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Admission to the internship in 2019-2020 will not be resumed, and in order to receive the necessary specialization, future doctors will have to go to residency - such changes are provided for by the approved medical reform, designed to improve the quality of service in medical institutions and the qualification level of medical personnel. Recall that in 2016 the internship was canceled for pharmacists and dentists, in 2017 for pediatricians and therapists, and in 2018 for the remaining medical specialties. And to what extent this decision will allow achieving the task set by the Ministry of Health - to fill in the “gaps” in rural outpatient clinics, where there is a shortage of qualified personnel, it will become clear only after a few years, when the first results of the medical reform will be announced.
A new approach to knowledge assessment
If there were no changes to the previously existing educational system, then, having successfully completed an internship in 2020, a student could receive a certificate that would actually allow him to perform direct duties (subsequently every 5 years he would have to confirm his qualifications in order to have the right to work in hospitals and clinics). But instead of certification, the young specialist will now have to undergo accreditation, without which he will not be able to start work and gain access to patients.
Accreditation is the receipt of a certain number of points, which are calculated for:
- participation in various medical events (conferences, seminars, trainings, etc.);
- publication of articles and scientific works in periodicals, books, etc .;
- the use of complex schemes in the treatment of serious diseases, etc.
It is assumed that this methodology for assessing knowledge will be launched in 2021. But still there are many questions that remain regarding the procedure for accreditation (who will pay for accommodation and travel to the place of its conduct, whether it will be possible to reduce the time for admitting patients so that it will be possible to participate in research or seminars, etc.) and methods scoring. However, the Ministry explains that in the near future all these issues will be carefully analyzed and worked out, and the cancellation of the internship will be done as gently and without any consequences.
Residency conditions
In fact, internship and residency in 2019-2020. have much in common, given that after completing such training, the future physician will be able to obtain a narrow specialization and permission to work with patients. But, if you believe the innovations that were initiated by the Ministry as part of the reform, entering the residency will be very difficult, especially if the task is to take a budgetary place. And if a physician decides to refuse this stage of training, then he can only work as a therapist, which will significantly reduce his professional capabilities.
The residency exam will consist of several parts:
- Testing, which includes 60 questions (for general medical knowledge). Only 1 hour is allotted for its passage and during this time it is necessary to correctly answer at least 70% of the questions.
- Getting a point for the current experience. Due to the fact that physicians will be awarded more points for work in rural areas, this should encourage them to move “out of the way” and after graduation from the university to work in village clinics for at least several years (before entering residency).
Extra points will also be awarded for honors and for receiving a Presidential scholarship. Accordingly, students who are studying on a contract will not have much chance to accumulate a sufficient number of points (especially if they did not work in rural areas) to continue their studies.
After calculating the number of points received, a decision is made on the admission of the applicant to the residency.
The disadvantages of the new system
Admission to the residency will be the only opportunity for a young physician to get the specialization he needs and continue to work on vocation. And although, on the one hand, the innovation will help attract doctors to work in village outpatient clinics, on the other hand, the approved system is still extremely imperfect and has a number of disadvantages:
- The general level of professionalism of doctors can significantly decrease, as many specialists will be forced to spend more time on part-time jobs to pay for expensive training in residency.
- Lack of motivation to increase the level of knowledge among curators and teachers. As the students themselves note, some doctors are irresponsible in their duties and simply shift their paper work to residents, instead of sharing knowledge and experience with them.
- Students who are not on a budgetary education form cannot count on getting extra points. In addition, they are not charged for scientific work, although, according to teachers, this type of activity reflects the degree of students' current knowledge much better.
It is assumed that the percentage of students who will not be able to enter residency will be quite high. From a theoretical point of view, only diligent students with a high level of knowledge and a certain work experience can count on obtaining specialization. However, how this innovation will be implemented in practice, only the time and first results of the work of the reform introduced by the Ministry will show.
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