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Since 2000, Russian schools began to hold the Russian Bear Cub Olympiad, whose main goal is to popularize the Russian language. The 2019-2020 school year will not be an exception. In November, everyone who meets the requirements will be able to participate in the competition and test their knowledge.
The essence of the event
“Russian Teddy Bear” is held in schools and secondary vocational schools throughout Russia, as well as in foreign countries (Lithuania, Belarus, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, etc.) among children who study the Russian language. The motto of the event is “Linguistics for All”. Regardless of the venue, the main goals of the competition game are to increase interest in the native language, as well as improve the literacy of students. In addition, children will be able to prepare for the upcoming exams, evaluate their capabilities, and show themselves among others.
The organizers of the Teddy Bear are LLC Game and LLC Slovo. Tasks are compiled with the help of specialists from the Institute of Linguistics of the RSUH. They try to select interesting and even funny tests, so that the contest takes place in a relaxed, game format. Perhaps that is why it attracts more and more participants every year. Over the past 10 years, their number has grown from 2 million to 3.5 million.
Statistics show that competition really helps improve student literacy. So, in 2017, more than 90% of the participants from the younger group gave the correct answers to the tasks from the first block, which is an order of magnitude higher than in previous years.
The program is more aimed at ensuring that children develop logical thinking, rather than the ability to retell learned rules. The organizers also want to debunk the myth that linguistics is a boring and dry science.
A similar competition in the spring is held among teachers.
Registration and selection of participants
Any educational institution in Russia can apply for participation in the competition game, and its status does not matter - whether it is a gymnasium, a lyceum or a private school. However, you need to register no later than October 13. After registration, teachers announce their students the opportunity to compete in knowledge of the Russian language.
Students from the 2nd to 11th grade or students of the corresponding course of a technical school / college can participate in the Olympiad. With a special desire, first-graders can participate along with second-graders. Everyone can sign up, regardless of academic performance and other factors, since the tasks of the Olympiad are quite simple and do not require special knowledge. To record, you need to go to your teacher or manager.
According to the regulations of the Bear, it is forbidden to refuse any child to participate in the game if he wants to. It is impossible to force students to go to competitions against their will.
The only condition for participation is the registration fee to cover small expenses associated with organizing the event, including the purchase of prizes. The contribution varies by region and amounts to about 75-85 rubles. Preferential categories of citizens, i.e. orphans, disabled people, children from large families, etc., are exempt from payment.

The prize fund of the contest "Russian Teddy Bear"
Prepare for the Russian Bear Olympic Games usually begin in 3 months. Typical tasks are sorted out with children. Tickets with answers from past competitions come to help (they can be found on the official website of Medvedzhonka).
How does it go
The competition is held in districts in schools that have been approved for acceptance by delegates. The date of the “Russian Teddy Bear” is November 14th. Children compete simultaneously in groups: 2-3 grade, 4th and 5th, 6-7, 8-9 and 10-11. For each age group, their tasks are prepared.
Assignments are presented in the form of tests with five possible answers. Tickets consist of three blocks. With each subsequent block, the level of difficulty of the task increases, but more points are awarded for them. For the correct answer, 3 points are credited in the first block, 4 points in the second, and 5 in the third. In order to win prizes, you need to score 116-120 points.
The total number of tasks for junior high school students in grades 2–4 is 28, and for high school students - 30. The questions are drawn up according to the exam type. The package with the task forms is opened immediately before the start of the Olympiad. To fill them is given 1 hour 15 minutes. Use of electronic devices during the competition is prohibited. You can not take a dictionary / textbook with you, as well as write off or ask for clues from others. For non-compliance with the rules put disqualification.
Verification of tasks and announcement of results
At the end of the event, all forms are collected and sent for review to the organizing committee, which is located in Kirov. The audit commission consists of leading Russian specialists in linguistics and philology. They choose the best “cubs” at the school, region and first in the country.
The competition results are announced in 2-3 months. That is, if the Olympiad takes place on November 14, 2019, then its results will be known somewhere in January-February 2020. All data is reported to the school’s management, as well as published on the official website of the Russian Bear cub
Each participant receives a commemorative certificate of participation in the competition. Winners get extra prizes. These are purely symbolic awards: a cup with the logo of a teddy bear, a medal, stationery, etc. In individual schools, participants in the Olympiad can count earned points when setting the annual grade.
Useful information: on site There is a forum where parents and children can consult about the Olympics, as well as leave their feedback and suggestions. These wishes are taken into account when developing the program for next year.
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