of Uraza in 2020, it is worth carefully preparing for it. By tradition, this is the day of communication and shaking hands with the angels, salvation from all the bad, receiving rewards for all previous efforts. Be sure to visit not only relatives, but also familiar elderly people, orphans. Believers in the morning take a bath and put on clean or new clothes, rub their bodies with aromatic oils.
The day of conversation is a sacred date, so you should prepare for it in advance, in 3-4 days. On the eve, all the followers of Allah prepare a festive table, presentations for loved ones and relatives. On the eve of the holy date, Muslims purchase or make gifts with their own hands, buy food on the festive table. On the first day of the celebration, Muslims go to pray at the mosque. On the way back, they distribute bread and other products to the poor so that even the most disadvantaged person can rejoice at the end of Ramadan. In some Islamic countries, the amount of alms is even set by the government and is determined as a percentage of the income a person receives.
All major gatherings are held by priests from mosques. The funds are then sent to orphanages, victims of fires, large and poor families, single people with disabilities, and parishioners in need. After the prayer, first of all, congratulate the relatives and friends of the older generation, express their respect to them.Then the family gathers at the table. Also invite relatives, neighbors and friends. Many Muslims consider it necessary to visit the graves of their deceased relatives and remember their souls on the 3rd and 4th day of Uraza Bayram, but it is not customary to grieve and shed tears.
Swing and carousels for children are arranged on the streets, entertainment events and fairs are held. When communicating, even people unfamiliar to each other say nice words. Congratulations, wish peace, happiness, success, comfort, prosperity. They call each other to help those in need, to do good deeds, not to betray Allah and their faith. Children are especially having fun. They are not only presented with gifts, but also arrange games, organize all kinds of informative and interesting contests.
Treats and dishes on the festive table
Having determined the date of the onset of Uraza-Bayram, the hostesses annually plan what products to buy in advance and what dishes to rest guests and relatives. After a long and strictly fasting on the table, there must be present hearty, tasty dishes, high-calorie sweet treats:
- all kinds of teas, compotes, uzvari;
- sweet pastries and desserts;
- salads and snacks with meat and vegetables;
- hearty hot dishes with beef lamb;
- broths and soups with lamb.
From alcohol on the day of conversation is allowed to drink wine. In Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, housewives cook pilaf with lamb, women in Saudi Arabia serve first and second courses with meat, as well as sweet desserts and fruits. Muslims of Turkmenistan eat pancakes for breakfast, and Turks delight themselves with various sweets with nuts, dried fruits and honey.
Such traditions have been formed for centuries, but mutton remains the main meat dish in the festive menu on Uraza-Bayram regardless of national characteristics. It is baked, fried, boiled, served with meat and rice, zucchini and other vegetable side dishes. It is allowed to eat fish dishes and salads with river and sea fish. No culinary prohibitions. The main thing is to get enough of your fill and have fun!
How Uraza Bayram is celebrated: video
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