Easter in 2020

Easter in 2020

Christians have several especially revered holidays, the Bright Resurrection of Christ is one of these. Easter is considered a rolling holiday, the date is determined by the lunar-solar calendar. In 2020, it will be celebrated on April 19.

Easter eggs and Easter cake


The second name for Easter is the Holy Resurrection of Christ. It is believed that on this day, on the third day after the crucifixion, Jesus Christ was resurrected. The resurrection of the son of God gives believers hope for salvation and that after death there is life.

The name comes from the Jewish "Passover" (transition). In Judaism, this concept hides the transition from the life of the Jewish people under Egyptian oppression to free. In Christianity, from death to life, from earthly life to heaven.

There is also a version that the holiday was before Christmas. The Israelites celebrated it with his family, and called the sacrifice (lambs and goats) “Easter”. Sacrifice promised the condescension of grace to the whole flock. Later, Jesus offered his life as a sacrifice to give people the grace of his Father.

How to determine the date

Since Easter is a rolling holiday, they use the lunar-solar calendar to determine the date. Celebrate it on the first Sunday after the spring full moon.

In 2020, Orthodox Easter falls on April 19th.


The Great Lent, which is considered one of the most stringent, precedes the holiday. For 40 days, believers refrain from food of animal origin, refuse entertainment and devote much time to prayers.

On the eve of the holiday, the Orthodox clean up the house and soul, bake Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, honey gingerbread, boil oatmeal jelly, paint and paint eggs. All this must be done on Thursday, which is called Holy, and among the people - clean.

Traditionally, Easter eggs are painted red, which symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ, which he expired at the time of death. Today, many have forgotten about this, therefore, they dye eggs in all colors of the rainbow, decorate with rhinestones, decorate with stickers.

Easter eggs

The bright Resurrection of Christ begins with a conversation - they eat the consecrated food in the church (pastries and paints) and water. Only after that you can go to the meal and eat other dishes.

On this day, instead of the usual greeting, it is customary to joyfully announce "Christ is Risen!" In response, they say: "In truth, he is risen!" After you need to brush up - three times kiss on the cheeks and exchange colored eggs.

Celebrate Easter 40 days. The week after the Holy Christ Resurrection is called differently: Bright Week, Fomin Week, Holy Week. On Monday, it is customary to go on a visit, and it is advisable to honor those who you have not seen for a long time. If this is not possible, then you should send greeting cards.


  1. The remnants of ritual food used to be buried in the ground, so that the year was fruitful.
  2. The eaten colored egg, which was laid on Good Thursday, promises good health. And if you dig his shell into the ground in a stable, then the animals will not know the ailment.
  3. Everything that will be requested from the Almighty on a great holiday will surely be fulfilled.

There are festive signs for those who violate the laws of God. So, thieves are convinced that if you steal something from parishioners during the Easter service and not be caught, then all year will be lucky. Card cheaters are sure that if you come to service by putting a coin in your shoes, then luck will become a faithful companion for a year.

Easter cake and eggs

Interesting Facts

  1. In Europe, the symbol of Easter is the rabbit.To many, this may seem a little illogical, because the eggs are hens. But, according to legend, in the past this long-eared animal was a chicken, until the angry goddess turned him into a hare. But the animal has not lost its cheerfulness and once a year with its paws rolls painted eggs to the houses of believers.
  2. In many countries of the European Union, Holy Week and Easter Week are holidays for schoolchildren and students. The official holiday is considered to be Easter celebrations there, the same amount is celebrated in Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Latvia, Portugal, Croatia, Spain and most countries of South America.
  3. In Russia, a bill is under consideration, according to which, Monday, following the Holy Sunday of Christ, will be a day off. Its authors believe that the adoption of such a law will be a tribute to the traditions of the Russian Orthodox community, as well as another proof that Orthodoxy plays a big role in the history of the country.
  4. One of the favorite holiday entertainments in the USA is rolling eggs on an inclined lawn - whose further rolls away, he won. The largest competitions take place at the White House in Washington.

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