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Every year, the number of educational institutions in Russia that are switching to the trimester system of education is growing, and today we offer to find out what is the best trimester of the usual semester schedule, and when there will be holidays for the 2019-2020 school year (autumn, winter and spring) at the school, which studying in trimesters.
The word trimester itself comes from the Latin trimestris, which means three months.
Features of the trimester system
The first to appreciate the modular training system was in Germany, where trimester work has been successfully practiced since the 1930s. Of course, the system being introduced in Russia today has a number of significant differences from the European version, taken as a basis, namely, because our subjects are not studied separately (only 1 semester), but throughout the school year. In addition, students in Russia, regardless of the educational system, have 3 months of summer vacation.
It is worth noting that in 2019-2020, school trimesters are also preferred in many schools in the USA, Great Britain, France and several other European countries. Although, in each country, to introduce some of its features into a modular training system.
In Russia, the trimester system of education involves the division of the school year into 6 study periods, between which students are provided with week breaks.
Psychologists, doctors and scientists note such indisputable advantages of trimesters:
- Frequent vacation, allowing to unload students and reduce psycho-emotional stress, which just accumulates by the end of the 5th week of training.
- The presence of 3 training periods, which allows students to more accurately evaluate students and eliminates the occurrence of controversial issues that teachers often encounter during semester training.
- Morbidity reduction in a collective, after all, with such a system, vacations more often fall on periods of an ARVI surge.
Unlike teachers who like the modular system more, the opinions of parents differ. Someone really likes such a schedule for studying children, someone categorically does not. Of the problems that arise, parents most often call:
- the need to solve the problem of looking after the kids during the holidays;
- difficulties of adaptation for children who “swing” and “gather” for a long time after the holidays;
- the need for classes on intermediate vacations so that the child does not lose all the knowledge gained, because there are still tests and final slices ahead.
School year structure
As a rule, the school year starts in early September with any training system.
This year, the celebration of the First bell will take place on 02.09.19, and the Last bell will be on 05.25.20 (in some schools, the year can be extended until 05.29.20).
In the first half of the year, training modules last for 5 weeks, in the second for 6 weeks, which forms the following schedule of study and vacation periods:
As you can see, the holidays of the academic period 2019-2020 for schools, gymnasiums and lyceums working in trimesters are distributed evenly, and in some cases are supplemented by weekends and holidays, forming a series of long days off.
Vacations at trimesters
First vacation students are expected in the month of October (from 07.10.19 - 13.10.19). The duration of rest in schools with a five-day day will be 9 days (vacation + two 2 days off).
Second vacation, the beginning of which will mark the completion of the first training module, will be held from 11/18/19 to 11/24/19.
Third vacation (New Year's), will be held from 12/30/19 to 01/08/20 and will be slightly less than with the classical (semester) system.The five-day rest period will be 12 calendar days (10 days of vacation + 2 days off).
Important! Changes are possible in this period. If they approve the transfer of days off from January 4 and 5 to the 9 and 10 numbers, then the first working day of 2020 may be Monday 13.01.20. In this case, the children will rest for 16 days.
Fourth vacation (February) are scheduled for the period from 02.17.20 - 02.24.20. Taking into account the transfer of the weekend from February 23 to February 24 and the previous weekend, the rest period will be ten days.
Fifth vacation at a trimester school in 2019-2020 will be held from 04/06/20 to 04/12/20. Thus, the last 6th period of study will be as short as possible for children, because May holidays fall on it, the vacation schedule for which is also not yet approved. But, it is worth hoping that, by tradition, the Government will give the people two periods of long weekends.
Sixth (summer) vacation In 2019-2020, for most domestic educational institutions where work on trimesters is established, they will begin on May 26, because the school year will end for them, as well as for regular schools 05/25/20.
Possible changes
If, under the semester system of education, schools quite often shift the schedule of the vacation period, then trimester vacations are extremely rare, which means that in 2019-2020, the dates given are relevant for most educational institutions in Russia.
Of course, changes are possible. As a rule, transfer can be approved in case of prolonged quarantine or temporary suspension of the educational process for other reasons. However, the offset cannot be more than 2 weeks, as required by regulatory documents.
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