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Congratulate dear elderly people with Grandparents Day in Russia in 2020 at the end of October. On this family holiday, it is customary to give fresh flowers in a pot. Although you can please loved ones with nice gifts. The best present may be a joint pastime - going to the theater or a movie, a walk in the park, a city tour, dinner in a cafe, etc.
When will be in Russia
Few people know when there will be Grandparents Day in 2020, since the holiday is young and not yet popular enough. In Russia, it will be celebrated only for the 5th time. In some settlements, they did not even hear about him.
Important! In 2020, grandchildren can present congratulations to grandfathers and grandmothers on October 28.
The holiday has a fixed date, which does not change from year to year. While he is not included in the list of official holidays, although every year more and more of his fans appear. It is so nice to give gifts and prepare surprises for the elderly. Grandparents are often associated with the fondest memories of childhood, so the day dedicated to them is a good opportunity to give thanks and show respect for the older generation in the family.
In other countries
On October 28, a family holiday is celebrated in the Netherlands and most other countries. Although some countries have their own celebration dates:
- Poland - January 21-22;
- Mexico - August 28;
- Canada, Philippines, Puerto Rico - the second Sunday of September;
- Great Britain, South America - the first Sunday of October;
- Germany, Pakistan - the second Sunday of October;
- Italy - October 2, etc.
In some countries, holidays for grandparents are divided, and in France the older generation is honored three times a year.
A bit of history
Grandparents Day is believed to have appeared in Holland. In this country, tulips, roses and other flowers are grown. Farmers who are engaged in floriculture decided to hold an action - to give elderly people a flower in a pot. A living and flowering plant symbolizes the thirst for life and longevity. It is a symbol of the continuation of life, regardless of age, unlike cut flowers, which quickly fade and lose their beauty. In addition, plants have become a symbol of the connection between the older and younger generations (roots and flowers).
The action was supported by the public, and next year they decided to hold a holiday for the elderly who have grandchildren. In 2009, it was celebrated in 30 countries. The idea was supported in almost all European countries, although the date in each state set its own. In just a couple of years, the holiday spread beyond the continent. He began to celebrate in the United States, Canada, Australia.
Russia joined the celebration of International Grandmothers Day just a few years ago. For the first time, celebrations were held in the capital, although in just a year the idea of a family holiday for the elderly was supported in other Russian cities.
The main tradition of the holiday is to give elderly relatives potted flowers. When buying flowers, many people pay attention to their importance. For example, hibiscus symbolizes longevity, and geranium is a symbol of financial well-being.
Some families in Russia on Grandparents Day in 2020 will gather at the festive table. Sometimes grandmothers prepare sweet treats, and then they have tea with their children and grandchildren. On this day, the older generation is grateful for their work and education, warm words of congratulations.Often, the whole family gathers in close circle to see old photographs.
There is a tradition of organizing charity events for the elderly. In nursing homes, lonely retirees are often given flowers and gifts, organize concerts for them or conduct entertainment programs. Often, older people get discounts at shops, cinemas, pharmacies, and also arrange free exhibitions and excursions.
Interesting Facts
A lot of interesting facts are connected with the older generation. Here are some of them:
- The youngest grandmother in the world is the Romanian Rifka Stanescu. She is only 23 years old. She gave birth to a child at 5 years old. The title of the oldest grandmother went to the 122-year-old Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Kalman. She saw great-grandchildren until the sixth generation.
- Alexey Shapovalov is the record holder for the number of grandchildren. He has 13 children and 117 grandchildren, and another 33 great-grandchildren.
- According to the results of a social survey, it became known that grandchildren are more likely to treat their mother's parents rather than their father.
- It is believed that leaving children with a grandmother is safer than with a nanny, although the excessive vigilance of the older generation sometimes harms the children.
- In America, a 95-year-old grandfather made a parachute jump with his adult grandson.
See video about the holidays on October 28:
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