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Pension reform has been introduced in Russia, aimed at raising the retirement age and enshrined in Federal Law No. 350-FZ of 03/10/2018. The newly introduced retirement starts in 2019-2020, and then the boundary age will gradually increase until it reaches the established level. At the same time, the length of service and the size of the CPI, necessary for receiving a pension, increase, although a gradual increase in these indicators was approved even earlier.
Changes in pension legislation
Based on the results of legislative changes, the following standards have become effective:
- gradual raising of the retirement age to 65 years for men and 60 for women through an annual increase of 12 months;
- gradual increase in the required number of pension points (IPC) to 30;
- annual increase in minimum experience to 15 years.
Raising the retirement age will affect almost all citizens who have to take a well-deserved rest from the beginning of 2019. The changes will not affect existing pensioners and those who have this right before the end of 2018. There are some nuances of retiring in 2019-2020. So, during the second half of the first year and the first half of the second, the boundary age will increase not by 12, but only by 6 months.
The procedure for retirement in 2019-2020
The most painful extension of the able-bodied period was for people who were supposed to become pensioners in 2019. They were already mentally inclined to rest and receive insurance payments, so the delay in this moment became very unpleasant.
In this regard, “mitigation measures” were proposed and a special procedure for retiring in 2019-2020 was developed for citizens who were less than 24 months old before the new pension legislation came into force. The duration of additional mining for them is:
- 6 months - for those who planned to become a pensioner in 2019;
- 18 months - for those who, according to old standards, were supposed to retire in 2020.
For ease of understanding, the latest news on the retirement age in 2020 is presented in the table:
The date of retirement planned by the old law in 2019-2020 | Under the new legislation | ||
Duration of additional working hours (extension of working capacity) | Retirement age, women / men | release date | |
01–06.2019 | + 6 months | 55,5/60,5 | 07–12.2019 |
07–12.2019 | + 6 months | 55,5/60,5 | 01–06.2020 |
01–06.2020 | + 18 months | 56,5/61,5 | 07–12.2021 |
07–12.2020 | + 18 months | 56,5/61,5 | 01–06.2022 |
If you count by date of birth, then in 2019–2020, men and women born in 1959 and 1964, respectively, should become pensioners. The date of their descent for a well-deserved rest is shown in the table:
Women | Men | release date | |||
Date of Birth | Boundary age in a new way | Date of Birth | Boundary age in a new way | the old way | in a new way |
01–06.1964 | 55.5 | 01–06.1959 | 60.5 | 01–06.2019 | 07–12.2019 |
07–12.1964 | 55.5 | 07–12.1959 | 60.5 | 07–12.2019 | 01–06.2020 |
Thus, the main change in pension legislation for the next 2 years is that, on a common basis, retirement in 2019–2020 will be possible:
- in the I – II quarter of 2019 - for those who have the right to retire in 2018 under the old law (55 for women, 60 for men);
- in the III – IV quarter of 2019 - for those who, as before, had to go on a well-deserved rest in the I – II quarter of 2019, i.e. upon reaching 55.5 and 60.5 years, respectively;
- in the I – II quarter of 2020 - for those who have reached 55 or 60 in the III – IV quarter of 2019.
Further, the grace period with the extension of working capacity is not 12, but only 6 months ends. Therefore, from the third quarter of 2020, 18 months will be added up to the old boundary age in total.
For all women after 1968 and men after 1963, the age for retirement will be set in the final version stipulated by the new pension legislation. They will become pensioners strictly upon reaching 60 and 65 years respectively (without transitional norms).
All these changes are introduced by the pension reform and the procedure for entering an early pension, the right to which are:
- citizens working in the north-extreme regions;
- teachers, medical workers, representatives of some other professions who have the right to the so-called length of service.
Employees of the Arctic always went on a well-deserved rest 60 months earlier than the rest. This norm was preserved in the new law, but taking into account the corresponding phased increase in the boundary age.
Doctors or teachers could also apply for a pension earlier, but only after reaching the statutory work experience. Now they will have such a right in 6–60 months after the development of the necessary grace period (with an approved annual increase of 12 months after 2019–2020).
What experience is needed and how many points
Age is not the only criterion for retirement. In addition, you must have at least a minimum length of service and IPC (pension points). But changes to the new law affect only age, and the remaining conditions remain the same, since even earlier they began to rise annually.
So, in 2019, a potential pensioner should have 10 years of experience and 16.2 pension points. Retirement in 2020 requires 11 working years and at least 18.6 IPC. If the duration of labor activity is less than established by law, then upon reaching the age limit social pension payments are assigned. But if earlier, men after 65 and women after 60 had the right to it, then from 2019 a phased increase in this age by 6-60 months will also begin.
Since 2019, the benefit for workers with a long working experience will come into force. If men work 42 years, and women 37 years, then they can go on a well-deserved rest 24 months earlier than the established age. If there are not enough pension points, payments are not made out until the necessary indicators are achieved. Moreover, they grow annually, and with them the minimum indicators of age and length of service grow.
In any case, toughening the requirements for going on a well-deserved vacation each year complicates the processing of payments, which leads to a decrease in the number of new pensioners. But it was precisely to establish a balance between working citizens and pensioners that pension reform was implemented. In addition, authorities believe that such changes will increase the size of payments for existing pensioners. So, thanks to the reform, from 2019 it is planned to add 1,000 rubles to each of them, and by 2024 pensions should increase to 20,000 rubles.
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