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Annually, the Day of Happiness is celebrated at the same time - March 20. The same day is the day of the vernal equinox, when daylight is equal in duration to night. And such a coincidence is not accidental.
A bit of history
The initiator of the holiday was the kingdom of Bhutan. For a long time, the country's goal was not just improving the lives of citizens, but universal happiness. This state even got first place in the ranking with the happiest people on the planet. In 2012, Bhutan sent a proposal to the United Nations to create a new holiday - a day of happiness. And after considering the application, the holiday was approved.
The decision on the day of the celebration was made in the summer. However, March 20 was chosen as the date. The equinox, which also falls on this number, means equal rights for all citizens. And this is one of the attributes of a good life.
The first celebration was held on March 20, 2013. And since then the number has not changed, so the day of happiness in 2020 will pass without any changes.
Happiness index
Happiness does not seem to be the most suitable field for research. After all, each person represents him in his own way. However, scientists were able to derive a formula that helps to calculate the level of this emotion. And at the international level, their own standards for calculating the index are applied in most countries.
For example, according to the latest data, Denmark is the happiest country. The index is based on:
- crime rate;
- average per capita income;
- general state of the country's economy;
- life expectancy;
- state of ecology;
- opinions of the population about the standard of living.
Other factors that can influence how happy a country is can be highlighted. However, there is a concept for a specific person. And it can also be measured.
Happiness is not an income level or a cool car. This is a kind of internal assessment, which is based on thoughts and perceptions. A happy person has elevated levels of dopamine, endorphin and serotonin. These are the so-called hormones of happiness. They cause a feeling of euphoria. Although salary increases can also increase hormone levels, simpler things often lead to this: delicious food, a smile, and relaxation after a hard day's work.
Happiness Day is a very young holiday, so it has no traditions. The UN, which introduced the celebration itself, everywhere independently organizes a number of events:
- lectures;
- charity events;
- flash mobs;
- Exhibitions;
- master classes.
The list may be supplemented. The main binder for all events is the concept of joy and well-being. Seminar participants talk about how to improve their lives. Even if these are simple life hacks, how to get ready for a trip. After all, it is from such things that joy and happy self-awareness consist.
Charity events are held not only under the auspices of the UN, but also other organizations. The celebration is joined by the Red Cross, local charity foundations and other organizations that care about pressing issues. Indeed, poverty still remains a serious reason for reducing happy self-awareness for both one person and the whole country.
Features of the celebration in Russia
Happiness Day in 2020 in Russia falls on Friday. No one cancels workdays. This is the world practice - not to arrange a day off on minor and young holidays.Although citizens who are free can visit to join flash mobs and other events. In Russia, they are also organized by the UN. Most seminars or workshops take place only in large cities. The population of district centers or remote villages often does not even know about the existence of a holiday.
A feature of the holiday in Russia can be called an active congratulation on social networks. Russians love to maintain communication, even for petty reasons. Therefore, on March 20, they send virtual cards to each other.
While online greetings may seem insignificant, chatting with people often leads to increased dopamine levels. Therefore, even a couple of lines with wishes from a person who is not indifferent, fulfills its purpose. The recipient becomes a little happier.
It doesn’t matter at all what date Russia’s Happiness Day is in 2020. Although the UN has set a conditional date, I want to be happy every day, and not just on holidays. And for this you need to slightly change your thinking. Instead of chasing a modern ideal, you should look at your life. Perhaps a slim figure is good, but if exhausting training makes a person unhappy, it is worth adopting the philosophy of body positive.
In Bhutan, which offered a celebration, not the highest standard of living. But people accept themselves and the environment. It was such a philosophy that made people the happiest. Perhaps this practice should be adopted by the residents of Russia.
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