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The scholarship is a monetary allowance for students, which is aimed at supporting talented youth in the process of obtaining secondary and higher education. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the amount of payments will depend on state funding, which is announced in the budget law, as well as the decision of the board of the educational institution. The order for scholarships for the current academic year is usually published in universities in the fall. Nevertheless, the minimum size of payments in the country, and methods for their receipt, are already known.
Basic criteria for scholarships
Monetary incentives are primarily designed for students who demonstrate good results in the learning process. Also, it is provided to young people who belong to certain social groups and need financial assistance. A regular scholarship can be paid subject to the following basic conditions:
- the student is studying on a budget;
- he has no academic debt;
- he does not have a satisfactory rating.
The last two criteria are evaluated twice a year during the session. The number of budget places in universities is limited, and for some specialties it is not provided at all. For admission to the budget, the applicant must pass a competition, the conditions of which will differ depending on the educational institution and the specialty itself. Usually, a competition involves a high score on the exam, the successful completion of entrance examinations, and the presence of additional achievements (participation in competitions, writing scientific papers, etc.).
Scholarship Types
There are several main types of material assistance to students. They will differ in the following parameters:
- student category;
- amount of payments;
- type of financing.
The state monetary allowance is assigned to full-time students of the budgetary form of education. It involves the successful completion of entrance examinations, and in the future the student’s lack of academic arrears and marks “satisfactory” and lower (including “non-offset”).
Funds are awarded to all first-year students of the first semester who occupy budget places.
The procedure for calculating material assistance is regulated by the government of the Russian Federation on the basis of the planned budget. The administration of educational institutions reserves the right to independently form the amount of payments depending on their own financial policies and capabilities. At the state level, a minimum payment is provided below which a scholarship cannot be awarded to a student. In the 2019-2020 academic year, he is:
- 539 rubles - for educational institutions that provide secondary vocational education;
- 1484 rubles - for universities.
According to the decision of the university, the amount of material support can be increased for significant academic achievements. Increased scholarships can be awarded to excellent students, conference participants, authors of research papers and articles, activists, for sports achievements or creative successes.
Social material assistance is aimed at supporting certain categories of the population who need state subsidies.The social program is designed for education by representatives of vulnerable sections of the society who, for certain reasons, cannot independently pay for education. Such persons include:
The amount of social benefits can also be set by each educational institution independently, and cannot be lower than the norms adopted at the state level:
- 809 rubles - for educational institutions that provide secondary vocational education;
- 2227 rubles - for universities.
The social fund of an educational organization will differ depending on the amount of funding and the established parameters that determine the number of full-time students on a budgetary basis. By decision of the university council, the student may be assigned increased payments based on his personal achievements.
Social scholarship continues to be paid regardless of the student's academic achievement.
Government and Presidential
Additional motivation for students and graduate students are scholarships of the Government and the President of the Russian Federation. In the 2019-2020 academic year, their size will be:
- 2530 rubles - scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation;
- 1656 rubles - scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation.
These payments are appointed on a competitive basis. Applicants must meet certain criteria, which are evaluated by a special commission of the educational institution. A student can count on additional financial incentives if he compulsorily shows high academic achievements and has “excellent” and “good” marks for the entire period of study (while “excellent” should be at least 75% of the total number of marks).
Also, he must have one or more of the following achievements:
- winner or winner of specialized international or all-Russian Olympiads and competitions;
- author of a patent, invention or discovery;
- author of scientific articles in international or Russian scientometric publications;
- holder of an award or prize for the performance of scientific work;
- receiving a research grant;
- an active participant in conferences, seminars;
- an active participant in socially useful movements.
Other scholarships
In addition to basic material benefits, students can rely on the following types of subsidies:
- financial assistance for higher education for certain persons, which is appointed by the municipal authorities or local authorities;
- material support for the period of training provided by enterprises or commercial structures that are interested in providing education to their employees or other specified persons;
- scholarship to students of preparatory courses in federal universities.
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