More recently, the M7 Volga highway was jammed with kilometers of traffic jams both in the region and in Moscow. This problem, which went into the category of global ones, was decided to be eliminated by the Moscow Region authorities through reconstruction of the Gorky highway. Reconstruction of the highway began in 2014. Most of the road work has already been completed, and now you can see that there are many times less traffic jams. Next in turn is the second stage of reconstruction of an important Russian highway - in 2018-2020, it is planned to introduce three new interchanges that will completely eliminate congestion.
According to the head of Balashikha, Sergey Bryntsalov, during a field meeting with contractors, the reconstruction of the Gorky highway is planned to be completed by the end of 2019. He considers this object to be the key for the city, which will save the highway from constant traffic jams. At the same time, the construction of not only pedestrian crossings, but also routes for cyclists is considered.

A reversal loop on the 27th kilometer of the M-7 highway
What is done
The first stage of reconstruction took place from 2014 to 2017. For several years, the highway has changed beyond recognition: at the junction of Obyezdnoy and Leonovsky Highways, as well as at the intersection of Sovetskaya Street, new transport interchanges appeared that allowed to significantly relieve the road. All changes occurred mainly in Balashikha - the largest city near Moscow with a population of 470 thousand people. It is here that traffic jams have been concentrated over the past decades. The transformation, however, did not affect the entire route, but only a section from 18 to 23 kilometers - one of the most difficult sections of the Gorky Highway. Now, transit transport, which moves mainly along them, can freely move towards the region, bypassing traffic lights.

The reconstruction scheme of the Gorky highway: the first stage
For drivers of passenger vehicles there is a step-by-step space that facilitates a reversal. As a result, transits and cars are not found at the most dangerous intersections, as a result of which the risk of road accidents is reduced. And the time of departure from the city to the region was reduced several times - such changes please not only drivers, but also the traffic police, because now the number of emergency and traffic jams has significantly decreased on this section of the highway. And although congestion in the morning and evening rush hours still persists, nevertheless, all road users observe a tendency to their reduction.
By the way! Thanks to the reconstruction of the Gorky highway, you can get from the center of Moscow to Noginsk in half an hour.
What traffic lights are eliminated:
- at 50 and 57 kilometers on the M-7 highway;
- at 88 km at the entrance to the village of Malaya Dubna;
- in the interval between 94 and 118 kilometers, all traffic lights near the village of Kirzhach and within the city of Pokrov were eliminated;
- on 145-156 kilometers of the highway in the city of Lakinsk;
- in the interval between 156 and 169 kilometers all traffic lights are removed.
Current state of affairs
In 2018, 27 km of the M7 highway is being renovated, at the junction of the Eastern Highway. They lay one of the three planned reversal loops. The first roundabout will help to facilitate the departure of drivers from the Sacramento microdistrict, as well as from the village of Bezmenkovo and the nearby Novsky Quarter.Finishing work is now underway, the construction company, leading the reconstruction of the highway, assures that this section of the road will be commissioned by the end of this year.
Here is the traffic intersection:
Road workers are trying to provide people with a comfortable ride on business and for travel as soon as possible. The traffic intensity in this segment is up to 100 thousand cars per day, which is a lot for the four-lane road, but already in 2018-2020 the authorities intend to change the situation for the better. Now, in many sections of the road, residents of neighboring settlements may be experiencing inconvenience due to changes in the geography of communications, but soon these works will be completed and the road workers will start organizing access groups to villages and, in particular, to the houses of people living there.
What is planned
For 2018-2020, the Moscow Region authorities have planned the construction of two more new interchanges on the Gorky Highway, which should completely eliminate road congestion. Innovations will affect the same Balashikha - it is there, from 23 to 26 km, the road will undergo major repairs. As early as next year, according to urban planners, all three reversal loops will be built, and the carriageway will be wider by six lanes.

Installation of noise barriers
In addition, road workers will reduce the number of traffic lights that interfere with the competent organization of traffic. During the reconstruction, at least three traffic lights will be removed, however, this will not prevent pedestrians from crossing a busy highway: as many as four aboveground pedestrians are planned to be introduced between 2018 and 2020. They will also install noise screens in those places where people live, and install an automated traffic control system. Currently, supports for future pedestrian crossings have already been installed, work is underway to remove communications. The preparation of temporary roads is also underway. By the way, the leaders of Urddor explain that, despite the fact that the loading of roads is very large, coupled with the ongoing repairs and the large amount of equipment used, the number of roads in use has not been reduced - all work is carried out parallel to the highway, and special equipment does not interfere with the drivers.
Reference! In the period from 2018 to 2022, 52 roads will be built in the Moscow region. 83.7 billion rubles will be spent on the renovation of the roadway.
Changes will affect 30 kilometers of the motorway. It is there that an electronic scoreboard will be installed, which will show the weather and traffic information in the most problematic places.
In 2020, it is planned to expand the road going to the region after Balashikha. Now it is four-lane, but after renovation the road will become 10-lane. On this section of the road, new flyovers with six lanes and a two-lane understudy road will be built.
It is too early to take stock of the reconstruction of the busiest highway - the Gorky highway. A lot has been done to solve problems with traffic jams, but the work has not yet been completed. The road program regarding the M7 highway is aimed at reducing the time of moving from the center of Moscow to the outskirts of the Moscow region. And if earlier it was possible to get to the same Petushki in 3-4 or even 5 hours, then in the near future the travel time will be only one hour.
Renovation of the Gorky Highway will lead not only to an increase in speed and a reduction in travel time, but also to an increase in the cost of land in the suburbs. If now in the Vladimir region, only 120 kilometers from MKAD, a hundred square meters of land costs 10 thousand rubles, then it is easy to guess to what heights the price will skyrocket after repairing the road. Now the territories along which the Volga highway runs are rapidly developing. This is not surprising, because thanks to broadband traffic, you can get here 2, or even 3 times faster than before. In addition, the environmental situation in the Gorky area is regarded as favorable.
How is the reconstruction going: video
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