When caroling in Russia in 2020

When caroling in Russia in 2020

Knowing when carol is performed in Russia in 2020, those wishing to participate in ritual action will be able to prepare in advance - to learn carols, to make costumes. Despite the fact that caroling originated many centuries ago, and to this day the main rites and customs have been preserved. Although it is foolish to deny that traditions have changed significantly under the influence of modernity. People regard caroling as entertainment, although for ancestors these were especially important days on which further well-being could depend.

Important! Carol will be performed in Russia in the first 3 days of Christmas - from Christmas Eve (after the appearance of the first star on January 6) and until the evening of January 8. Traditions in different regions may vary.

When to carol in Russia in 2020

Earlier caroling dates coincided with Christmas time - from January 6 to January 19. Although the mummers did not go home all 12 days, but usually a few days at Christmas and Generous evening, and between the holidays they divined and performed various ceremonies to attract good luck and prosperity.

History of occurrence

Scientists began to study Kolyada at the beginning of the 19th century, although today they have not exactly established its origin. Some historians claim that the tradition of going home and singing songs was dedicated to the pagan deity Kolyada. Rituals were performed to appease God and get his location. They arranged a feast for several days in his honor. Others claim that according to an ancient legend, on a winter night, evil spirits abducted the Sun. To return the heavenly luminary, people organized noisy festivities, sang songs, dressed in various costumes, laughed out loud and even scared passers-by.

It is well known that caroling originated in pagan times. After the baptism of Rus, the eradication of old customs proved to be a difficult task. People all the same dressed up as different heroes, went home, recited poems and sang songs, for which they asked the hosts for gifts. Gradually, the ceremony took on a religious coloring. The carols began to glorify the birth of Jesus Christ. Instead of the sun, they began to carry a star with them. She became a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the way to the shepherds going to the Son of God. Now Christian and pagan motifs are mixed in carols.

Carol traditions in Russia

The essence and features of carols

It was previously believed that caroling provides owners with a good harvest, offspring of pets and well-being in the family. For this reason, carols necessarily went around all the houses in the village. The only exceptions were families in which someone had recently died. There was a belief that the arrival of the mummers in the house allowed to drive out evil spirits and protect the owners from troubles.

The carol ritual usually took place in several stages:

  • Ritual preparation. Before Christmas, people were preparing to carol, sewed costumes, taught holiday songs in which they glorified Jesus Christ or the owners of the house. Costumes could be very diverse - from hell to angels. Although the group must have a goat, as a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • Home walking. Unmarried guys and unmarried girls gathered in groups of 5-10 people, and sometimes more. The group must have a star (wears a star), a bell ringer (walked with bells) and a mecha (collects gifts in a bag). The mummers began to sing songs on the street, asking to enter the house. A small theatrical scene was played out in the house or they simply sang carols, but only with the permission of the owners.
  • Gifting Carols. The mummers were always given presents. Usually it was pastries and sweet treats.The tradition of giving money has appeared recently. It was considered a bad omen to let go of carols without refreshments. In some regions, mummers are always seated at the festive table.

Important! In the afternoon, children usually caroled, gathering in small groups, and adults went home only in the evening.

Modern traditions

Now caroling is more preserved in small villages where everyone knows each other, but in large cities the tradition is practically not supported. The fact is that few people agree to let a group of people dressed up in unusual costumes enter the apartment. For this reason, adults usually sing only with relatives and friends, and even then they are warned in advance about coming.

Who and when is carding in Russia and at what dates can you carol in 2020

Children are more likely to be allowed into homes and apartments, so they often carol. For some of them, the long-standing rite becomes a real Christmas adventure. A good incentive is sweets and money, which necessarily give carols. The younger generation rarely dresses in holiday costumes, although rhymes can be unusual and interesting.

You can meet real carols with a star, a bell-ringer and a mech in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities only on the streets, squares and in parks where people celebrate. Folk ensembles and collectives from houses of culture usually take part in theatrical activities. If you wish, everyone can participate in them, if you contact the nearest cultural institution in advance.

Find out more interesting facts in the beautiful Christmas carol tradition by watching an educational video:

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