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In 2020, state support for families with children will become much more tangible. In addition to the existing measures aimed at increasing the birth rate and strengthening social security, several more laws of a large “demographic package” will come into force.
Benefits will grow significantly
Big changes in the social sphere regarding assistance to families with children began at the end of 2017. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin at the final meeting of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the national strategy of action in the interests of children, it was proposed to increase the amount of child benefits and introduce new payments up to 1.6 years. The new procedure and grounds for appointing “children’s” were recorded in the text of Law No. 418-ФЗ “On Monthly Payments to Families with Children,” signed by the president at the end of 2017. Since January 2019, families experiencing financial difficulties have been able to arrange “Putin's” payments for both their first and second children. With the beginning of 2020, a number of changes will come into force, which should ultimately increase the number of families eligible to receive child benefits up to 70%. The corresponding bill on the extension of childcare benefits for a child up to 3 years old was signed in August 2019 by the head of state. According to the new law, from January 1, 2020, families will be able to make payments under the following conditions:
- if the first or second child is born (adopted) after January 1, 2018;
- the income per person in the family does not exceed two living wages;
- the recipient is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
The size of the living wage may vary depending on the place of residence. To calculate whether a family with children is “poor”, it is necessary to divide the average monthly income of a family by the number of households, including children. If the amount received does not exceed the cost of living, then parents can count on financial support.
Sources of financing, as in the case of benefits up to one and a half years, remain the same:
- state treasury - when the first-born appears in the family;
- own funds of the family in the form of maternal capital - at the birth of the second baby.
In the first case, the appointment of "Putin's" must be addressed to the nearest center of social services for the population. In the second, you must write an application for disposal of maternity capital funds in the Pension Fund. The leadership of the RF PF has already proposed combining the two procedures into one - at the same time submit an application for registration of the capital and its disposal, in the form of regular children's payments.
Measures to support families with children in the form of monthly benefits will begin to work only from January 1, 2020. For the previous months, in cases where the child is one and a half years earlier than this period, compensation will not be made. Unfortunately, payments will not affect families where there is a third and subsequent children under the age of three. But the authorities promise to soon correct injustice.
If the family previously disposed of the funds of maternity capital, then payments for the second child are no longer due.
Maternal capital will increase
In 2020, a program for issuing maternity capital will continue for families with two children. So far, its action has been prolonged until 2021. But the government is actively discussing the possibility of stimulating fertility in this way in the future.It is also expected that indexation, which was canceled in 2016, will resume and capital will grow to 470 thousand rubles. To cash out “mother money” as before is to commit a criminal offense.
Spend maternity capital can be as follows:
- pay off mortgage debt;
- as a down payment when buying a home on a mortgage;
- for the construction of individual housing construction;
- pay for children's education;
- transfer to the funded part of the mother's pension;
- receive a monthly allowance from the birth of a child up to 3 years.
The government has not yet discussed new items on maternity capital expenditure.
You can file an application for maternity capital electronically through the public services portal. After approval of the application, you must contact the pension fund with the original documents.
Mortgage Benefits
A new support measure for large families was proposed by President Putin in 2019. When addressing the federal assembly, the head of state noted that it is necessary to help families with three or more children in paying off mortgage obligations. The initiative was expressed in the text of Federal Law No. 157-ФЗ dated July 3, 2019. According to the document, a mother or father with a third or subsequent children born between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2022 is entitled to compensation for a mortgage loan. The amount of payment is 450 thousand rubles, but not more than the balance of credit debt and the amount of accrued interest.
Monetary compensation for mortgage loans is paid once and only against one loan. To make a payment, you need to contact the bank where the borrowed funds for the purchase of an apartment or house were received. In this case, it is necessary to provide documents confirming compliance with the program conditions. The main one is the birth or adoption certificate of the third or subsequent children. State compensations to credit organizations will be transferred through an intermediary - DOM.RF Joint-Stock Company.
One of the main conditions for participation in the mortgage compensation program is that the loan must be issued at a Russian bank.
Benefits for large families
For families with at least three minor children, state aid is provided in several directions at once: medicine, education, employment and pension, etc. The list of benefits is constantly expanding not only at the federal level, but also at the regional level. In 2020, the following preferences will be presented for large families:
- free travel on public vehicles;
- priority right to enroll children in preschool and school institutions;
- free meals at school and college;
- the right to free land for the construction of a house or farm;
- free trips to summer vacation places (sanatoriums, camps);
- the possibility of early retirement of the mother.
In addition, the government plans to ease the tax burden for large families. It is estimated that property tax will be reduced in proportion to the number of children.
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