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Students from all regions of the Russian Federation who graduate from grade 9 in the 2019-2020 academic year will take the Russian language as compulsory in oral and written format, so it’s worthwhile to find out now what innovations FIPI has prepared and how OGE 2020 will differ from GIA-9 of previous years .
the date of the
The final interview will take place in February 2020. Two additional attempts to gain admission to exams will be provided to 9th graders in March and early May.
Traditionally, GIA-9 will be divided into three periods:
- early (from 04/20/20 to 05/08/20);
- main (from May 25, 20 to July 1, 20);
- September retake (from 09/02/20 to 09/21/20).
Graduates from previous years, who in the 2018-2019 academic year failed to pass exams and get a certificate, will be able to pass the OGE before the end of the educational process as part of an early session. Also, ninth graders of the 2019-2020 academic year, who, for good reason, will not be able to attend exams on days allotted for the delivery of the Russian language in the main session, can also use this right. At the same time, one of the conditions for admission to the early GIA-9 is the successful development of the material of the 9th grade program and the "test" in speaking (February interview).
The main dates of the main period of OGE 2020 are already known. The preliminary schedule of exams and reserve days was announced in his speech by Sergey Kravtsov. According to this calendar, within the framework of the GIA-9 company of the 2019-2020 academic year, four dates are reserved for the delivery of the Russian language:
Main day | Reserve |
June 2, 2020 Tuesday | June 22, 2020 Monday |
June 23, 2020 Tuesday | |
July 1, 2020 Wednesday |
The final calendar of the OGE with the dates of the preliminary and autumn periods will be known in early November 2019.
Major changes
In 2020, the next reform of GIA-9 is coming, the main purpose of which is to draw parallels between the GEF program introduced in 2010 and the OIM KIMs.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, students who were the first stream of first-graders enrolled in the GEF program will go to grade 9. It is quite natural that the tasks in the tickets of the OGE for this category of students will differ from those that were proposed earlier.
But do not worry too much. When developing new KIMs, the principle of continuity was observed, and the questions of past years will be encountered in new tickets (perhaps some of them will be somewhat rephrased or modified). But the main focus of the new format exam will be made not on the quality of memorizing a dry theory, but on the skills acquired by students and the ability to put knowledge into practice.
Judging by the information provided by FIPI, OGE 2020 is becoming more and more similar in the USE format, so students in 9th grade will receive irreplaceable experience, because in 11th grade the Russian language will also be a compulsory discipline.
New format
So, let's move on to the details. What exactly will change in the coming year and what is necessary for schoolchildren to prepare for?
Since the testing of the oral part, launched in 2018, was more than successful, already in 2020 “speaking” will become a mandatory exam for all graduates of the 9th grade. At the same time, the oral and written parts of OGE 2020 in the Russian language will be held not only on different days, but also in different months.
Oral part
According to preliminary information, “speaking” in 2020, all ninth-graders will pass in February, as admission to the written part and other subjects of the GIA-9.
It is worth noting that for most Russian schoolchildren, speaking is not difficult. The exam format involves 4 fairly simple steps:
- expressive reading of the text aloud;
- retelling read material using a quote;
- building a monologue based on this plan;
- dialogue on a given topic.
The duration of the oral exam in the Russian language is only 15 minutes, and the answers of the examinees will be evaluated on the basis of the "offset" / "non-offset" system.
Speaking for 9th grade will be an analogue of the December essay, which is written by all 11th graders as an admission to the exam.
Writing part
In 2020, FIPI reduced the number of tasks in the written part to 9 (in 2019 there were 15), but this does not mean at all that it will become easier to pass Russian into the OGE. KIM will consist of 3 parts:
Part | Number of tasks | The essence of the task |
№ 1 | 1 PC. (No. 1) | summary (minimum 70 words) |
№ 2 | 7 pcs (No. 2-8) | analysis of text, sentences or single words |
№ 3 | 1 PC. (No. 9) | reasoning |
Task number 9 will remain alternative. This means that the examinees will be offered a choice of 3 statements, among which it will be necessary to choose only one for writing essay-reasoning.
Students are given 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) to complete the work.
During the execution of work it is allowed to use:
- orthographic dictionary;
- draft (everything that is written in the draft is not evaluated during the check).
We remind you that the use of any other additional materials at the OGE is strictly prohibited, as well as the use of any means of communication.
Not only the KIM format itself will change, but also the maximum possible number of primary points. According to the data provided by FIPI, the OGE 2020 participant who passes written Russian will be able to score 33 points (in 2019 there were 35):
Part | Points |
№1 | 7 |
№2 | 7 |
№3 | 9 |
All parts (for literacy and accuracy of speech) | 10 |
Total | 33 |
As you can see, the changes occurred only in the evaluation of the second block and this is due to a decrease in the number of tasks. From this we can conclude that the criteria for evaluating the presentation and essay-reasoning have not fundamentally changed.
All points scored by the examiner in 1.2 and 3 parts of the work are summarized and transferred to the school mark on the scale recommended by the FIPI or officially approved by the commission in a particular region of the Russian Federation.
More information about what awaits schoolchildren graduating from grade 9 in the 2019-2020 academic year at the OGE on the subject “Russian language” can be found by looking at the promising model presented on the FIPI website.
Also, the Institute of Pedagogical Measurements developed for 2020 a new table for converting test scores to the assessment:
The September period will be the last chance for those who receive one or two unsatisfactory marks. If this time the ninth grader does not overcome the minimum threshold, he will be able to pass the OGE only next year. Naturally, in this case, a document on education is not issued and there can be no talk of going to grade 10 or entering.
But do not worry, because such cases are extremely rare and most graduates successfully cope with the tasks of the OGE, as evidenced by statistics.
We also offer to watch a live broadcast dedicated to the reform of the United State Examination:
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And one more thing: what does it mean to attract ADDITIONAL material for retelling (this was heard in a webinar). The quote was and has remained, microthemes have been and have remained, what other additional material do the compilers have in mind?