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New Year's parties are not only a noisy feast and gift exchange. The company must be amused, entertained, entertained with fun contests in the house or on the street. The new year 2020 has been put into power by the White Metal Rat, so part of the activities or undertakings can be dedicated to this animal.
Competition preparation
In preparation for the New Year's contests, a number of points should be taken into account:
- If the company is going to be of different ages, then the tasks should be feasible for both the 75-year-old grandmother and the 5-year-old granddaughter.
- Taking into account moral and ethical principles, outright vulgarity even in the company of closest friends can cause an attack of shame the next morning after a party.
- The task does not have to be very long. In order for the guest not to leave in search of the seven-flower for the distant lands or all the guests did not fall asleep during the hours-long assembly of complex origami.
- Do not include speed tasks with drinks and food in competitions for the New Year. The task of drinking 100 grams of vodka is feasible for someone, but someone can become a patient of emergency.
Competitions for the New Year 2020 for a large company
Contests that are written for the family circle and for corporate parties can be very different. But to make tasks for all occasions is also real. Just when compiling, try them on yourself and analyze whether their performance is comfortable in the family circle and in the company of colleagues. If there is no doubt about the appropriateness, then you should not worry. Universal contests for a large company:
- "Childhood". The host offers in one minute to name as many children's Christmas songs and poems as possible. It can also be songs about winter or with the mention of winter months.
- "Bibliophile". Guests are invited to recall any Russian authors who write about nature. It can be poets, lyrics, prose writers.
- "Horse of Santa Claus." The task is written on the card in advance. Depict the horse of Santa Claus, after the New Year delivery of gifts in Russia. The participant is given a card, he reads it in his mind. With the help of pantomime, the participant is trying to portray a tired horse and what he had to do that night. If the other guests guess what the participant is showing, then the task is considered completed.
- "Beggar". The participant receives the task of obtaining a household item, such as toilet paper or a sponge for washing dishes. Complicating tasks at the New Year's office party is that you can get such an item only with special inventiveness. And if the event takes place at home, then warn that household items are not suitable for execution. It is necessary to get items from the neighbors. Even more fun if two or three participants are selected for the competition, and some worthwhile thing, for example, a bottle of good champagne, becomes a prize. Then the methods and tricks in the search for the subject become more sophisticated, and the speed is higher.
- Psychic. Under three identical boxes they hide completely different objects: a mandarin duck, a napkin, a fork, a Christmas tree toy, a certificate for fitness. Everything that can fit and not peek out from under the shelter. The number of participants is not limited. The task is to guess what is under the box. The host does not give any hints, riddles or hints. In order to guess the subject, it is necessary to include paranormal abilities and use the "third eye".Surprisingly, the company will always find at least one person who guesses one or even two subjects. A guesser hides a hidden item as a gift. Undrawn prizes go to the one who guessed the most items.
- "The president". Where else can you try on the role of the head of state, if not at a corporate party or a party of friends. The participant is invited to deliver a speech near the walls of the Kremlin, with wishes addressed to those present. For naturalness, the temporary “president" is given a glass of champagne, and toy chimes are placed behind him.
- "Creative". The participant needs to wish the guests present something that no one has ever wished to anyone. For example, so that the hair of those present in the New Year is velvet and silky or the scent becomes like a dog, and the eye like an eagle.
- "Rats from Ratatouille." The participant is given the task to portray the main character of the cartoon "Ratatouille", which in 2020 will be the symbol of the year. Moreover, this must be done only with the help of gestures and facial expressions. To help the participant are given the ingredients for the preparation of a dish: cheese, potatoes, bananas, tangerines. With the help of tweaks, repeating mouse movements, the participant must transfer the image. If he succeeds, then as a gift he gets a recipe book, a fruit basket or a toy symbol of the New Year.
- "Channel One Announcer." Initially, two or three guests are invited to participate. Then the host explains that in order to select an announcer for news on Channel One, a casting was announced. Each participant is given a card that says the simplest children's proverb, for example, "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked the dryer" or "I rode a Greek across the river." Surprisingly, holding such a competition closer to the end of the party is not possible for half of those present. Anyone who is best at reproducing the proverb gets a prize in the form of a bottle of a strong alcoholic drink. And the presenter comments: “Apparently, you are celebrating the New Year poorly, you should catch up with the other contestants!”
New Year's contests for children for 2020
When children celebrate the New Year at a separate table or in the family circle there are a lot of children of different ages, they should be entertained. Such contests are suitable for this:
- "Multoman". Name 5 cartoons about winter or New Year's themes. For example, the Snow Queen, Frozen, Frost, Snow Maiden, The Nutcracker, Ice Age. I always remember more than 5, here the last one to name the cartoon on the topic will get a prize. For this, a Christmas tree toy, sparklers or a cracker are suitable.
- "Guess the item." Opaque bags are prepared according to the number of children. Inside put any New Year attributes of a recognizable form. For example, a Christmas ball, a star, a crown. The children take turns taking one bag out of a common box and try to touch to identify a hidden object. If the child is too small or has difficulties, the facilitator should help guessing. All children should be with presents, without resentment and disappointment from losing.
- "Hip-hop artist." It is important to select the participant correctly. It must be a child who likes to perform in public or one who has certain artistic abilities. The participant is given the text of a well-known children's song, “The Christmas tree was born” is perfect. You should try to perform it in the style of hip hop or rap. If the participant refuses, then the facilitator should set an example and read the text of any other song, for example, “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter”. Usually it is very fun, makes children happy. If the child is not selected, then someone else from the company will want to repeat and try himself in the image of a gangsty style or rock metal.As a gift, the child gets any musical attribute: harmonica, hand finger drum or toy microphone.
- “Guess who I am?” By the number of children they make blank cards with a description of the animal. For example, an evil wolf, a sly fox, a happy pig, a funny dog, a cute kitten, a shy mouse, and a sleepy bear. Children with the help of facial expressions and gestures, characteristic sounds, try to portray the animal that fell to them, his mood, character, distinctive features. As a gift, the guys receive small prizes in the form of the animal that they got to play. But in order to avoid grievances, it’s easier to give everyone the same clapperboard prizes, flashlights or sweets.
- "Intelligents." Two participants, using a fork and knife, unfold the sweets in a wrapper. After that, they should cut it, eat it with the same fork. Whoever succeeds faster, he won. It is advisable to select knives for the competition with children with a rounded top edge, although this will complicate the deployment process, it is safer.
- "Singer Mouse." On the card, the presenter writes the name of a famous children's song, for example, from the animated film "And Who Are They, Fixies". The child should squeak the whole song like a mouse, observing the main melody and intonation of words. If the others have guessed which song the participant performed, then he will be awarded a commemorative prize in the form of a symbol of 2020 - a teddy mouse.
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