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Educator's Day in 2020 will be celebrated in all preschool institutions of the country. A professional holiday is known not only among kindergarten workers, but also parents of young children, because there is an opportunity to thank the nannies and teachers for their work, patience and wisdom.
The significance of this profession cannot be overestimated, since in a preschool institution a child acquires first knowledge and skills, undergoes adaptation in a social society, and acquires skills on which its further development and success depends.
When is celebrated and whom to congratulate
This is one of the few professional holidays with a fixed date. This is due to the fact that it is dedicated to an important historical event - the opening of the first kindergarten on the territory of modern Russia. This happened on September 27, 1863, at the initiative of Sophia Lyubibel, the wife of a famous professor.
Important! In 2020, Teacher's Day will traditionally be celebrated on September 27th.
The holiday is included in the official number, but it is not a day off. An exception is when it falls on Saturday or Sunday. In September 27, 2020 is Sunday, so educators will be able to celebrate the holiday at home, and will conduct various activities in kindergartens on Monday.
Since the holiday is officially called the Day of Preschool Education Workers, congratulations should be given not only to educators, but also to other people working in kindergartens. These include:
- nannies and assistants;
- psychologists;
- swimming instructors;
- music educators;
- choreographers;
- security officers;
- cooks and other kitchen workers;
- cleaners and others
All representatives of these professions are involved in the education of preschoolers or the creation of comfortable and safe conditions for their stay in an educational institution.
How did the day of the teacher
This professional holiday is considered to be young, since it was first celebrated in 2004. The initiators were the publishers of magazines for preschool educational institutions.
The main goal is to attract public attention to the childhood of the younger generation and the hard work of those who are raising children while their parents are at work. The idea was supported by the creators of educational programs, teachers and most parents. The appearance of the Day of Preschool Education Workers was preceded by the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the appearance of the first kindergarten, which was celebrated on September 27, 2003.
Initially, the holiday was celebrated only on a voluntary basis, but the situation changed in 2008. He began to be celebrated not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but also in other Russian cities, so activists turned to the authorities with a request for official status. In 2008, in all regions, the Day of Preschool Education Workers was celebrated at the federal level.
As noted
Since the holiday appeared recently, there are no established traditions yet. In many cities and villages, celebrations are held during which local authorities congratulate educators and other kindergarten employees on the occasion, celebrate the best specialists with diplomas, diplomas and awards, and give material gifts.
On this day in kindergartens conduct various events:
- concerts
- exhibitions of drawings or crafts;
- competition of musical or humorous numbers.
Interesting Facts
The first pre-school institutions appeared in Scotland in the 19th century, but they were called schools for small children.Over the years of their existence, many interesting facts have accumulated:
- The first kindergarten in the Russian Empire began its work in 1859 in the city of Helsingfors. Today it is the capital of Finland.
- The first city in modern Russia, in which a preschool institution appeared, was St. Petersburg.
- At first, only children from 3 years old were admitted to kindergartens. In 1959, the first nurseries were opened, in which it was possible to leave babies from 2 months.
- The first free kindergarten was opened in 1866. Before that, pre-schools were all paid.
In 2008, a social survey was conducted, during which it turned out that more than 80% of educators support the idea of creating a professional holiday.
We also offer a selection of beautiful video cards for the day of the teacher, in which there are beautiful poems with warm wishes:
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