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The satellite of our planet has long attracted the attention of people. The moon was deified, legends and myths about the origin of the world and the heroes of the past were associated with it, even the first calendar was precisely the moon, and not the sun. And now they attach special importance to the night luminary, which it deserves from a scientific point of view. Regarding cosmic values, the satellite is located close to the Earth and actively affects all its processes. Not only flora and fauna developed, learning to adapt to the volatile activity of the nearest celestial body, but also man.
New moon and the rising moon phase
The beginning of the satellite's passage through the sky is characterized by complete night darkness - this is the new moon. The luminary is not yet visible, but a new cycle of its movement around the planet has already begun. Usually, during this period, people often feel causeless weakness, headaches and other chronic diseases worsen. This is due to the fact that the metabolic processes of the body are gradually accelerated, for example, the kidneys begin to work more actively, which leads to a slight decrease in the fluid content in the body. For a healthy person, this fact will not play a role, but with deviations in the metabolic process, it can affect the general well-being.
The emergence of a young moon (thin sickle) begins a growing phase - it lasts a week. These days, creative breakthroughs usually occur, people regain emotional stability, restore relationships. The period is especially favorable for making plans for the near future, cutting hair or planting plants.
But physical strength and endurance are still in decline, so it is better to refuse active strength training. Especially for women, on whom the influence of the moon is usually reflected more strongly.
First quarter
From the 8th to the 15th day of the lunar month, the phase called the first quarter lasts. It was at this time that it was worth making useful contacts, establishing business relations, preparing documents for concluding contracts.
The higher the social activity of the individual, the better will go further work and personal relationships. For those who are in a quarrel, this is the most favorable period for reconciliation, as well as the beginning of new romantic stories.
The first quarter is the time when the Moon facilitates understanding between people, and their even emotional background and high mental activity make it possible to quickly solve problems, if any.
In ancient times, shamans on these days performed rituals associated with fertility, treatment of advanced diseases and attracting good luck. And now the first quarter of the moon is recognized as a good period for operations and medical procedures. Gardeners advise planting either on the growing moon, or in the first quarter.
Full moon and the third phase of the moon
The Earth’s satellite is the most powerful in the period when it is fully manifested in the sky. The full moon is the most mystical time in the cycle. It even visually has the strongest effect on humans, as evidenced by the use of the image of the full moon in poetry, prose and painting. But first of all, people with mental problems are subject to the influence of the full moon - their symptoms worsen:
- insomnia
- phobia
- Depression
- mania.
The likelihood of suicides, traffic accidents, thefts, conflicts, premature births, wounds opening increases. In the full moon, it is better not to carry out surgical operations, because at this time the blood coagulates worse.
It is recommended to avoid large crowds and alcohol consumption due to the psyche stimulating influence of the satellite. But herbalists know that in the full moon, many plants gain maximum strength, which means that it is necessary to collect them for further use in treatment and cosmetology. But it is not worth it to take up a landing or grafting; it is better to weed the garden and loosen the soil.
Excess energy can be spent on active physical training or trips to nature.
After the peak of activity, the moon begins to decrease, and after it the mental activity subsides. This time falls on the 16-22 day of the lunar month. This period is intended to complete the business. The ability to think harmoniously and to notice trifles returns to people, thanks to which there is an opportunity to put emphasis and correct defects.
Appetite also decreases, so the third phase of the moon is an ideal period for starting diets or therapeutic fasting. Gardeners consider this time especially favorable for planting root crops and bulbous plants.
Last quarter
23-30 days of the lunar month complete the path of the Earth's satellite in the sky. It is believed that during this period people minimally show their creative and creative potential. These are days of rest and recovery, attentive health care.
Immunity protects the body worse, so people get sick more often, sleep more, eat less. It is undesirable to assign the beginning of new projects or trips to the last quarter, with the exception of picnics and quiet walks. It is better to leave the sport in the form of yoga or swimming, strong loads can only hurt.
In a depleted state are also the mental reserves of human strength, so tantrums and breakdowns often occur. But open conflicts do not last long and quickly become obsolete, because no one has the desire to spend energy on them.
Gardening is not recommended, however, watering and feeding plants in the last quarter should be especially active. Treatment should be reduced to the correct regimen of the day and herbal decoctions, infusions and compresses, and radical medical intervention should be postponed.
The gradual fading of the moon is an appropriate period for short haircuts, as the hair will keep its shape for a long time and grow back slowly. It is also worth carrying out cosmetic procedures for the skin - nourishing masks and massages.
2020 Moon phases for months
In the table below, you can find the exact date of any phase of the moon's movement in a particular month Moscow time:
It is worth remembering that the periods of the transition of the Moon from one phase to another is the time of least stability in the mental and physiological state of a person. Therefore, they require special attention and increased caution.
See video about the influence of the moon on man:
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