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Around the Unified State Examination on history, the largest number of questions arises in the 2019-2020 academic year and we suggest figuring out whether the subject will be compulsory for 11th grade graduates, what changes are possible, whether the structure of KIMs will be preserved, when the test will pass (main and reserve dates), and how training should be organized to achieve the best result.
Mandatory subject or not?
Talk about the need to introduce a mandatory exam on the history of Russia in the framework of GIA-11 has been going on for quite some time. Both Vladimir Putin and the Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, have repeatedly accentuated the attention of the public on the fact that every citizen of Russia should know the history of his country.
Earlier, speaking at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Air Force, Olga Vasilyeva stated that graduates will take history as the third required subject as early as 2020.
Nevertheless, at the moment, everything suggests that in the 2019-2020 academic year, they do not plan to expand the block of compulsory subjects either in history or in English.
Analyzing the perspective models of KIM 2020 in history, we can conclude that the subject will remain among the disciplines of choice.
Recall that in 2019, the history in the ranking of the choice of applicants was placed only in 4th place:
A place | Elective subject | Number of participants |
1 | Social science | 385 000 |
2 | Physics | 174 000 |
3 | Biology | 160 000 |
4 | Story | 139 000 |
5 | Chemistry | 110 000 |
6 | Computer science | 100 000 |
7 | English language | 99 000 |
8 | Literature | 67 000 |
9 | Geography | 27 000 |
At the same time, only 9.2% of the students were able to get more than 80 points, and the average result for the subject was 55.3.
In 2020, a USE certificate in history will be necessary for everyone who plans to continue their studies at Russian universities in such areas as:
- story;
- regional studies;
- law;
- political science;
- archeology;
- Event - management;
- lockjaw;
- applied ethics;
- publishing;
- art history.
the date of the
Within preliminary session of the exam history will be handed over on such days:
- main - 04/06/20 (Monday);
- reserve - 04/08/20 (Wednesday).
Dates core exam session in the summer, voiced by Sergey Kravtsov:
Main date | Reserve |
June 4, 2020 (Thursday) | June 29, 2020 (Monday) |
July 3, 2020 (Friday) |
Please note that in the September broadcasts, you can correct the assessment only for compulsory subjects of the USE in 2020, and since the history exam is related to elective subjects, the last chance to correct the result will be July 3 - the date of the last retake of GIA-11 of the main period in all subjects.
2020 Exam
In the structure of KIM 2020 for the USE, no changes will occur in the USE, but the conditions for calculating primary points for completing task No. 25 will be revised.
Nevertheless, do not be mistaken about the complexity of the test, because for a high result, graduates need to possess a sufficiently large amount of information, such as:
- Important dates and periods
- historical events;
- biographies of individuals who influenced the course of history.
Format and regulations
Graduates who choose history in the 2019-2020 academic year as one of the disciplines of the State Automobile Administration, when preparing for the exam, can take such basic norms as the basis:
- test duration - 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes);
- the number of questions in KIM is 25;
- maximum score (primary) - 56 (in 2019 it was 55);
- the minimum result in the certificate for obtaining a certificate of education is 32;
- no additional materials.
CMM structure
The number of tasks and the general structure of the 2020 KIMs in history will not differ from 2019.
The ticket will traditionally consist of two parts:
Part | Number of questions | Feature |
І | 19 | Short answer |
ІІ | 6 | Detailed response |
Although there are 25 questions in the ticket on the story, sometimes they talk about 31 tasks, taking into account the criteria for evaluating the composition. Thus, out of 31 questions proposed by the examiner, 16 will be of the basic difficulty level, 8 - of the advanced, and 7 - of the high.
In the first part, 11th graders will meet a wide variety of tasks in which it will be necessary:
- demonstrate the knowledge of the theory by choosing pairs of concepts and their definitions, cultural monuments and their characteristics, etc .;
- restore the chronology of events;
- establish a correspondence between dates and historical events
- show the skill of working with historical sources and atlas.
In the second part, the examinees have to give a detailed answer to 5 questions, as well as write a short essay about one of the historical periods, indicating:
- main events, phenomena and processes;
- 2 personalities and their role in these events;
- the characteristic of each person through the prism of their deeds;
- at least 2 causal relationships between events that occurred in a given period;
- examination of historical facts and opinions of critics.
For correctly completed 25 USE history tasks in 2020, you can get 56 primary points (in 2019 there were 55), which will correspond to 100 certificate points.
At the same time, the following maximum thresholds were established for various questions of KIM:
Points | Questions |
1 | № 1, 4, 10, 13–15, 18,19 |
2 | № 2, 3, 5–9, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22 |
3 | № 11, 23 |
4 | № 24 |
12 | № 25 |
The answers of the first part, which must be entered in form No. 1, will be digitized and verified automatically, and questions No. 20-25 will be subject to expert verification. The second part of the work will be independently verified by 2 experts, and in the case of significant dimensions in the assessment, also the third expert.
Scoring for an essay will be carried out according to 7 criteria:
№ | Criterion | Maximum score |
1 | Event Indication | 2 |
2 | Personalities and their roles in history | 2 |
3 | Causality | 2 |
4 | Assessment of the impact of events on the history of Russia | 1 |
5 | The presence of theoretical terminology | 1 |
6 | Estimation of actual errors | 3 |
7 | Presentation form | 1 |
Please note that according to criteria No. 6 and No. 7, points are awarded only if, according to the results of checking the first 4 criteria, the examiner scored a total of at least 5 b.
For task No. 25 (essay), the experts will set “0” points for all criteria if:
- historical events are not indicated;
- these events do not apply to the selected time period;
Since the changes in the assessment of work affected only task No. 25 (now for criterion No. 6 you can get 3 bp as much as possible), the threshold score for overcoming the barrier “passed” / “did not pass” will remain at the same level and will be 32 b. Recall that "for the certificate" it is enough for the graduate to give 9 correct answers to the tasks of the 1st part.
Important! You can only appeal to the result of checking the 2nd part of the exam tests, which are checked by experts. Responsibility for the correct completion of form No. 1 rests with the examinee.
This means that if, due to incorrect filling of the form, the program does not recognize the answer (or recognizes it as incorrect), the organizers are not responsible and will not review the result of the automated check.
Statistics show that passing the exam on history by 90-100 points is not an easy task, but high-quality preparation will allow the graduate of 2020 to get as close to the desired mark (and possibly become one of the few 100 balloons of the upcoming school year).
Where to begin?
We offer the following preparation algorithm:
- Familiarization with the codifier and specifications developed by FIPI for 2020;
- According to the list of time periods covered by the exam, repeat the theoretical information.
- Practice on questions from the open FIPI database, working through each period individually.
- Improve writing skills on historical subjects.
- To solve the demo version of the Unified State Examination 2020 (as well as 2019).
In working out the theoretical material, a table of the main historical events will help you.
Do you need a tutor to prepare for the exam in the subject “history” depends on how well you know the material, remember new information and know how to organize effective self-study on your own. If possible, then the best solution is to prepare with an experienced tutor. Pay attention, not just with a school teacher, but with a person who knows and knows how to effectively prepare for the exam.
If this is not possible, look for useful materials on the network, as well as special publications developed by FIPI specifically to prepare for the exam. Online lessons will also be useful, in which a detailed analysis of writing an essay on a historical topic is presented.
We suggest you start preparing for the Unified State Examination 2020 right now by watching these training videos:
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