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The procedure for assigning a pedagogical pension from 2020 will be consistent with the innovations introduced as part of the reform of the pension system of the Russian Federation. As in 2019, pedagogical workers are not directly concerned with raising the generally established retirement age. But, a later exit on well-deserved rest for them will be associated with the introduction of the so-called period of delay in applying for pension payments.
Updated Retirement Procedure
According to the latest news of the pension legislation, the right of pedagogues to issue an early retirement pension still implies age-related benefits.
The ability to apply for seniority payments is provided in Russia not only to teachers, teachers and educators, but also to social educators, speech therapists, music directors, head teachers and directors of various categories of institutions related to the education and development of children (kindergartens, schools, grammar schools, colleges, universities) , boarding schools, music schools, palaces of children's creativity, etc.). A full list of professions is recorded in Government Decision No. 781 of 10.29.2002.
In 2020, the main criterion that gives the right to get a well-deserved rest is the development of 25-year special experience. But the new rules shift the time for applying for a pedagogical pension by 1-5 years relative to the year when a special experience will be developed. This is the principle of the so-called postponement, which has been operating in the country since 2019 according to this scheme:
Acquisition of the right to retirement | Deferral Duration | Retirement Year |
2019 | 1 | 2020 |
2020 | 2 | 2022 |
2021 | 3 | 2024 |
2022 | 4 | 2026 |
2023 | 5 | 2028 |
Thus, when fulfilling the requirements for special length of service, teachers receive the right to a pedagogical pension, but they can take advantage of it and arrange the payments themselves only after the installment plan has expired.
Payment Terms
In 2020, teachers who can apply for a preferential pedagogical pension will be able to:
- Earned a teaching experience of 25 years or more.
- Accumulated a sufficient number of retirement points (IPB). The required minimum for 2020 will be 18.6.
- We withstood the established installment period.
In 2020, the transitional period of the Pension Reform is ending, within which potential pensioners can still take the opportunity to make payments for seniority 6 months earlier than that provided by the installment plan. Everything will depend on the dates of 25 years of experience:
Acquisition of the right to retirement | Deferral Duration | Retirement Year |
2019 | 1 | 2020 |
2020 | 2 | 2022 |
2021 | 3 | 2024 |
2022 | 4 | 2026 |
2023 | 5 | 2028 |
Accounting for preferential training
To take into account the required length of service, which makes it possible to apply for pedagogical pension provision, all years of work are fixed in a calendar order, taking into account the following restrictions:
- Until 1.09.2000 - all the time as a teacher, regardless of the pedagogical load, in subsequent years - only when meeting the requirements for the loads provided for a specific wage rate. The specified standards are not required to be fulfilled only by teachers of rural schools and primary classes.
- Until 01.01.1992 - full time as a teacher, educator, nursery nursery group.
- Until 1.09.2000 - full time as director, supervisor, chief, in subsequent years - only the time when the standards of teaching were fulfilled (at least 360 hours per year for secondary vocational education institutions or 240 hours per year for schools).
- Until 01.01.2001 - the full amount of time spent in institutions of further education for children, and later - only if at least 16.8 years of experience are acquired by the indicated date and there is evidence confirming work in the period 1.11.1999-31.12.2000 in positions from list of the RF PP №781.
- Until 6.10.1992 - each period of stay on parental leave, issued before the indicated date, regardless of its completion. Allowed later vacations will count towards only insurance experience (but not preferential teaching) can be useful when making payments on general grounds (that is, after reaching the established standards for retirement age).
Work after retirement
Having received the right to retire (according to the table above), teachers may then not have to worry about keeping records of preferential length of service. Although many continue to work within the walls of educational institutions, they have the right to change the scope of work or completely stop working. In any case, the right will be fixed and realized within the established deadlines, that is, after the expiration of the corresponding deferral period. A working teacher will receive payments regardless of the fact of further employment, but taking into account two nuances:
- Annual indexation of payments will not be carried out until dismissal. In 2020, from January 1, for non-working pensioners an increase in benefits is expected by 6.6%. All missed indexations (including over the past years) will be necessarily taken into account in the amount of the pension benefit for 3 months after the dismissal.
- Pension benefits will be recalculated annually taking into account changes in the number of IPB earned during the year.
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