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The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (VOSH) in the 2019-2020 academic year will be held in 24 disciplines. The list of subjects is approved and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It included:
- astronomy;
- biology;
- geography;
- computer science;
- art;
- 6 foreign languages;
- literature;
- maths;
- social science;
- right;
- Russian language;
- technology;
- physics;
- physical Culture;
- chemistry;
- ecology;
- economy.
5-6 million schoolchildren participate in the Olympiads annually. In 2019-2020, there will be no less participants: a high interest in testing knowledge is explained by rewards for winners and prize winners. They will be able to enter a prestigious university out of competition and study at the budget department.
Four stages of VOSH
The All-Russian School Olympiad will be held from September 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020. It traditionally includes four stages:
1st. School
The first stage involves students of grades 5-11 of their own free will. Schoolchildren are allowed to go to Russian language and mathematics competitions from the 4th grade.
Dates - September-October.
2nd. Municipal
Students of grades 7-11 who have won the school stage, winners and prize-winners of last year's Olympiad enter the municipal level.
Municipal championships are held in November-December.
3rd. Regional
At the regional stage, students of grades 9-11 are competing - winners of municipal intellectual championships.
Regional selection includes two rounds: theoretical and practical. By time - January-February.
4th. All-Russian
The final stage takes place in Moscow. It is designed for several days and requires the personal presence of the contestants. Winners of regional championships from grades 9-11 are allowed to participate in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.
The final round, as well as the regional one, includes several tasks on theory and practice. After each test, students will be able to relax: go on excursions, get acquainted with the sights and cultural places of the capital.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, the final stage of the LSE will be held in March-April. The jury will announce the winners on April 30 or in early May.
Video with information about the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren:
Features of tasks VOSH
Tasks for VOSH are selected by members of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. They also constitute tasks for regional tours - different for the regions. There are many discussions about this: one of the contestants and teachers agrees with this approach, someone believes that the tasks for all subjects of the Russian Federation should be the same.
Each discipline has its own specificity, which must be taken into account.
- Maths. Fulfillment of tasks will require the search for an unconventional solution, a logical approach. Tasks go beyond the standard curriculum, often in the condition lies a catch.
- Russian language. The commission is not limited to competitive trials. Students are often offered creative work - to write a slogan, a hymn or to argue their point of view on a specific issue.
- Computer science. It is important here to make maximum use of the capabilities of the computer and its own developments. It was such that during the Olympics, eminent programmers tested online communications.
- Chemistry. Theoretical knowledge of the subject is important, but jury members pay more attention to the practical part - the preparation and conduct of experiments.
- Foreign languages. Pupils must show a high level of knowledge of written and spoken foreign speech, good pronunciation, and fluently answer questions from members of the commission.
- Geography. The ability to read topographic maps is a significant advantage. Sometimes, as part of a practical tour, multimedia quizzes are organized for students. The broader the horizons, the higher the chances of winning.
- Ecology. One of the most difficult disciplines, because the participants of the Olympiad need to prepare an urgent environmental project and defend it reasonably.
VOSH Prizes
A serious struggle is explained by the main prize for the winner and privileges for the winners. The winner of VOSH is the student with the maximum number of points in the subject. Prizewinners are students with a passing grade. A passing score is established by the Ministry of Education of Russia.
Winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad receive diplomas and the right to enter any Russian university out of competition. The specialty must correspond to the olympiad discipline in which the student became the best.
Preferential Olympiads
The right to out-of-competition admission to the university is also given by victory in the so-called "preferential" Olympiads. They are organized for students by the universities themselves or training centers. In 2019-2020, the list included 78 such events, among them:
- Lomonosov is an annual multidisciplinary test organized by Moscow State University.
- "Higher standard" - includes a wide profile of disciplines.
- "Mission Possible. Your calling is a financier. ”
- "Nanotechnology - a breakthrough into the future."
- Sechenovskaya - in biology for students of educational institutions.
- Tolstovskaya - on history, domestic philology and social studies.
- Economic Olympiad named after Kondratiev.
- “The Art of Graphics" - the event is organized in an international format.
- MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation - on history and social science.
- Robofest
- FizTech.
- "The hope of energy."
- "Step into the Future".
- Plekhanov Olympiad.
The list of programs includes areas that go beyond the school curriculum - international relations, journalism, psychology, astronautics, engineering and other sciences.
To participate, the candidate needs to choose an event and register on the official website. The next step is the qualifier. Many organizers conduct it remotely - a competent jury evaluates the work of participants, sets points. Winners and prize winners go to the next round and to the finals.
Dates of preferential Olympiads, conditions of participation, passing points and other nuances of the competition committee will be published at the beginning of the school year.
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