It is important for parents to know in advance when schoolchildren will start summer holidays in the 2019-2020 school year, from which date can they plan family trips, and whether it is possible to refuse when students will be called to school in the summer.
What the law says
Although for most educational institutions in Russia the first school day is September 1, the decree of the Ministry of Education only recommends the structure of the school year (its beginning and end), and whether or not to adhere to these recommendations, each school decides on its own.
Of course, in most cases, educational institutions do not deviate from the usual schedule for everyone and begin the school year on September 1 (or the next Monday, if the first day is Saturday or Sunday), ending on the last Friday (or Saturday) of May.
In August, the school administration approves a work schedule with clear dates for the beginning and end of semesters or trimesters.
Nevertheless, official documents indicate that summer holidays in educational institutions are at least 2 months (not 3, as many believe)! It is this norm that is often referred to, requiring students to attend school in the summer (so-called work-outs, practices, school camps, etc.).
In a number of situations, for schoolchildren, 2 weeks of June may turn out to be workers:
- for graduate students (exams and consultations);
- if there was a long quarantine;
- if the school did not work for any other force majeure reasons and it is impossible to complete the curriculum without shifting the holidays.
If for some reason the school administration plans to postpone summer vacations in 2020, it is obliged to notify students and parents in advance of the situation.
Summer Vacation Dates
So, in the 2019-2020 academic year, classes will begin on Monday September 2, and the last bell in most schools in Russia will ring on Friday May 29-30, 2020. For first graders, studies will end on May 22-23.
Ninth graders will have to study longer, who will take the Unified State Examination in the first half of June and graduates of the 11th grade, for whom the Unified State Examination will last for the entire first month of summer. For graduation classes, the summer holidays of 2020 will depend on what will be the date of the last of the selected exams (see the schedule for the exam and the exam in 2020).
Summer practise
Involving students in community service is a common practice. The so-called "work-outs" came to us from Soviet times, and today they cause violent indignation among parents and outrageous resistance among many students.
It is worth noting that the outdated version, in which there is a cleaning of territories, general cleaning of classes and landscaping of plots, has been preserved in secondary schools. Many gymnasiums and lyceums offer students a more exciting alternative - practice in a specialized subject. It can be:
- language schools with native speakers invited by volunteers;
- programming practice;
- conducting physical or chemical experiments;
- logging nature observation;
- art practice and attending various workshops.
This practice option is interesting not only for children, but also for parents who need to decide the issue of childcare every year, when the school will have long-awaited summer holidays.
But, all types of practices are good if children and parents have no other plans for the first 2-3 weeks of summer.Yet a different picture is more common - teachers demand the presence of children, and parents, by hook or by crook, try to save the child from having to be in a hot and stuffy city, hurrying to send them to the sea or to relatives, where the child can recover and psychologically rest from school.
The law says that children cannot be involved in work that is not provided for in the school curriculum. This means that if a summer practice does not put a mark in the journal, the child may not attend it. And then parents are faced with a choice - to conflict with the administration and prove the child’s right to rest or sacrifice their plans and persuade their son or daughter to go to school during the holidays.
School camp
Another type of activity of modern educational institutions, which on the one hand is designed to solve the problems of working parents, and on the other hand causes a storm of indignation. Unhappy are the parents of schools requiring compulsory school attendance from primary school students (and often students in grades 5-6).
Needless to say, such requirements are absolutely illegal. So why does the problem exist? Schools are required to create school camps and, accordingly, the administration, by hook or by crook, is trying to ensure the presence of children in the planned groups.
You can find out exactly when the summer holidays of the 2020 school year will begin with your child by contacting the administration of the academic institution (or the class teacher) with this question. You can deal with summer practice and compulsory camps, but you should be prepared for unpleasant conversations with the administration. Whether the result of the spent nerves (their own, which is important, a child) is worth it, each parent decides for himself.
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