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Information on reductions in private security planned for 2020 appeared in online media in July 2019. The authors reported on her planned re-subordination of riot police and renaming the company security. The main task of the support company will be round-the-clock patrolling of the routes, and the commandant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be directly responsible for the protection of buildings and objects at the post.
The authors of the reports referred to the data of the closed meeting held at the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The journalistic materials also indicated the departments, branches and directorates of extra-departmental security, which in 2020 were threatened with liquidation.
A few days later, the press service of the Russian Guard denied the news spread on the Internet and caused serious resonance. The message posted on the official website of the Russian Guard, says that the data presented in the publication are not true. There are no plans to dissolve private security, redistribution of powers, no. Similar issues were not discussed at departmental meetings - the authors of the article misled users.
Change is coming
Journalistic conclusions about the upcoming reform of the service have not yet been officially confirmed, but will not do without changes. They are mentioned in the Concept of development of private security, designed for 2018-2021 and beyond. The document says that to optimize the management of private security (HE) in 2020-2021, a geographically distributed centralized surveillance system is needed. It will allow you to instantly respond to incoming alarms at the district level.
In the period until 2021, and in the long term until 2025, it is planned to implement the following measures:
- prepare amendments to the law “On National Guard Troops” regarding delegation of authority to the Russian government to determine objects protected by the national guard;
- to develop a draft law "On security activities in the Russian Federation";
- to improve the requirements regarding anti-terrorist protection of protected objects.
Already reformed
The security unit has been reformed more than once. In the course of previous reorganizations, its structure changed, the number of employees decreased or increased, depending on the tasks performed and the number of protected objects.
The reorganization of private security in 2020 cannot be completely ruled out, given the poor situation in the Russian economy. The branch is fully financed from the budget, so the government will look for an opportunity to reduce costs. Experts believe that the reduction in staffing in HE departments is one of the measures to optimize government spending. Analysts note the specifics of the private security service - it is directly related to the security of a large number of state institutions and facilities of strategic importance.
Reduction of staffing, redistribution of powers and other rash actions can have negative consequences. One of them is the forced cooperation of enterprises and departments with private security firms. Will it be financially profitable and efficient? It is unlikely, because the services of private companies are more expensive than public ones.
Previous reductions and retrofits
The latest large-scale reorganization of private security, affecting the structure and specifics of the unit, took place in 2012. Then the reduction affected almost 40 thousand employees. In 2017-2018, the reform continued: about 3 thousand people lost jobs. The process also affected the re-equipment of the department - state security officers began to use new helmets and bulletproof vests, adopted special complexes for searching and neutralizing explosives.
Salary indexing
In 2020, employees of private security will receive increased wages. The increase in salaries will occur due to indexation. Indexing is planned annually, starting in the fall of 2019, and will be consistent with the official inflation rate. This means that by the end of this year, the salaries of employees of the unit will increase by an average of 4-4.5%. About the same amount they will increase in 2020.
When calculating the wages of employees of state security agencies, the following are taken into account:
- position;
- rank;
- work experience;
- benefits (if applicable);
- regional coefficient (it operates in areas with difficult and special living and working conditions).
Employees involved in guarding the most important buildings and institutions in Russia receive higher salaries. Most of these facilities are concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Some of the objects will be transferred
Earlier, the security department ensured the safety of state cultural and scientific institutions. In 2019, the government transferred the authority to protect many of these facilities to commercial entities. Next year, the transfer process will continue. According to preliminary information, scientific and public libraries, museums, dams and other hydraulic structures, state archives, real estate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be excluded from the list of protected buildings and structures.
These measures will allow the Russian government to save state budget funds. How significant the savings will be, financiers find it difficult to answer, because the modernization of the existing security system will entail an increase in the expenditure side.
In any case, we are not talking about the disbandment, serious reduction in the number of staff or the abolition of the security service. Federal officials who oversee the reform of the industry are confident that there will be enough work for government agencies even after reducing the number of supervised facilities.
In 2020, the reform will continue: it is possible that the HE will transfer the functions of other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
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