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From 01.01.20, the Federal Law No. 4468-1 “On the Pension Provision of Persons who Have Performed Military Service ...” makes significant changes. Interested people want to know whether the size of military pensions will increase in 2020, or if the wording of the legislative act will not affect the amount of monetary allowance. The State Duma has been preparing for 3 years to completely cancel the provision of former employees. Will they have to live without the help of the state from the new year?
Last news
In May 2019, V.V. Putin canceled the so-called freezing of the growth of the decreasing coefficient (PC) to provide retired servicemen. Since 2012, it has grown by 2% annually. The amount of cash benefit depended on its size. Due to the coefficient, it was planned to increase the standard of living of retired people and reduce the expenditure of budget funds only by gradually increasing payments. In 2017, the State Duma decided to temporarily halt the growth of PCs.
That is, the 2020 military pensions will be increased already by 4% higher compared to 2019. The total PC for 2020 will be 75.15%. In addition, assistance to persons who have served in the army and other similar structures will be increased by another 3.8% due to indexation in accordance with the increase in wages. More than 600 billion rubles have already been allocated for this.
If PC freezing does not resume, retired pensioners will receive 100% of the salary due each month by 2035.
The indexation of wages and aid from the state to sergeants, ensigns and retired officers will follow the algorithm that is currently approved by the state. The opportunity to be in the civil service and to apply for pension assistance from there after years of service is retained.
Rumors have passed that the pensions granted to military pensioners in 2020 will be calculated using another, improved formula. However, V.V. Putin has denied this assumption.
In addition to the military pension, former military personnel are entitled to a second pension payment, according to the Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”. This applies to citizens who have insurance experience, which allows you to regularly receive this benefit. In 2020, in January, it is planned to index them by 6.6%, based on the Federal Law No. 350 “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts ...”. Retired servicemen will receive an increase in this payment only on condition that they do not work.
Who is eligible for promotion
According to the Federal Law No. 4468-1, the changes of which will come into force on January 1, 2020, the right to increase pension assistance is available to all citizens who were in the service in the following state structures:
- Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
- Rosguard;
- Ministry of Emergencies;
- FSB;
- Defense Department;
- Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- Fire Service;
- Drug control.
In addition to citizens themselves, their families or dependents claim to lose their breadwinner to raise pension payments.
When will increase
The military pension will not increase from January 1, 2020. The size of this allowance was already indexed in October 2019. The same situation will be with payments next year.
This practice allows you to save a little state budget. According to the President of the Russian Federation, indexing will be carried out according to the same algorithm in subsequent years until 2022. Although the head of state does not exclude a possible adjustment in the law.
How much will they raise
To find out how much pension will be increased for military pensioners in 2020, you need to multiply the amount of monetary allowance of a soldier of a certain rank by the growth coefficient and the indexation coefficient planned for the new year.
That is, the salary for the position is multiplied by 75.15% and 3.8%. This amount is the allowance of a soldier since October 2020. If you need to calculate the payment to pensioners from January 2020, then you need to multiply the amount of cash allowance by the indexation coefficient for 2019, equal to 1.43% and by PC, equal to 73.68%.
Additionally, allowances for length of service can be taken into account, that is, the formula for calculating pension assistance for October 2020 will look like this:
(Cash allowance + payment for length of service) x 75.15% x 3.8%.
When calculating the increase in the pension allowance of a soldier, the so-called incentive allowances (service in certain regions, participation in hostilities) are not taken into account.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is responsible for the payment of pensions to military personnel on the basis of legislative acts that have entered into force. However, regional authorities are not prohibited from setting additional allowances and other incentives if the budget allows.
So, in Moscow and the region they pay up to 17500 rubles to the so-called social standard. The only condition for the defender of the fatherland is to live and be registered in the capital and its region for 10 years. Sobyanin said that if possible, the surcharge will be saved in 2020 and subsequent years.
Pension assistance to defenders of the fatherland is not the last in the country's budget. About a third is spent only on ensuring a decent standard of living for former military personnel. But at the end of 2020, on the contrary, it is planned only to increase monetary allowances in order to support the development of the military industry.
About the growth of military pensions since 2020: video
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If PC freezing does not resume, retired pensioners will receive 100% of their salary every month by 2035 ....
If you do not understand, do not mislead others. 100% is not from the salary, but 100% (i.e., in full) of the pension that should have been received since January 1, 2012. And the pension depends on the rank, position and length of service.